Versions Archeology
22 October 2008: JOnAS 4.10.3 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_10_3)
- Components upgrade
- Joram 5.1.0
- monolog 2.1.11
- carol 2.2.13
- New features
- Improved EJB monitoring
- Improve EAR/WAR deployment to fix successive deployments issue on Windows
- Add -argclient option to jclient
- JonasAdmin: Enable to upload a file into the autoload directory
- Using CMI patch that Handles exception thrown on cmi access while the server is stopping
- JonasAdmin, implement 310770 feature request concerning DMQ support
- Bugs fixed
- 310384 310317 310917 310903 310832 310768 311286 311242
21 May 2008: JOnAS 4.9.2 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_9_2)
- JMX security
- Authentication & authorization are supported now:
- For authentication, standard Java methods (access files, etc.) as well as standard LoginModules (JOnAS provides MemoryRealm, Database, LDAP, etc.) can be used.
- Authorization can be set based on user names or user roles.
- Authentication & authorization are supported now:
- Domain management enhancements
- Cluster daemon configuration: a user command can be specified for starting/stopping) the JOnAS instances.
- Domain configuration: dynamic changes from jonasAdmin console in the domain topology (new server definition, server modification, ...) can be persisted in the domain.xml file (save button).
- Clustering enhancements
- JMS clustering: queue load-balancing at the client side, topic cluster rebuild support, howto doc update.
- Components upgrade
- Tomcat 5.5.26: security updates and bug fixes (see
- Joram 4.3.32
- Monolog 2.1.10
- Cmi 1.3.14
- Bugs fixed
- 306372 306412 306569 307121 307239 307542 307554 307846 308209 308311 308355 308530 308534 308535 308628 308700 308727
12 July 2007: JOnAS 4.8.6 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_8_6)
- Maintenance version
- Bug fixes
02 April 2007: JOnAS 4.8.5 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_8_5)
- Maintenance version
- Bug fixes
08 December 2006: JOnAS 4.8.4 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_8_4)
- New components versions: see the VERSIONS file
- Clustering
- SFSB EJB replication framework enhancements (for transaction consistency when EB are involved)
- Remote control of JOnAS instances (start/stop) through Cluster Daemon
- Dynamic clustering: automatic update of the client view of a cluster state
- New version of JGroups ( fixing some bugs
- Cluster Management
- Distributed view of the CMI registry (display servers where an EJB is deployed)
- jonas command enhancement to support deployment on any node of a domain
- cluster monitoring within jonasAdmin
- start/stop servers of a domain
- automatic discovery and display of physical cluster (mod_jk clusters, http HA clusters, cmi clusters, ejb HA clusters)
- tree view of clusters topology with monitoring info
- newjc cluster configuration tool enhancement
- FDF (Fractal Deployment Framework), deployment tool to install/uninstall JOnAS, and deploy/undeploy, start/stop applications on a set of nodes
- New JORAM version (4.3.22) supporting the JORAM HA mode through the resource adapter. A new JMS clustering how to document is provided in the JOnAS documentation. Enhancement of JORAM management from jonasAdmin
- Thread Management Framework: tool for threads monitoring within JOnAS
19 October 2006: JOnAS 4.7.7 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_7_7)
- Bug fixes
04 August 2006: JOnAS 4.7.6 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_7_6)
- Bug fixes
10 July 2006: JOnAS 4.7.5 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_7_5)
- Bug fixes
22 May 2006: JOnAS 4.7.4 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_7_4)
- New components versions: see the VERSIONS file
- Clustering
- Failover at the RMI level is completed by providing stateful session beans replication
- CMI enhancements
- Load balancing at the business method of stateless session beans available
- New version of JGroups, v2.2.9 (better perf, MBeans accessible from JonasAdmin). JGroups configurability (unicast/multicast)
- Management
- Cluster Management: create a cluster, add/suppress a JOnAS server in a cluster, deploy on a cluster
- Domain topology available in domain.xml config file
- Ability to test a JDBC connection from JonasAdmin
- Refactoring of the Discovery service
- Software components versions may be displayed in JonasAdmin (e.g. versions of Tomcat, Joram, Carol, ...)
- EJB Container
- Hard limits for entity bean max-cache-size
- Persistent Timer completed
- Stateless singleton feature, one instance for all stateless, a "singleton" flag in DD for stateless session beans (necessary for SFSB business method level load balancing)
- Availability of the last version of EasyBeans, the EJB3 container
- Misc:
- Optimization in the DBM prepared Statement Cache
- createjonasbase task enhancement to specify https ports
- Documentation for Web Services
- Bugs fixed:
301017 303656 303677 303678 303983 304254 304276 304370 304393 304416 304422 304524 304569 304577 304610 304631 304632 304636 304668 304670 304702 304715 304750 304790 304835 303383 303848 304232 304534 304590 304849 304858 304922 100493 303363 304347 304598 304901 304931 304970 305023 305028 305031 305033 305046 304628 300387 300882 304208 304510 304880 304940 305191 305227
2 January 2006: JOnAS 4.6.6 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_6_6)
- New components versions: see the VERSIONS file of the release
- Classloader extension mechanism added in JONAS_BASE
- Web Services enhancements
- specified URL prefix for WS endpoint
- Easy customization of the URL endpoints for webservices
- Ws-Security integrated, web service sample updated
- Integration of Scout (Apache JAXR impl) as a ResourceAdapter, and removal of JAXR-RI and dependencies (JAXB RI)
- JOnAS scripts (.bat and .sh) updated
- Auto redeployment feature completed with Web Services aspects: Wsgen is now automatically applied on all deployed modules (wsclient EJB sample updated to show that GenIC and WsGen are no more needed in the build scripts)
- JonasAdmin enhancements: allow to save deployed RARs configuration, allow editing deployable RARs, enhanced Joram administration.
- New locking-policies for entity beans: container-read-write, and CST
- Persistent Timers
- Enterprise Media Beans support
- Prototype of Jimys, a cluster monitoring tool, is available in the JOnAS download area
- Prototype of Dolphin, a JSR88 compliant deployment tool, is available in the ISHMAEL download area
- Bugs fixed:
303988 304143 304093 304037 304107 304022 304184 304070 304110 303393 300942 303701 303968 304124 303715 304073 304096 304044 304030 304031 304014 303937 304032 304182 304033 304052 304034 304035 304059 303852 303982 304046 304039 300355 304160 303366 300484 303668 303921 300379 100265 303765 303655 304302 304301 304286 304075 304153 304309 304189 303819 304340 304341 304378 304379 304404
- Features implemented: 304013 304108 304028
19 August 2005: JOnAS 4.5.3 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_5_3)
- New components versions: see the VERSIONS file of the release
- new JORAM version (with new MBean for additional management features)
- Domain Management : deployment at the domain level available in JonasAdmin
- Enhance JSR88 support
- add Pseudo JSR77 MBeans for Jetty
- CMI Refactoring (works with JORAM)
- Web Services Management features (based on WSABI, included in JonasAdmin, visibility of deployed web services)
- Web Services Security can be set for EJB endpoints
- Performance improvements (some optimization have been done, + new CMI, + new JORM/MEDOR)
- Stateful Session Bean passivation
- newjc tool (automate JONAS_BASEs creation for JOnAS clusters)
- Update Classpath Mail jars
- Latest official Axis (1.2.1)
- New sample showing Hibernate usage in JOnAS
- WsGen has been updated
- Documentation improvements
- Bug fixes
16 June 2005: JOnAS 4.4.2 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_4_2)
- New components versions: see the VERSIONS file of the release
- Domain Management (New service: Discovery)
- Automatic generation of container classes (automatic call to GenIC when loading a module with no or out of date container classes)
- Tomcat 5.5 integration
- GenIC performance enhancement (Use of fast rmic by default)
- New RMI protocol: Classpath RMI/JRMP implementation
- Latest Axis CVS snapshot integration (Axis 1.2 +), EWS 1.0
- JacORB CVS snaphot integration
- JDBC RA connection monitoring (now same level as for the DBM service)
- New JORAM version (with enhanced management features)
- Recovery Support (JOTM)
- Web Service Endpoints for MEJB (to be noted that mejb.jar is replaced by mejb.ear)
- Integration of ClassPath implementation of JAF (instead of Sun RI)
- Integrated Firewall support
- Clustering
- New documents (for using Enhydra Director, mod_jk, C-JDBC, ...)
- New version of CMI
- New example (sampleCluster2)
- LIMIT feature in the EJB-QL query langage (for hsqldb, postgres, mysql, oracle)
- Documentation improvements
- Bug fixes
31 May 2005: JOnAS 4.3.5 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_3_5)
- Bug fixes
1st April 2005: JOnAS 4.3.4 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_3_4)
- This is the first stable JOnAS version J2EE 1.4 certified
- New components versions: joram 4.1.5, medor 1.4.4, speedo 1.2.1, carol 1.8.9, jeremie 4.2, jotm 2.0.8, ishmael 0.1.6, xdoclet 1.2.2, Jetty 5.1.2, mx4j 3.0.1, hsqldb
- It includes the JacORB ORB for IIOP support
- Documentation improvements (incl. 2 new howtos about xdoclet and firewall)
- Bug fixes
14 January 2005: JOnAS 4.2.3 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_2_3)
- New components versions: joram 4.1.3, medor 1.4.3, jorm 2.4.3, speedo 1.2.1, carol 1.8.4, jeremie 4.1, jotm 2.0.1, a new version of "xdoclet for JOnAS", Tomcat 5.0.30, Jetty 5.1.1, mx4j 2.1.0, hsqldb, Axis 1.2RC2
- Management console enhancements (e.g. bugs fixing, ability to list JNDI names in the different registries started by a multi-protocol JOnAS, ...)
- New container optimization, read-only entity beans
- Documentation improvements (e.g. two new documents about JMX MBeans management and manipulation)
- GenIC speed improvement (first phase, work is still going on)
- a new example: olstore
- 96 Bug fixes !
1 October 2004: JOnAS 4.1.4 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_1_4)
- Versions of CAROL (1.8.2), JORAM (4.1), JOTM (1.5.10), MONOLOG(1.8.3), TOMCAT (5.0.28), Jetty (5.0.0), Axis (1.2-beta3), Hsqldb (, Struts (1.2.4)
- Jars in $JONAS_ROOT/lib have moved to new locations (depending on the ClassLoader where they live)
- The type of the return value for the EJBQL aggregate functions SUM, AVG and COUNT has changed
- The dbm service management has been enhanced with many new monitoring attributes (not yet in the JDBC resource adapter)
- New howto document on the JSR 160 support (Remote JMX) and updated howto on MC4J use
- Bugs fixing.
24 September 2004: JOnAS 3.3.9 (cvs tag: JONAS_3_3_9)
- Maintenance version
- Dbm service enhancements for connections pools management (incl. adding the capability to tune the time to wait for an available connection)
- Bug fixed in jonas.bat
7 July 2004: JOnAS 4.1.2 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_1_2)
- Versions of CAROL (1.8.1), JORAM (4.0.4), JOTM (1.5.6), MONOLOG( 1.8.1), Jetty (5.0.RC2), Hsqldb (1.7.2RC6d)
- Bugs fixing.
4 June 2004: JOnAS 4.1 (cvs tag: JONAS_4_1)
- J2EE 1.4 support: EJB 2.1, J2EE CA 1.5 (+ JORAM Connector), Tomcat 5 / Jetty 5, J2EE Management (MEJB, JMX 1.2), JACC 1.0.
- JOTM Integration
- New classloader hierarchy
- Tools ClassLoader (with velocity, digester, compilers and generators),
- Apps Classloader (root of applications and for standalone resource adapters)
- and Commons ClassLoader (parent of the two previous ones).
- jrmp/jeremie/iiop simultaneously supported (no more conflict between jeremie and rmi/iiop)
- A new JOnAS service (db) embeds a lightweight 100% Java Database,
hsqldb. This service is activated by default and JOnAS examples are configured to run with this database (thus no additional configuration is needed to run the examples after JOnAS installation).
- JavaDoc and Documentation now packaged as web applications in webapps/autoload/ directory
- default http port numbers are now in the range 9000 - 9999
- use of XML schemas instead of DTDs for J2EE 1.4 descriptors (Web, Connector, Client, Ear, Ejb)
- I18n class which allows internationalization of JOnAS messages in different languages
CMP2: java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp now stored as a 'Date' in the DB
- New <jndi-local-name> tag in the JOnAS deployment descriptor to be able to specify the JNDI name of a Local Home
- JMX server: suppression of Sun RI, use of MX4J (2.0.1) by default
- ANT tasks for starting and deploying onto JOnAS (examples in the JONAS_ROOT/build.xml and serverdeploy ANT task implemented)
- Versions of CAROL (1.8), SPEEDO (1.0.1), JORM (2.2.11), MEDOR (1.3.0b1), JORAM (4.0.3), JEREMIE (4.0), JOTM (1.5.4d), MONOLOG( 1.8), TOMCAT (5.0.25), Jetty (5.0.RC1), Axis (1.2-beta), MX4J (2.0.1), Hsqldb (1.7.2RC6b), Struts (1.1), Velocity (1.4), P6Spy (1.3)
- Bugs fixing.
8 March 2004: JOnAS 3.3.6 (cvs tag: jonas-3-3-6)
- New versions of CAROL (1.6), SPEEDO (1.0), JORM (2.2.8), MEDOR (1.2.12), JORAM (3.7.1)
- More optimizations in the ejb container
- Deployment of Web Modules on any virtual host, not only in default host
- Bug fixes (JMS Object de-serialization pb fixed, Not Null Foreign Keys allowed in DB with CMP2, CAROL allows standard use of Initialcontext with hashtable arg, reduced memory print at JOnAS start up, ...)
14 January 2004: JOnAS 3.3.5 (cvs tag: jonas-3-3-5)
- Choice among 4 transaction isolation policies
- Optimizations in the ejb container
- New monolog 1.7.1 for optimized performance
- Procedure to run JOnAS as a WIN32 service
- Types java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp stored as "Date" instead of blob in database (CMP2)
- New versions of CAROL (1.5.8), SPEEDO (, JORM (2.2.6), MEDOR (1.2.11), Jonathan (3.1)
- Bug fixes (including memory leak fix)
30 September 2003: JOnAS 3.3 (cvs tag: jonas-3-3)
- Web Services endpoint and client deployment support has been added, conforming to J2EE 1.4
- a WebServices JOnAS service is provided, on top of AXIS
- new Deployment Desc (for webservices.xml) : package jonas_ws
- EjbJar and Webapp Deployment Desc modified, new DTDs
- Integration of a JDBC Resource Adapter (J2EE Connector Architecture compliant), that may replace the JOnAS DBM service for integrating JDBC drivers, it provides PreparedStatements pooling
- First JDO support by integrating the open source JDO implementation from ObjectWeb, SPEEDO (, and its associated J2EE Resource Adapter; an example using JDO is provided
- First Timer Service integration (EJB 2.1 API)
- The EJB 2.0 CMP, implemented on top of JORM/MEDOR, has been enhanced to support some missing EJB-QL statements (ORDER BY, IS EMPTY, IS NOT EMPTY, CONCAT, MEMBER OF)
- The JonasAdmin new management GUI is now complete, integrating Tomcat management, providing automatic tree refresh, it now replaces Jadmin
- New security features:
- JAAS realm for Tomcat and Jetty
- authentication with client certificate
- CRLLoginModule login module for certificate revocation
- "run-as" implementation
- Support of exploded ear files
- The size of Client.jar has been reduced
- A new version of PetStore is integrated (with Web Services)
- Enhanced documentation
- New versions of CAROL (1.5.5), JORAM (3.6.2), JORM (2.1), MEDOR (1.2.6), Monolog (1.6.3), Javamail (1.3.1), Xerces (2.5.0).
2 July 2003: JOnAS 3.2 (cvs tag: jonas-3-2)
- CAROL 1.5 communication framework integration: JOnAS now provides support for both RMI/IIOP, RMI/JRMP, JEREMIE and CMI (cluster protocol). EJBs may be deployed for several protocols simultaneously. See the «Configuring the Communication Protocol and JNDI» section of the Configuration Guide for details
- Integration of JORM 2.0.3 and MEDOR 1.2.4: CMP2.0 has been enhanced to support the mapping of CMP2 beans on existing relational databases. See the «Using CMP2 Persistence» guide in the JOnAS documentation
- Client Container
- a new management console (jonasAdmin) is provided with a new multi-window GUI
- new security features: JAAS authentication with login modules and callback handlers, unification of JOnAS users and Tomcat/Jetty users management within a single file jonas-realm.xml (users/password/roles may be stored in file, database or ldap)
- Clustering: the Tomcat-Replication module improves the HTTP level failover, and clustering at the EJB level is provided. See the «Clustering with JOnAS» document
- the Resource service has been enhanced to support loading RAR files packaged within EAR files
- the JOnAS registry now supports structured JNDI names
- enhanced monitoring (stateless session beans and MDB pools, JMS, connection pools)
- Plugins for Eclipse (JOPE) and JBuilder (Kelly) are available on the ObjectWeb forge
- New examples: web services (NewWorldCruises), JAAS authentication, clustering
- interoperability with other application servers and CORBA has been tested and documented.
25 April 2003: JOnAS 3.1 (cvs tag: jonas-3-1)
- Introduction of JOnAS_BASE
- used for configuring several instances of JOnAS from a same installation (JONAS_ROOT)
- JONAS_BASE replaces CATALINA_BASE when JOnAS is used with Tomcat
- JONAS_ROOT/config renamed JONAS_ROOT/conf
- new rules for searching configuration files (JONAS_BASE first)
- Configuration through the administration console (jadmin) can be made persistent
- Enhanced Tomcat integration:
- server.xml, tomcat-users.xml and web.xml in JONAS_ROOT and JONAS_BASE
- Realms for JOnAS/Tomcat MemoryRealm, UserDatabaseRealm, JNDIRealm, JDBCRealm
- ability to load webapps packaged as directories, not as war files (works also with Jetty)
- configurable classloader delegation policy
- JOnAS-Tomcat and JOnAS-Jetty packagings
- packages that embed JOnAS and Tomcat or JOnAS and Jetty
- pre-built RMI and JEREMIE libraries
- compiled and ready to run examples with RMI
- a ROOT context with links towards examples and admin tools
- Joram 3.4.1 integration, including
- supports JMS 1.1 (unification of APIs for queues and topics)
- support of SOAP as JMS client/server communication protocol
- hierarchical structured topics
- Axis integration in JOnAS-Tomcat and JOnAS-Jetty packagings (with examples for exposing EJBs as Web Services)
- CMP 2.0: ejbSelect and cascade delete implemented, EJB-QL support improvements
- Tomcat and Jetty deprecated services suppressed
- Support of ANT 1.5.2
- Integration of Xerces 2.4
- Upgrade MX4J to version 1.1.1
- Structured naming for java:comp/env
- XDoclet example
4 March 2003: JOnAS 3.0 (cvs tag: jonas-3-0)
- CMP: automatic generation of PK support (for Integer primary keys) in cmp1.x and cmp2.x
- JORM version: 1.2.2
- MEDOR version: 1.1.2
- Enhanced resource service (JCA):
- support for a jonas-ra.xml file instead of a properties file to configure connectors and pooling
- ability to distinguish connectors configured with NoTransaction, LocalTransaction and XATransaction support
- autodeployment of connectors
- replaced the RaXml2Prop utility with RaConfig utility
- Jetty support as web container service
- Support of Tomcat 4.1 family for the web container service
- Monolog version: 1.5.7 (Rolling files support)
- New documentation:
- howto "Integrating Jetty and JOnAS"
- tests results for JOnAS 3.0.
- updated howto on "Clustering" (including HTTP session failover)
6 February 2003: JOnAS 3.0 beta0 (cvs tag: jonas-3-0-beta0)
- CMP2.0 implemented on top of JORM/MEDOR
- JORM version: 1.1
- MEDOR version: 1.1
- Direct calls to monolog in jonas_xxx modules
- Simplification of
- jndi_name now optional for entity beans
- Jonathan version: 3.0 alpha9
- Joram version: 3.0.4
- Monolog version: 1.5.5
- Customization of contexts in server.xml taken into account by the Web container
- Support of an extensible properties set for Mail service configuration
- Jadmin mail service enhancement to allow read/update of configuration properties
- The failure of an EJB container creation does not prevent anymore the JOnAS server to start
19 December 2002: JOnAS CVS repository has moved!
The JOnAS CVS repository is now hosted by the ObjectWeb Forge. The new CVSROOT to use is: The old CVS repository is no more available.
18 December 2002: JOnAS 2.6.4 (cvs tag: jonas-2-6-4)
- Support of an extensible set of properties for configuring the Mail service
- Jadmin enhancement for displaying/updating configuration properties of the Mail service
- Autodeployment can be specified by directory (autoload)
- XTRA_CLASSPATH used to pass new jar files in the jonas class loader
- Bug fixes (in connector)
18 December 2002: JOnAS 2.5.4 (cvs tag: jonas-2-5-4)
- New version of Monolog, 1.5.7
- Bug fixes
28 October 2002: JOnAS 2.6.1 (cvs tag: jonas-2-6-1)
- Fix performance issues that appeared with jonas 2.6 (includes a new JOnAS install phase for packaging optimization)
- Deployment from xml depl. desc. (unpacked beans) possible (as in jonas 2.5)
- Possibility to use the MX4J JMX server in the JOnAS Management service, and to use the MC4J JMX console
- New version of Monolog, 1.5.5
- New version of Jonathan, 3.0 alpha 9
- Bug fixes
30 September 2002: JOnAS 2.6 (cvs tag: jonas-2-6)
- JOnAS becomes a J2EE platform by the introduction of three new services listed below
- "web container service" for deploying J2EE compliant web components
- "mail service" used by J2EE components for sending/receiving e-mails
- "ear service" for deploying J2EE applications packaged in EAR files
- a new command, jonas, for both starting, halting and administering a server
- dynamic choice of the ORB to use (rmi, jeremie or david)
- Jetty as a JOnAS service (new version, manageable through Jadmin)
- new organisation for jar files
- no more Makefiles
- use of ANT 1.5 with a JOnAS ejbjar task
- an howto for configuring a cluster of JOnAS servers with Apache/Tomcat/Mod_jk
- Tomcat 4.0.1 no more supported
- bug fixes
9 August 2002: JOnAS 2.5.3 (cvs tag: jonas-2-5-3)
This version is a pre-release and may be unstable.
- New JOnAS service for Jetty
- New Jonathan version 3.0 alpha 8 (allowing hot deployment with JEREMIE)
- New script "jonas" (unix only) for both launching/stopping/administering the server
- Bug fixes
12 July 2002: JOnAS 2.5.2 (cvs tag: jonas-2-5-2)
This version is a pre-release and may be unstable.
- Hot deployment OK with RMI
- Joram/Jonas works well with Joram persistent mode (messages are not lost if server crashes)
- More JUnit tests
- Bug fixes
9 July 2002: JOnAS 2.5.1 (cvs tag: jonas-2-5-1)
This version is a pre-release and may be unstable.
- JOnAS can be compiled with JDK 1.4 classes
- New Jonathan version 3.0.a7
- New Joram version 3.0.4
- More JUnit tests
- Bug fixes
6 June 2002: JOnAS 2.5 (cvs tag: jonas-2-5)
- New container design for EJB2.0: support for local interfaces and EJBHome methods
- ejb-link support (within the same ejb-jar file)
- GenIC rewriting using the Jakarta Velocity Template Engine
- NewBean rewriting
- JAdmin redesign
- Use of EJB2.0 ejb.jar and EJB2.0 DTD final releases
- Tomcat 3.3.x or Tomcat 4.0.x integrated as a JOnAS service
- New JORAM 3.0.3 version
- Use of ObjectWeb Monolog API for JOnAS Server traces
- Open sourcing of the Tests Suite
- Bug fixes
20 March 2002: JOnAS 2.4.4 (cvs tag: jonas-2-4-4)
- Tomcat 3.3a integrated as a JOnAS service,
- The Registry is a new JOnAS service (thanks to LibeLIS for both services),
- Use of Ant,
- New JORAM 3.0 version,
- Module jonas_jms rewritten for improvement for connections, threading and scalability,
- Integration of the Jonathan: 3.0 beta 5 version,
- New tutorials and documentation.
- Integration of several contributions relative to:
- performance optimization
- new scripts
- Bugs fixes
5 December 2001: JOnAS 2.4.3 (cvs tag: jonas-2-4-3)
This version is a pre-release and may be unstable. It is the last before switch to EJB2.0 final release API (and DTD 2.0).
- Rewritting and restructuration of part of the JMS integration code
(jonas_jms) for cleaner interfaces and bug correction.
- Better scalability for Message-driven beans.
- Bugs fixed for RMI-IIOP.
- Possibility to use a JAVA_OPTS variable to configure the JVM when running EJBServer.
- Possibility to use a new version of the JDBC database manager from Lutris.
27 November 2001: JOnAS 2.4.2 (cvs tag: jonas-2-4-2)
This version is a pre-release and may be unstable.
- Replacement of Castor by Zeus version beta 3.1 for xml processing.
- Use of Ant for building JOnAS and JOnAS examples.
- Enhancement of the Demo alarm.
- Code has been slightly restructured for easiest integration with Enhydra.
- Minor bug fixes and minor evolutions.
- Contribution of Nico Hoogervorst for CMP entity bean fields: Support for java.math.BigInteger and avoid cast exceptions with rs.getObject().
- Use of instead of Lutris AVS,
- Use of a specific classloader for ejbjars avoiding problems if META-INF/ejb-jar.xml files are accessible through the classpath.
16 October 2001: JOnAS 2.4 (cvs tag: jonas-2-4)
- JMX Management (with a servlet based GUI: Jadmin).
- JCA Support.
- JOnAS Services (possibility to launch services to be run together with the EJB server, and to be used by EJB applications).
- Message Selectors (for JMS based components).
- Enhanced Deployment Facilities (jars directory and collocated registry).
- Entity Beans Caching and Pooling (shared flag).
- Enhanced Documentation.
22 May 2001: JOnAS 2.3 (cvs tag: jonas-2-3)
- Message Driven Bean support.
- Integration of JMS Service.
- Improved configuration and installation procedure.
- Container managed transaction isolation.
- Better support of entity Beans reentrance and multithreading.
22 February 2001: JOnAS 2.2.7 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2-7)
- New version of Jonathan 2.0.5 (fix a little bug about session bean remove).
- New Castor version used (for xml parser): castor 8.11.
- CreateException and RemoveException can now be caught in client.
30 January 2001: JOnAS 2.2.6 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2-6)
- Fix 2 bugs about the propagation of the transactional context.
- JOnAS works now on Novell's JVM.
- One different classloader per container.
Christmas version (21 December 2000): JOnAS 2.2.4 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2-4)
- Fix a pb of memory leak with Jeremie.
- Fix pb thread number in Jeremie.
- New Jonathan/Jeremie package (Jonathan 2.0.4).
- ejb-ref functionality in deployment descriptors.
December 2000: JOnAS 2.2.2 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2-2)
- Bug fixed in JMS.
- Bugs fixed in new DataBase Manager.
November 2000: JOnAS 2.2.1 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2-1)
- Source structure changed (no more build directory).
- Bug fixed: pb "mixed transactions" in multithreading.
- New Jonathan/Jeremie package (jonathan 2.0.2). This version fixes a bug in multithreading.
- Security works with RMI.
- The JORAM JMS implementation now delivered with JOnAS.
November 2000: JOnAS 2.2 (cvs tag: jonas-2-2)
- A new DataBase manager can be used in JOnAS. This component has been developed by Lutris people and is used both by Enhydra and JOnAS. See for more information on this new database manager. As soon as the property "datasource.factory" is set to a value different from "none", this new database manager will be used in place of the older one. Note that this new DBM is a beta version that must be improved.
- First integration of JMS.
- New Jonathan/Jeremie package (jonathan 2.0.1). This version fixes a bug about big objects.
- Minor bugs fixed.
October 2000: JOnAS 2.1.1 (cvs tag: jonas-2-1-1)
- New Jonathan/Jeremie package (Jonathan 2.0). This version fixes a bug about big objects.
- Javadoc is OK (was not good in JOnAS 2.1).
- 2 bugs fixed in the generated classes.
- Some bugs fixed in BeanDeployer.
- Passivation timeout for entity beans configurable.
- Default transaction timeout configurable.
September 2000: JOnAS 2.1 (cvs tag: jonas-2-1)
- New graphical tool for deployment: BeanDeployer.
- Scalability improved (pools of instances).
- Basic security features have been introduced.
- Several containers in the server (one by ejb-jar).
- Generated classes are re-architectured and renamed.
- Lazy instantiation for finder methods.
- Services have been introduced to ease integration of JOnAS with Enhydra.
Several intermediate versions and tags: jonas-2-0-1, jonas-2-0-2, jonas-2-0-3, jonas-2-0-4
10 April 2000 : JOnAS 2.0 available (cvs tag : jonas-2-0)
JOnAS 2.0 supports the EJB1.1 specification:
- Deployment descriptors that are part of the ejb-jar file must be provided in XML, and respect the EJB1.1 DTD
- Primary keys that map to a single field in the entity bean class are supported; the use of entity beans with a deferred primary key type specification is supported.
- For container-managed transaction demarcation, the transaction attribute "never" is supported.
- the enterprise bean's environment is accessed via the JNDI naming context java:comp/env.
- resource manager connection factory references are supported.
- the environment naming context replaces the EJB 1.0 concept of environment properties, but JOnAS supports the two styles (EJBContext.getEnvironment() may also be used).
- the user transaction interface is available to session beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation in JNDI under the name java:com/UserTransaction. The user transaction interface is still available to a java client in JNDI under the name javax.transaction.UserTransaction.
- javax.ejb.EJBException is supported.
- Support for distribution: a new version of Jeremie is provided with the standard distribution : Jeremie 2.0 beta 4. This version is now faster than standard rmi, particularly on colocated inter-beans calls.
- Other: the AdmServer administration tool is replaced by JonasAdmin tool. This tool has the same fonctionalities than the previous one, plus an interactive mode.
- Deprecated: the old-style JOnAS deployment descriptors are no more supported. The GenDD and CheckEJB tools doesn't exist anymore.
- What is available in the download area:
- JOnAS 2.0 binary version for JDK 1.2 (java 2) and EJB 1.1.
- Source code for JOnAS 2.0 version.
- JOnAS 1.5 binary version for JDK 1.1 and EJB 1.0.
Note: the distribution does not contain the javax.ejb package anymore; This packaged needs to be downloaded separately (see the Installation Guide present in the distribution).
10 February 2000 : JOnAS 1.6.1 available
What is new in JOnAS 1.6.1:
- PortableRemoteObject.narrow is now implemented, in conformance with EJB1.1 See examples provided with the jonas distribution.
- The JDBC connection pool can be configured with the files. See the jdbc.* properties in for more information. The values provided in this file are the default values, ok for a typical usage.
- EJB1.1 std interface classes are provided inside the jonas.jar file, since it was not so easy to find them on the Sun site.
- All reference to JDK 1.1 have been removed inside the source code since jonas works now on JDK1.2 or newer version only (but still not tested against JDK1.3).
- Now is included in the version the javadoc and the classes for Jeremie RMI (it was an omission in JOnAS 1.6).
- New FAQ.
7 January 2000 : JOnAS 1.6 available
This version is available only for JDK 1.2 (as Java 2 is now available for Linux we have decided to stop developments for JDK 1.1). The jonas 1.5 version is still available for those who want it anyway.
Main evolutions in this new version:
- JOnAS can be used now either on the standard RMI, or on the Jonathan ORB via Jeremie that provides an RMI_like programming style. This is a first beta version of Jeremie that must be improved. To test JOnAS with Jeremie, you must download the JOnAS source package and recompile it for Jeremie. The "Ready to use" version of JOnAS is designed for the standard RMI. More informations on Jonathan here.
- A new script shell has been added: newbean. It eases the creation of all the necessary files to create a new bean.
- The exception handling in the jonas server has been reviewed : a correct rollback is done in all cases of exception described by the EJB1.1 specification, and the exception is now correctly returned to the client.
- The management of the JDBC connection pool has been improved, thanks to a contribution of Markus Fritz: connection pooling made thread safe; a "max age" is introduced for connections; the connection pooling has been improved.
Not included in this version: We plan to provide full EJB 1.1 support (including XML support for deployment descriptors) with a next JOnAS version. We are also focusing on performance improvements. Don't hesitate to contribute enhancements to JOnAS. We will do our best to integrate them as quickly as possible
27 October 1999 : JOnAS 1.5 available
JOnAS CVS-tree is available.
7 September 1999 : JOnAS 1.4 avalaible
Two variants of JOnAS 1.4 (with corresponding source code) are available at the Bull Soft site:
- JOnAS version 1.4 for Java 2 (JDK 1.2) and EJB 1.1
- JOnAS version 1.4 for Java 1 (JDK 1.1.x) and EJB 1.0 (the selection is done after filling the download questionnaire)
The support of EJB1.1 is uncomplete (XML and security notsupported). These new versions include correction of all known bugs and some of the received contributions. Please look at the version documentation (README, installl, etc.) for more infos. We were not able to include all received contributions in this new version in order not to delay it (we plan to include them in a coming version) The FAQ has still to be updated and improved. We are also working on a new web server (including CVS and mailing list archives).
24-25 June 1999 : Conference Linux and free software in Tokyo
Public announcement of JOnAS open source initiative.
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