Package org.objectweb.jonas.ant.jonasbase

Interface Summary

Class Summary
Apps Allow to copy files to JONAS_BASE/ejbjars/(autoload)
Archives Allow to copy files to JONAS_BASE/xxxx/(autoload)
Carol Defines properties for
Db Allow to configure the DB service
Dbm Allow to configure the DBM service
Discovery Defines properties for
Ejbjars Allow to copy files to JONAS_BASE/ejbjars/(autoload)
Ha Defines properties for ha service
JCopy Defines common copy methods
JdbcRa Allow to create JDBC resource adaptors
JEcho Defines echo message task
JMkdir Defines creation directory task
Jms Allow to configure the JMS service
JmsRa Allow to create/adapt the JMS resource adaptor
JReplace Defines common replacement methods
JTask Defines a common task
JTouch Defines creation file task
Lib Allow to copy files to lib/ext
Mail Allow to create mail factory
Rars Allow to copy files to JONAS_BASE/rars/(autoload)
Replace Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given values in the indicated files.
Services Allow to configure the list of services in file
Wars Allow to copy files to JONAS_BASE/webapps/(autoload)
WebContainer Allow to configure the WebContainer service
XMLSerializerTask Allow to serialize a XML DOM structure