Uses of Interface

Packages that use DiscoveryServiceImplMBean

Uses of DiscoveryServiceImplMBean in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.base

Classes in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.base that implement DiscoveryServiceImplMBean
 class BaseDiscovery
          This class is inherited by all discovery Implementations It provides common discovery operations.

Uses of DiscoveryServiceImplMBean in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.internal

Subinterfaces of DiscoveryServiceImplMBean in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.internal
 interface MulticastDiscoveryServiceImplMBean
          Management interface for the discovery service.

Classes in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.internal that implement DiscoveryServiceImplMBean
 class MulticastDiscoveryServiceImpl
          The discovery service creates and starts at least a DiscoveryManager which is a MBean that multi-casts discovery information to all the servers who joined the discovery multicast group.

Uses of DiscoveryServiceImplMBean in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.jgroups

Subinterfaces of DiscoveryServiceImplMBean in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.jgroups
 interface JgroupsDiscoveryServiceImplMBean

Classes in org.ow2.jonas.discovery.jgroups that implement DiscoveryServiceImplMBean
 class JgroupsDiscoveryServiceImpl
          This is a JGroups based JOnAS discovery implementation.

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