Uses of Class

Packages that use AbsElement

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.client.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.client.xml
 class ApplicationClient
          This class defines the implementation of the element application-client
 class JonasClient
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-client

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.clusterd.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.clusterd.xml
 class Discovery

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.common.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.common.xml
 class AbsDescriptionElement
          This class defines an abstract implementation for all statndard environment element (entity, session, web-app, application-client, etc.)..
 class AbsEnvironmentElement
          This class defines an abstract implementation for all environment element Entity, Session, WebApp, Application-client elements must extend this class
 class AbsJonasEnvironmentElement
          This class defines an abstract implementation for all jonas environment element (jonas-entity, jonas-session, jonas-web-app, jonas-client, etc.).
 class AbsJonasParam
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-param
 class EjbLocalRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-local-ref.
 class EjbRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-ref.
 class EnvEntry
          This class defines the implementation of the element env-entry.
 class Handler
          This class defines the implementation of the element handler.
 class InitParam
          This class defines the implementation of the element init-param
 class JonasCallProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
 class JonasEjbRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-ejb-ref.
 class JonasMessageDestination
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-destination.
 class JonasMessageDestinationRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-destination-ref.
 class JonasParam
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
 class JonasPortComponentRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-port-component-ref.
 class JonasResource
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-resource.
 class JonasResourceEnv
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-resource-env.
 class JonasServiceRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-service-ref.
 class JonasStubProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
 class MessageDestination
          This class defines the implementation of the element message-destination.
 class MessageDestinationRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element message-destination-ref.
 class PersistenceUnitRef
          This class defines the implementation of the persistence-unit-ref XML element.
 class PortComponentRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element port-component-ref.
 class Qname
          This class defines an implementation for a QName It is use by Soap-Header or Service-qname
 class ResourceEnvRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element resource-env-ref.
 class ResourceRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element resource-ref.
 class RunAs
          This class defines the implementation of the element run-as
 class SecurityRoleRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-role-ref
 class ServiceRef
          This class defines the implementation of the element service-ref.

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.domain.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.domain.xml
 class Cluster
 class ClusterDaemon
          Cluster Daemon configuration element
 class Domain
          This class defines the implementation of the domain
 class Location
 class Server
          JOnAS instance

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.ear.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.ear.xml
 class Application
          This class defines the implementation of the element application
 class JonasApplication
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-application
 class JonasSecurity
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-security
 class Module
          This class defines the implementation of the element module
 class SecurityRole
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-role
 class SecurityRoleMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-role-mapping.
 class Web
          This class defines the implementation of the element web

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.ejb.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.ejb.xml
 class ActivationConfig
          This class defines the implementation of the element activation-config
 class ActivationConfigProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element activation-config-property
 class AsContextMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element as-context
 class AssemblyDescriptor
          This class defines the implementation of the element assembly-descriptor
 class CmpField
          This class defines the implementation of the element cmp-field
 class CmpFieldJdbcMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element cmp-field-jdbc-mapping
 class CmrField
          This class defines the implementation of the element cmr-field
 class CommonEjb
          This class defines the implementation of the element session
 class ContainerTransaction
          This class defines the implementation of the element container-transaction
 class EjbJar
          This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-jar
 class EjbRelation
          This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-relation
 class EjbRelationshipRole
          This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-relationship-role
 class EnterpriseBeans
          This class defines the implementation of the element enterprise-beans
 class Entity
          This class defines the implementation of the element entity
 class ExcludeList
          This class defines the implementation of the element exclude-list
 class FinderMethodJdbcMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element finder-method-jdbc-mapping
 class ForeignKeyJdbcMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element foreign-key-jdbc-mapping
 class IorSecurityConfigMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element ior-security-config-mapping
 class JdbcMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element jdbc-mapping
 class JonasCommonEjb
          This interface provides to the value of Xml elements common for jonas-session/jonas-entity/jonas-mdb
 class JonasEjbJar
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-ejb-jar
 class JonasEjbRelation
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-ejb-relation
 class JonasEjbRelationshipRole
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-ejb-relationship-role
 class JonasEntity
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-entity
 class JonasInitParam
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
 class JonasMessageDriven
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-driven
 class JonasMessageDrivenDestination
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-driven-destination
 class JonasMethod
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-method
 class JonasRunAsMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-run-as-mapping It defines mapping between principal and list of roles
 class JonasSession
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-session
 class MessageDriven
          This class defines the implementation of the element message-driven
 class MessageDrivenDestination
          This class defines the implementation of the element message-driven-destination
 class Method
          This class defines the implementation of the element method
 class MethodParams
          This class defines the implementation of the element method-params
 class MethodPermission
          This class defines the implementation of the element method-permission
 class Query
          This class defines the implementation of the element query
 class QueryMethod
          This class defines the implementation of the element query-method
 class RelationshipRoleSource
          This class defines the implementation of the element relationship-role-source
 class Relationships
          This class defines the implementation of the element relationships
 class SasContextMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element sas-context
 class SecurityIdentity
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-identity
 class Session
          This class defines the implementation of the element session
 class TransportConfigMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element transport-config
 class UseCallerIdentity
          This class defines the implementation of the element use-caller-identity

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.rar.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.rar.xml
 class Activationspec
          This class defines the implementation of the element activationspec
 class Adminobject
          This class defines the implementation of the element adminobject
 class AuthenticationMechanism
          This class defines the implementation of the element authentication-mechanism
 class ConfigProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element config-property
 class ConnectionDefinition
          This class defines the implementation of the element connection-definition
 class Connector
          This class defines the implementation of the element connector
 class Icon
          This class defines the implementation of the element icon
 class InboundResourceadapter
          This class defines the implementation of the element inboundResourceadapter
 class JdbcConnParams
          This class defines the implementation of the element jdbc-conn-params
 class JonasActivationspec
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-activationspec
 class JonasAdminobject
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-adminobject
 class JonasConfigProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-config-property
 class JonasConnectionDefinition
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-connection-definition
 class JonasConnector
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-connector
 class JonasSecurityMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-security-mapping
 class License
          This class defines the implementation of the element license
 class Messageadapter
          This class defines the implementation of the element messageadapter
 class Messagelistener
          This class defines the implementation of the element messagelistener
 class OutboundResourceadapter
          This class defines the implementation of the element outbound-resourceadapter
 class PoolParams
          This class defines the implementation of the element pool-params
 class RequiredConfigProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element required-config-property
 class Resourceadapter
          This class defines the implementation of the element resourceadapter
 class SecurityEntry
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-entry
 class SecurityPermission
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-permission
 class TmConfigProperty
          This class defines the implementation of the element tm-config-property
 class TmParams
          This class defines the implementation of the element tm-params

Uses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.web.xml

Subclasses of AbsElement in org.ow2.jonas.deployment.web.xml
 class AuthConstraint
          This class defines the implementation of the element auth-constraint
 class JonasServlet
          This class defines the implementation of the servlet element.
 class JonasWebApp
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-web-app.
 class SecurityConstraint
          This class defines the implementation of the element security-constraint
 class Servlet
          This class defines the implementation of the element servlet Don't take into account nested element : icon, display-name, description, init-param, load-on-startup, run-as and security-role-ref Which are optional (web container implentation will parse it)
 class ServletMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element servlet-mapping
 class UserDataConstraint
          This class defines the implementation of the element user-data-constraint
 class WebApp
          This class defines the implementation of the element web-app.
 class WebResourceCollection
          This class defines the implementation of the element web-resource-collection

Uses of AbsElement in

Subclasses of AbsElement in
 class JavaWsdlMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element java-wsdl-mapping
 class JavaXmlTypeMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element java-xml-type-mapping
 class JonasPortComponent
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-webservice-description
 class JonasWebserviceDescription
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-webservice-description
 class JonasWebservices
          This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-webservices
 class PackageMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element package-mapping
 class PortComponent
          This class defines the implementation of the element port-component (use here the common handler object defined in jonas-lib, even if there is no "port-name" in our case)
 class ServiceImplBean
          This class defines the implementation of the element service-impl-bean
 class VariableMapping
          This class defines the implementation of the element variable-mapping
 class WebserviceDescription
          This class defines the implementation of the element webservice-description
 class Webservices
          This class defines the implementation of the element webservices

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