2.4.15. registry service configuration

This service is used for accessing the RMI registry, CMI registry, or the CosNaming (RMI/IIOP), depending on the configuration of communication protocols specified in carol.properties, refer to Section 2.2, “Configuring the communication protocol and JNDI” .

Here is the part of jonas.properties file concerning the registry service.

###################### JOnAS Registry service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the Registry service
jonas.service.registry.class org.ow2.jonas.registry.carol.CarolRegistryService

#  Set the Registry launching mode
#  If set to 'automatic', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server,
#                         if it's not already started.
#  If set to 'collocated', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server
#  If set to 'remote', the registry has to be launched before in a separate JVM
jonas.service.registry.mode    collocated