JOnAS 5.1 RC2 available

Apr 15 2009

Dear JOnAS enthusiasts

A new Release Candidate of the development branch JOnAS 5.1 is available: JOnAS 5.1.0 RC2.

This release is available on the JOnAS Downloads page or with a JNLP installer.

JOnAS 5.1.0-RC2 is distributed as a set of OSGi TM bundles that are deployed on top of the Apache Felix gateway.

Some information can be found on the New and noteworthy and the Getting Started.

Components upgrade

  • OW2 Spec (1.0.2)
  • OW2 EasyBeans (1.1.0-RC2_JONAS)
  • OW2 Utils (1.0.16)
  • OW2 CMI (2.1.3)
  • OW2 Carol (3.0.5)
  • Apache CXF (2.0.9)
  • Apache Felix (1.4.1)

New features

  • Support secured web context creation for secured EJB exposed as web services.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix bug in newjb and newjc scripts: validargs Ant property must end with a comma
  • #313522, #313507, #CMI-17

Best Regards, JOnAS Team