
Validated Platforms


This page is still Work in Progress

This page provides a view on JOnAS validated platforms.

  • A platform is composed of an hardware description (Linux, Windows, ...) plus a JVM instance (OpenJDK, ...).
  • A validated platform is a platform that did a successful run for the jonas_tests/ module (See running JOnAS tests).
  • A page with detailed information (Database, RMI Protocol, ...) may be provided.

Additionally, a list of database validated with JOnAS is also provided.

Validated Platforms

Last update: 2021/02/16 17:46

LogoPlatformJOnAS VersionDetails
 debian-openlogo-50.png  Java HotSpot 5.0 + Linux Debian (squeeze/sid) (*)5.1.6Details
 ubuntu-logo-150x150-64x64.gif  Java HotSpot 6.0 + Linux Ubuntu (Natty Narwhal)5.1.6TDC
 Azul-Signature-Logo-60x65.jpg  Azul Systems Zing 4.0 + RHEL 5.5 (k 2.6.12)5.1.6Details

Validated Databases

LogoDatabase name/versionJOnAS version(s)
 Oracle-Database-Logo.png Oracle (versions ???) 5.1.6
 posgresql-32x32_1.gifPosgreSQL (versions ???) 5.1.6
 hsql-logo.jpegHyperSQL (versions ???)5.1.6


  • (*) Indicates a Java EE certified version
  • Logo (if any) should not excess 60x60 pixels
  • Detailed pages have to be in the ValidatedPlatforms XWiki space