Hi JOnAS users,
We're very pleased to announce the general availability of a new
milestone of JOnAS 5.3 : 5.3.0
New features in this release:
- java:global, java:app and java:module namespaces when performing JNDI lookups
- CXF 2.5 (and then JAX-WS 2.2 available)
- JAX-RS applications available as OSGi services
- Safe startup mode
- new EJB 3.1 features (EJB in wars, no-interface local view, Beans extending other Beans, etc.)
- new shell (with OW2 shelbie integration) with remote ssh support (JB/conf/jonas.properties)
- Tomcat HTTP connectors are configured through JONAS_BASE/deploy XML files
- ConfigAdmin deployables (useful for configuring OSGi components)
Please report issues on this tracker or through the mailing-list
There are also plenty of bug fixes and components upgrades : #104
issues closed !
Three profiles are available
for download for JOnAS 5.3.0 M6 (New JAX-RS profile ! ) :
: If JOnAS ANT tasks are used, note that these tasks are now
and are only providing tasks for the services included in the
People may still use now deprecated ANT tasks by using the library
JOnAS is also available through maven repositories (OW2 repository and Central repository)
JIRA issue tracker instance is available at http://jira.ow2.org/browse/JONAS
- (JONAS-463) - Upgrade JAX-WS api to 2.2
- (JONAS-536) - JOnAS configurator doesn't work with JOnAS 5.3.0 M4
- (JONAS-561) - JOnAS 5.2 - Deploying a ColdFusion application - Loss of ColdFusion server settings after a JOnAS restart
- (JONAS-659) - Some isssues with static JOnAS addon services
- (JONAS-677) - Workcleaner and workmanager services don't start on demand with the micro profil
- (JONAS-682) - JOnAS cluster daemon ANT task does not work
- (JONAS-684) - Documentation "Tracking JDBC Connection Leaks..." - Mistake about jndiRegexp
- (JONAS-686) - Wrong deployment's behaviour when deployment plans are treated (atomic=false)
- (JONAS-687) - Deployment plans cannot fetch JOnAS Maven resources
- (JONAS-692) - java.lang.IllegalStateException: The service registration is no longer valid at org.ow2.jonas.addon.deploy.impl.deployer.ConfDeployerImpl.getServiceRegistration(ConfDeployerImpl.java:431)
- (JONAS-694) - Coldfusion.war has to be unpacked under <deploy> directory instead of <work> to have a good working order
- (JONAS-699) - org.osgi:org.osgi.compendium is missing in the tomcat6 addon with bundles
- (JONAS-713) - The DeploymentPlan MBean's DeploymentPlans attribute does not escape spaces or other characters
- (JONAS-714) - Deployment plans do not properly undeploy when JOnAS path has spaces
- (JONAS-721) - JOnAS on Unix with spaces in JONAS_ROOT / JONAS_BASE
- (JONAS-723) - (JSF MyFaces 2.X) Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.faces.context._MyFacesExternalContextHelper not found by org.ow2.spec.ee.ow2-jsf-2.0-spec
- (JONAS-734) - Cargo cannot undeploy all types of deployables
- (JONAS-736) - Unable to start JOnAS with Eclipse Equinox 3.7
- (JONAS-737) - Deployables are deployed in the wrong order
- (JONAS-741) - The built-in JMX browser of jonasAdmin invokes mbean methods twice
- (JONAS-746) - Tomcat 7 is not ready to manage exclusively configadmin connectors
- (JONAS-752) - Errors (404, NPE) when versioning service is enabled
- (JONAS-757) - Duplicate execution of tomcat 7 ANT tasks
- (JONAS-758) - NPE on XAResource error handling
- (JONAS-759) - Configurator unable to start micro edition
- (JONAS-766) - Exposition of juli packages
- (JONAS-769) - Unable to find a connector 'null//9000' when no connectors are defined in tomcat7-server.xml and when a deployable connector is defined with some properties (except port & address)
- (JONAS-774) - Servlet Listener failing to start on Tomcat7 should prevent the context to be successfully started
- (JONAS-782) - NPE when accessing a Servlet registered through the Tomcat implementation of the OSGi HttpService
- (JONAS-792) - Upgrade the JAXB API from 2.1 to 2.2
- (JONAS-805) - classloader monitoring : archive name will not display when exploded archive is used
- (JONAS-421) - Upgrade to CXF 2.5.x
- (JONAS-468) - Simplify XML Datasource deployer
- (JONAS-562) - OSGi deployable and DeploymentPlan deployable are re-deployed each time the server is starting
- (JONAS-577) - The deployable monitor should deploy a list of deployables at the same time rather than just a single deployable at the same time
- (JONAS-648) - Deployed addon configuration change is not supported
- (JONAS-652) - The addon system need a clean task for the workcleaner service
- (JONAS-676) - Addition of JOnAS Work Cleaner support for the addon deployer
- (JONAS-678) - Update the property "jonas-version" of tomcat6 addon to 5.3.0-M6-SNAPSHOT
- (JONAS-679) - discovery-internal deployment plan should be renamed to discovery-multicast.
- (JONAS-680) - jonas.security.context.* properties of jonas.properties bootstrap fragment should be renamed to jonas.service.security.context.* and moved to security module
- (JONAS-681) - Improve ANT properties change when there are exclusives properties
- (JONAS-683) - Use of org.osgi.framework.startlevel.BundleStartLevel instead of org.osgi.service.startlevel.StartLevel (deprecated since OSGi r4.3 )
- (JONAS-688) - Addition of a specific addon assembly for the µJOnAS profil
- (JONAS-689) - The addon deployer should use the ServiceManager instead of ConfigurationManager in order to start/stop JOnAS services
- (JONAS-690) - context.check properties should be propagated via ConfigAdmin (instead of using the ServerProperties)
- (JONAS-691) - (Adddon metadata) <properties/> tag shouldn't be mandatory
- (JONAS-693) - Addon deployable should be deployed before other deployables (except Repository).
- (JONAS-695) - ConfigAdmin Deployer should be extensible
- (JONAS-698) - JOnAS plans shouldn't be mandatory to start JOnAS Addon services (we could have JOnAS bundles instead of JOnAS plans)
- (JONAS-700) - ConfigAdmin deployables should be deployed before JavaEE deployables
- (JONAS-704) - The jonas.properties file should no longer be generated
- (JONAS-708) - Bundles which are managed by the launcher shouldn't be reinstalled (in the felix cache) / restarted each time the server is starting
- (JONAS-710) - JOnASDeploymentPlanDeployer should be agnostic. It should use the deployer manager (instead of IDeploymentPlanDeployer) to deploy/undeploy deployables.
- (JONAS-711) - JOnASDeploymentPlanDeployer should deploy a plan only if it's not already deployed. It should undeploy a plan only if it's already deployed
- (JONAS-720) - Allow to specifiy the bundles for tui and gui
- (JONAS-731) - Better management of errors in the ConfigAdmin deployer
- (JONAS-735) - Use exec when launching the JOnAS JVM in foreground mode
- (JONAS-738) - Rename of ANT <connector> element to <connectors>
- (JONAS-742) - Addition of a 'deploy-example' directory in JOnAS
- (JONAS-744) - Some parameters are missing in tomcat7-configadmin file
- (JONAS-747) - (ANT tasks) Allow to copy every deployables from JONAS_ROOT/deploy to JONAS_BASE/deploy
- (JONAS-748) - Tomcat7 ANT task should configure configadmin connectors deployables instead of the tomcat7-server.xml configuration file.
- (JONAS-749) - Addition of new ANT parameters in tomcat 7 connectors (http, https, ajp) and a new subtasks of tomcat7 (in order to configure the session)
- (JONAS-750) - New ANT security sub-tasks
- (JONAS-751) - Addition of a JNDI deployable example
- (JONAS-760) - Upgrade to Spring 3.0.7
- (JONAS-761) - Upgrade to CXF 2.3.9
- (JONAS-791) - Allows in web.xml env-entries without env-entry-type
New Feature
- (JONAS-701) - Allow to define tomcat connectors in a deployment plan
- (JONAS-703) - Allow to define mail factory in a deployment plan
- (JONAS-726) - Allow to delete the configurations, created by the deployment of a config admin deployment plan, at shutdown
- (JONAS-729) - Dynamic injection of applications parameters into the JNDI context
- (JONAS-730) - Allow to use variables in the property value jonas.service.depmonitor.directories
- (JONAS-764) - Exports WorkManager instance as an OSGi service
- (JONAS-771) - Provide a safe startup mode
- (JONAS-772) - Tenant Context
- (JONAS-784) - Adding the multitenant service
- (JONAS-785) - Supports deployment of Jaxrs Application available as OSGi services
- (JONAS-789) - Define a ssh service
- (JONAS-696) - maxOpenTime in JDBC settings should be deprecated with JDBC leak detectors component
- (JONAS-697) - Add transactions / JDBC book in documentation
- (JONAS-719) - Update Apache Felix Framework to 4.0.2
- (JONAS-728) - Add support for java:global, java:app and java:module namespaces
- (JONAS-743) - Upgrade to new EasyBeans 2.0.0 M1
- (JONAS-756) - Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.35
- (JONAS-762) - Add support for no-interface ejb3 local view
- (JONAS-763) - Add support for ejb components in WAR files
- (JONAS-775) - Migrate the JOnAS tui to Shelbie 2
- (JONAS-777) - Updates Apache Tomcat to 7.0.26
- (JONAS-778) - Updates Eclipse Jetty to 8.1.1.v20120215
- (JONAS-779) - Upgrade the JAX-WS API from 2.1 to 2.2
- (JONAS-780) - Update H2 to 1.3.164
- (JONAS-793) - Upgrade woodstox from 4.1.0 to 4.1.2
- (JONAS-795) - Update OW2 Carol to 3.0.9
- (JONAS-796) - Update OW2 Spec to 1.0.11
- (JONAS-797) - Update Persistence Provider Hibernate v4.1 to 4.1.1
- (JONAS-801) - Update Persistence Provider Hibernate v3.6 to 3.6.9
- (JONAS-802) - Update OW2 Bundles to 1.0.33
- (JONAS-803) - Update OW2 Util to 1.0.35
- (JONAS-804) - Update OW2 JOnAS Admin Flex to 1.0.7
Best Regards,