JOnAS 5.2.3 released

Mar 09 2012

Hi all

We're very pleased to announce a maintenance release of JOnAS 5.2.x

Two JOnAS 5.2.3 distributions are available for download

This release is JDK 7 compliant.

The JIRA issue tracker instance is available at

Please report issues on this tracker or through the mailing lists.

Release Notes - JOnAS - Version JOnAS 5.2.3


  • [JONAS-561] - JOnAS 5.2 - Deploying a ColdFusion application - Loss of ColdFusion server settings after a JOnAS restart
  • [JONAS-684] - Documentation "Tracking JDBC Connection Leaks..." - Mistake about jndiRegexp
  • [JONAS-686] - Wrong deployment's behaviour when deployment plans are treated (atomic=false)
  • [JONAS-694] - Coldfusion.war has to be unpacked under <deploy> directory instead of <work> to have a good working order
  • [JONAS-713] - The DeploymentPlan MBean's DeploymentPlans attribute does not escape spaces or other characters
  • [JONAS-714] - Deployment plans do not properly undeploy when JOnAS path has spaces
  • [JONAS-715] - Can't deploy CAS web application on Jonas 5.2.x
  • [JONAS-734] - Cargo cannot undeploy all types of deployables
  • [JONAS-752] - Errors (404, NPE) when versioning service is enabled


  • [JONAS-718] - Resolve jar location using classloader.getResource() ?


  • [JONAS-697] - Add transactions / JDBC book in documentation
  • [JONAS-756] - Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.35

Best Regards,