Research on the Measurement of Open Source Eco-System

Research on the Measurement of Open Source Eco-System

Research Direction

     Distributed Software Development Statistics and Analysis


Xiujuan MaPKUmaxj07 at
Fei DengPKUdengfei08 at
Leon XiePKUleonxj at


Based on the historical data of the Open Source Software projects, we will carry out our research around how the open source ecosystem form and evolve, in the hope of exploring the "Best Practice" in the Open Source Software development. Key technical roadmap is:

  1. Set up a data center for Open Source projects.
    • Using mirror command, net spiders, to mirror the code repositories and extract issues in the issue tracking systems and maillist archives. 
    • To provide some web pages for remote access these data. 
    • To provide some interfaces to show the results during the research to view and exchange ideas. 
    • If necessary, to contribute this data center. 
  2. Mainly focus on three questions below, examine how the open source ecosystem form and evolve.
    • How does the commercial support impact OSS? 
    • How does the architecture of an OSS evolve? 
    • How does the branches of an OSS project evolve?