2.4.14. mail service configuration

The mail service is an optional service that may be used to send emails.

It is based on JavaMail and on JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API.The default implementation of the mail service rely on the GNUMail implementation of these API.

A mail factory is required in order to send or receive mails. JOnAS provides two types of mail factories: javax.mail.Session and javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource. MimePartDataSource factories allow mail to be sent with a subject and the recipients already set.

Mail factory objects must be configured according to their type. The subsections that follow briefly describe how to configure Session and MimePartDataSource mail factory objects, in order to run the SessionMailer SessionBean and the MimePartDSMailer SessionBean delivered with the platform.

Here is the part of jonas.properties concerning the mail service:

###################### JOnAS Mail service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the mail service
jonas.service.mail.class org.ow2.jonas.mail.internal.JOnASMailService

#  Set the jonas mail factories.
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of MailFactory properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: MailSession1,MailMimePartDS1 (while the properties file names are
#                  MailSession1.properties and MailMimePartDS1.properties)

Mail factory objects created by JOnAS must be given a name. For example, consider two factories called MailSession1 and MailMimePartDS1. Each factory must have a configuration file whose name is the name of the factory with the .properties extension (MailSession1.properties for the MailSession1 factory).

For this example jonas.service.mail.factories property must be set to:

jonas.service.mail.factories MailSession1,MailMimePartDS1 Configuring Session mail factory

A template MailSession1.properties file is supplied in $JONAS_BASE/conf. It contains two mandatory properties :

#Factory Name/Type
mail.factory.name mailSession_1
mail.factory.type javax.mail.Session

The JNDI name of the mail factory object is mailSession_1. This template must be updated with values appropriate to your installation. See the section "Configuring a mail factory" below for the list of available properties. Configuring MimePartDataSource mail factory

A template MimePartDS1.properties is supplied in $JONAS_BASE/conf. It contains two mandatory properties :

#Factory Name/Type
mail.factory.name mailMimePartDS_1
mail.factory.type javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource

The JNDI name of the mail factory object is mailMimePartDS_1. This template must be updated with values appropriate to your installation. See the section "Configuring a mail factory" below for the list of available properties. Configuring a mail factory

Here are the possible properties

  • Required properties:

Property name Description
mail.factory.name JNDI name of the mail factory
mail.factory.type The type of the factory. This property can be javax.mail.Session or javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource.
  • Optional properties: Authentication properties

Property name Description
mail.authentication.username Set the username for the authentication.
mail.authentication.password Set the password for the authentication.
  • Optional properties: javax.mail.Session.properties (refer to JavaMail documentation for more information)

Property name Description
mail.debug The initial debug mode. Default is false.
mail.from The return email address of the current user, used by the InternetAddress method getLocalAddress.
mail.mime.address.strict The MimeMessage class uses the InternetAddress method parseHeader to parse headers in messages. This property controls the strict flag passed to the parseHeader method. The default is true.
mail.host The default host name of the mail server for both Stores and Transports. Used if the mail.protocol.host property is not set.
mail.store.protocol Specifies the default message access protocol. The Session method getStore() returns a Store object that implements this protocol. By default the first Store provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.transport.protocol Specifies the default message access protocol. The Session method getTransport() returns a Transport object that implements this protocol. By default, the first Transport provider in the configuration files is returned.
mail.user The default user name to use when connecting to the mail server. Used if the mail.protocol.user property is not set.
mail.<protocol>.class Specifies the fully- qualified class name of the provider for the specified protocol. Used in cases where more than one provider for a given protocol exists; this property can be used to specify which provider to use by default. The provider must still be listed in a configuration file.
mail.<protocol>.host The host name of the mail server for the specified protocol. Overrides the mail.host property.
mail.<protocol>.port The port number of the mail server for the specified protocol. If not specified, the protocol's default port number is used.
mail.<protocol>.user The user name to use when connecting to mail servers using the specified protocol. Overrides the mail.user property.
  • Optional properties:MimePartDataSource properties (Only used if mail.factory.type is javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource)

Property name Description
mail.to Set the list of primary recipients ("to") of the message.
mail.cc Set the list of Carbon Copy recipients ("cc") of the message. mail.bcc
mail.bcc Set the list of Blind Carbon Copy recipients ("bcc") of the message.
mail.subject Set the subject of the message.