Package org.ow2.jonas.deployment.common.xml

Interface Summary
DescriptionGroupXml This interface provides to the value of Xml element of a DescritionGroup
Element This class defines the interface that all Element objects must use.
JndiEnvRefsGroupXml This interface provides to the value of Xml elements of a JndiEnvRefsGroup
JonasJndiEnvRefsGroupXml This interface provides to the value of Xml elements of a JonasJndiEnvRefsGroup
TopLevelElement This class defines the interface that all root Element objects must use.

Class Summary
AbsDescriptionElement This class defines an abstract implementation for all statndard environment element (entity, session, web-app, application-client, etc.)..
AbsElement This class defines the implementation of the interface Element.
AbsEnvironmentElement This class defines an abstract implementation for all environment element Entity, Session, WebApp, Application-client elements must extend this class
AbsJonasEnvironmentElement This class defines an abstract implementation for all jonas environment element (jonas-entity, jonas-session, jonas-web-app, jonas-client, etc.).
AbsJonasParam This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-param
EjbLocalRef This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-local-ref.
EjbRef This class defines the implementation of the element ejb-ref.
EnvEntry This class defines the implementation of the element env-entry.
Handler This class defines the implementation of the element handler.
Icon This class defines the implementation of the element icon.
InitParam This class defines the implementation of the element init-param
JLinkedList This class defines a linked list with the ability to display its content in XML.
JonasCallProperty This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
JonasEjbRef This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-ejb-ref.
JonasInitParam This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
JonasMessageDestination This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-destination.
JonasMessageDestinationRef This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-message-destination-ref.
JonasParam This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
JonasPortComponentRef This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-port-component-ref.
JonasResource This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-resource.
JonasResourceEnv This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-resource-env.
JonasServiceRef This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-service-ref.
JonasStubProperty This class defines the implementation of the element jonas-init-param
MessageDestination This class defines the implementation of the element message-destination.
MessageDestinationRef This class defines the implementation of the element message-destination-ref.
PersistenceUnitRef This class defines the implementation of the persistence-unit-ref XML element.
PortComponentRef This class defines the implementation of the element port-component-ref.
Qname This class defines an implementation for a QName It is use by Soap-Header or Service-qname
ResourceEnvRef This class defines the implementation of the element resource-env-ref.
ResourceRef This class defines the implementation of the element resource-ref.
RunAs This class defines the implementation of the element run-as
SecurityRole This class defines the implementation of the element security-role
SecurityRoleRef This class defines the implementation of the element security-role-ref
ServiceRef This class defines the implementation of the element service-ref.

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