A new Milestone of the development branch JOnAS 5.1 is available: JOnAS 5.1.0 M1.
This release is available on the http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Downloads">download page or with a http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/download/Main/Downloads/jonas-installer.jnlp">JNLP installer.
JOnAS 5.1.0M1 is distributed as a set of OSGiTM bundles that are deployed on top of the http://felix.apache.org">Apache Felix gateway.
Some information can be found on the http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/News/JOnAS_5_1_0_M1">New and noteworthy and the http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/GettingStartedJOnAS5">Getting Started.
- Services
- New 'jaxws' service for JAX-WS support
- Components upgrade
- http://www.easybeans.net" class="external" title="http://www.easybeans.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 EasyBeans (1.1.0.M1)
- OW2 Utils (1.0.9)
- http://cmi.ow2.org" class="external" title="http://cmi.ow2.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 CMI (2.0.10)
- http://carol.ow2.org" class="external" title="http://carol.ow2.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 Carol (3.0)
- http://joram.ow2.org" class="external" title="http://joram.ow2.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 JORAM (5.1.0a)
- http://tomcat.apache.org" class="external" title="http://tomcat.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache Tomcat (6.0.18)
- http://cxf.apache.org" class="external" title="http://cxf.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache CXF (2.0.7)
- http://felix.apache.org" class="external" title="http://felix.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache Felix (1.0.3)
- http://www.hibernate.org" class="external" title="http://www.hibernate.org" rel="nofollow">Hibernate (core:3.3.1.GA, entitymanager:3.4.0.GA)
- lib/ext/✶.jar auto bundlization
- Each library found in this folder will be transformed into an OSGi bundle (Export everything, DynamicImport-Package *).
- Note that it is better to customize the import/export of your library and not use this default mechanism.
- Ease JDBC drivers usage for example
- Client side injection (@EJB or @Resource can be put in the client class launched by the Client Container)
- EJB3/OSGi Advanced usage
- EJB3s packaged as bundles now have there business interfaces registered as OSGi services
- EJB3s services supports the ManagedService interface (ConfigurationAdmin) for service's properties modifications
- JonasAdmin console allows service life-cycle management (stop/start button in the Services page).
New features:
Deployment Plans
- XML files that describe a succession of resources (local or remote) that must be deployed in the given order.
- Support of three repository types: URL, Maven2 and OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository)
- URL can simply be a directory (local or remote) where deployable artifacts can be found
- Maven2 describes a http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Repository+Layout+-+Final" class="external" title="http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVEN/Repository Layout - Final" rel="nofollow">Maven2 structured repository
- OBR describes an http://www.osgi.org/Repository" class="external" title="http://www.osgi.org/Repository" rel="nofollow">OBR repository (http://felix.apache.org/obr/releases.xml" class="external" title="http://felix.apache.org/obr/releases.xml" rel="nofollow">example)
- Resources will downloaded if needed
- Examples can be found under $JONAS_BASE/conf/deploy
- Used during JOnAS startup, given the activated services (jonas.services)
Service on demand
- New mechanism allowing applications (aka Java EE archives) to describe wich plan they need in order to run.
- JOnAS services (like web, ejb, ...) can be required for an application (each have a plan)
- The associated deployment plan (see above) will be used and described resources will be installed on JOnAS
- Required service is then started
- Required plans are declared in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the Java EE archives
- Attribute's name: Require-JOnAS-Services
- For example jonasAdmin.war requires the 'admin-tools' plan to be installed and started before deployment
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Created-By: Apache Maven Require-JOnAS-Services: admin-tools |
JAX-WS 2.0
- Initial support of EJB3 Session Beans exposed as WebServices
- Initial support of @WebServiceRef based injection
- Works for web applications
Flex Administration Console
- jonasAdmin re-engineering using Rich Interface Technologies
- Domain Management
- Domain Monitoring
- Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Flex" class="external" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe Flex" rel="nofollow">Adobe Flex
- Highly interactive and dynamic
- Still EXPERIMENTAL, but feedback is welcomed
- Old pages are still available
- jonasAdmin re-engineering using Rich Interface Technologies
- In order to test the new Flex based domain management:
- Start a master server (jonas.master property in jonas.properties must be set to true)
- Select the Domain/Flex node in the management tree.
Update of the documentation.
Bug fixes.
Best Regards,
JOnAS Team