
JOnAS 5.x Stable Releases

OW2 JOnAS (5.3.0)

This version is the latest release of the JOnAS 5.3.x branch.

JOnAS is based on an OSGiTM kernel (Apache Felix) and provides a full Java EETM 5 execution stack plus some Java EE 6TM previews (JPA 2.0, CDI, ...), supporting EJB3 with OW2 EasyBeans container, Servlet with Tomcat 7 or Jetty 8, JAX-WS with CXF 2, JAX-RS 1.1 with Jersey, etc.

This release is JavaEETM 6 Web Profile certified.

Please follow New and noteworthy and Getting Started.

Reports issues on the JIRA instance

Sources can be retrieved on the SVN forge with tag JONAS_5_3_0

JOnAS 5.x Milestone Releases

OW2 JOnAS(5.3.0-RC1)

This version is the latest release of the JOnAS 5.3.x branch.

JOnAS is based on an OSGiTM kernel (Apache Felix) and provides a full Java EETM 5 execution stack plus some Java EE 6TM previews (JPA 2.0, CDI, ...), supporting EJB3 with OW2 EasyBeans container, Servlet with Tomcat 6/7 or Jetty 6/8, JAX-WS with CXF 2, JAX-RS 1.1 with Jersey, etc.

Please follow the Getting Started.

Sources can be retrieved on the SVN forge with tag JONAS_5_3_0_RC1

Reports issues on the JIRA instance

JOnAS-Camel Releases

JOnAS-Camel(1.7.0) full package

This version is the latest release of the JOnAS-Camel OSGi platform.

JOnAS-Camel enhances JOnAS v5.3.0 with the Apache Camel framework v2.10.5. The provided package embeds both JOnAS and the Camel extension, moreover adds the "camel" service to the services list in It is also bundled with very simple route examples demonstrating how the JOnAS - Camel integration works (OSGi service usage, registry XMLs, etc.).

Please follow the guides on the JOnAS - Camel page.

Reports issues on the JIRA instance

JOnAS-Camel(1.7.0) extension

This version is the latest release of the JOnAS-Camel OSGi extension.

JOnAS-Camel enhances JOnAS v5.3.0 with the Apache Camel framework v2.10.5. The extension must be deployed on an existing JOnAS 5.2 instance.

Please follow the guides on the JOnAS - Camel page.

Reports issues on the JIRA instance

JOnAS/Camel Plugin v1.7.0
JOnAS/Camel Plugin v1.7.0

Source package of JOnAS-Camel (1.7.0)

Developers or advanced users can use this source version which provides ready-to-use Maven2 projects allowing to create the binary jar files, javadoc, etc.
Please follow the build guide

JOnAS/Camel Source v1.7.0
JOnAS/Camel Source v1.7.0

JOnAS 4.x Stable Releases

JOnAS (4.10.9) / Apache Tomcat (5.5.28)

This version provides a full J2EE application server. It includes the Apache Tomcat web container.

This release is J2EETM 1.4 certified.

Please follow the Installation Guide

JOnAS (4.10.9) / Jetty (5.1.10)

This version provides a full J2EE application server. It includes the Jetty web container.
Please follow the Installation Guide

JOnAS (4.10.9) / without web container

This package is provided without web container. It can be linked to an existing Tomcat or Jetty installation.
Please follow the Installation Guide

JOnAS (4.10.9) / Source Package

Developers or advanced users can use this source version which provides ready-to-use ant tasks allowing to create the binary jar files, javadoc, etc.
Please follow the Compile Guide

JOnAS certification

Current JOnAS 5.3.x certified release: 5.3.0 (jonas-full-5.3.0-bin.tar.gz with Tomcat 7.0.39 and CXF)

JavaTM Compliance Information: the certification of compliance against Sun JavaEETM 6 Web Profile Certification Test Suite has been successfully completed for (and only for) the following configuration: binary package (jonas-full-5.3.0-bin.tar.gz running on Sun JDKTM 1.6.0_31, deployed on Debian GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.26 with a PostgreSQL 8.4.9.

Current JOnAS 5.2.x certified release: 5.2.4 (jonas-full-5.2.4-bin.tar.gz with Tomcat 6.0.35 and CXF)

JavaTM Compliance Information: the certification of compliance against Sun JavaEETM 5 Certification Test Suite has been successfully completed for (and only for) the following configuration: binary package (jonas-full-5.2.4-bin.tar.gz running on Sun JDKTM 1.6.0_17, deployed on Debian GNU/Linux kernel 2.6.26 with a PostgreSQL 8.3.7.

Current JOnAS 4.x certified release: 4.10.9 (jonas4.10.9-tomcat5.5.28.tgz)

JavaTM Compliance Information: the certification of compliance against Sun J2EETM 1.4 Certification Test Suite has been successfully completed for (and only for) the following configuration: binary package (jonas4.10.9-tomcat5.5.28.tgz running on Sun JDKTM 1.4.2_13, deployed on Linux kernel 2.6.9 with an OracleTM database version and JDBCTM driver i-net ORANXOTM version 2.08.


Source code corresponding to the certifies releases are available under LGPL license from OW2 JOnAS SVN repository with the tags JONAS_5_3_0 and JONAS_4_10_9. Please note that redistribution of JOnAS certified binary package is subject to licencing of Java trademarks. See


Available packages

Releases of the Java Open Application Server (JOnAS) are also available from the OW2 Forge file repository page. The latest JOnAS milestone build (latest tagged version) can also be downloaded; be careful, this version may be unstable and should not be used for real applications. Note that the SVN version is needed to get the latest current development release.

Nightly builds

JOnAS nightly builds are available from the OW2 Maven Repository.

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Older resources can be downloaded on the OW2 Forge.