Services Architecture

Services Architecture

The goal of this working group is to define and implement the new JO2nAS services architecture, based on OSGi (JOnAS 5 approach) and PKU Service Integration Framework. Details on the JOnAS 5 architecture specification and progress status may be found here on the JOnAS wiki.


Guillaume SauthierBullGuillaume.Sauthier at
Zhang YifeiPKUzhangyf05 at
Xiao ZanPKUxiaozan05 at


Guillaume is currently implementing the JOnAS 5 architecture on top of OSGi: JOnAS application code has been splitted into independant modules representing technical services that will be packaged into bundles, he also has extracted the list of services interfaces that will allow to easily replace one service implementation by another (this complies to the Service Integration Framework). Yifei is working on the transactionnal service interface. These interfaces will also be packaged into an OSGi bundle and committed on the week 5-9 March. These interfaces mainly satisfy the current JOnAS services requirements, PKU will check these interfaces and complement them so that they also fit additional requirements (like PKUAS ones). For bundlisation and activators creation of the defined services, a choice of technology is required: ipojo, declarative service, spring osgi, ... A study has been conducted the first half of April by PKU, result is available here. Discussing PKU EJB2-3 container integration within JO2nAS (TCK).

Meeting August 8th: Yifei Hang and Yan Li should help moving JOnAS 5.0 M1 on top of OSGi. They should also discuss the use of Ipojo. JOnAS 5.0 M3 (on OSGi) in October should be the basis of JO2nAS, and should be ready for the visit of Bull JOnAS team to PKU and CVICSE. Also Yifei will finish his work about transaction service with Philippe Durieux.