2.4.23. wsdl-publisher service configuration

The wsdl-publisher service provides a pluggable component dedicated to alternate WSDL publishing mechanisms.

By default, all the web services deployed by JOnAS have their WSDL available at a given URL location. For J2EE 1.4 webservices, the URL ends with ?JWSDL, for Java EE 5.0 webservices, the URL ends with ?WSDL.

When this default publishing mechansim is not sufficent, it is possible to add one or more custom WSDL publishers. Within JOnAS, 2 custom publishers are availables (file based and JAXR based).

Here is the part of jonas.properties concerning the wsdl-publisher service:

###################### JOnAS WSDL Publisher service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the WSDL Publisher service.
jonas.service.wsdl-publisher.class    org.ow2.jonas.ws.publish.internal.manager.DefaultWSDLPublisherManager

#  Set the WSDL Publishers list for WSDL publication
#  A minimum of 1 WSDLPublisher is required !
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of WSDLPublisher properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: file1,uddi (while the properties file names are
#                  file1.properties and uddi.properties)
jonas.service.wsdl-publisher.publishers    file1 File WSDLPublisher

The File WSDLPublisher type is used in simple WebServices usage scenario, when the application doesn't requires a full blown web services registry (like UDDI or ebXML). It will simply save the WSDL documents (and their dependencies) in a configurable directory.

# FileWSDLPublisher class
jonas.service.wsdl.class    org.ow2.jonas.ws.publish.internal.file.FileWSDLPublisher

# Directory where WSDLs will be copied
# If not set JONAS_BASE/wsdls will be used
# jonas.service.publish.file.directory    /tmp     1

# Encoding of the file (In respect with the platform JOnAS is running on)
# If not set default to UTF-8
jonas.service.publish.file.encoding     UTF-8      2


Base directory where WSDL documents will be published


File encoding to be used (must be supported by the platform) JAXR WSDLPublisher

The JAXR WSDLPublisher type is responsible of publishing a given WSDL in an enterprise level registry or repository, allowing external clients to get the technical and administrative information about the deployed service.[7]

# RegistryWSDLPublisher class
jonas.service.wsdl.class    org.ow2.jonas.ws.publish.internal.registry.RegistryWSDLPublisher

# User name and Password to access Registry
jonas.service.publish.uddi.username                 jonas                                             1
jonas.service.publish.uddi.password                 jonas                                             2

# Organization name, small desc (optionnal) and primary contact name.
jonas.service.publish.uddi.organization.name        OW2                                               3
jonas.service.publish.uddi.organization.desc        OW2 Consortium (http://www.ow2.org)               4
jonas.service.publish.uddi.organization.person_name JOnAS                                             5

# URLs where Registry can be contacted (Publish an Query APIs)
javax.xml.registry.lifeCycleManagerURL  http://localhost:9000/juddi/publish                           6
javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL      http://localhost:9000/juddi/inquiry                           7




Credential to be used for registry authentication


Organization name


Organization details/description


Contact for the organization


JAXR LifeCycleManager URL (Administration URL where WSDL can be published)


JAXR QueryManager URL (Read only URL acting as a registry)

[7] JOnAS has been tested with Apache jUDDI, an ASL2 UDDI v2 implementation.