A new Milestone of the development branch JOnAS 5.1 is available: JOnAS 5.1.0 M2.
This release is available on the OW2 forge http://forge.objectweb.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=5&release_id=3000">download page or with a http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/download/Main/Downloads/jonas-installer.jnlp">JNLP installer.
JOnAS 5.1.0-M2 is distributed as a set of OSGiTM bundles that are deployed on top of the http://felix.apache.org">Apache Felix gateway.
Some information can be found on the http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/News/JOnAS_5_1_0_M2">New and noteworthy and the http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/view/Doc/GettingStartedJOnAS5">Getting Started.
- Components upgrade
- http://www.easybeans.org" class='external' title="http://www.easybeans.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 EasyBeans (1.1.0.M3-JONAS)
- OW2 Utils (1.0.10)
- http://cmi.ow2.org" class='external' title="http://cmi.ow2.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 CMI (2.1.1)
- http://carol.ow2.org" class='external' title="http://carol.ow2.org" rel="nofollow">OW2 Carol (3.0.2)
- http://cxf.apache.org" class='external' title="http://cxf.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache CXF (2.0.9)
- http://felix.apache.org" class='external' title="http://felix.apache.org" rel="nofollow">Apache Felix (1.4.0)
- Note: due to a security issue in Apache Felix 1.4.0 (see the related issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-837" class='external' title="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-837" rel="nofollow">here), the system security policies (java.policy) are partially supported on JOnAS 5.1.0-M2
- http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-ipojo.html" class='external' title="http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-ipojo.html" rel="nofollow">Apache Felix iPOJO (1.0.0)
New features:
- Dump Threads Stack Trace
- New operations in the 'J2EE Server' MBean for getting a stack trace of the JVM threads. The output can be printed on the console, in the LOG file, or in a given file).
- New flex module in jonasAdmin console (under the monitoring node) for browsing the threads's stack trace
Due to a known limitation (will be fixed in the next release), this feature is only available for single (not in a cluster) JOnAS servers if they are started in master mode.
http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/download/inline/News/JOnAS_5_1_0_M2/stack-dump.png" target="_blank">http://wiki.jonas.objectweb.org/xwiki/bin/download/inline/News/JOnAS_5_1_0_M2/stack-dump.png" border="0" width="50%"/>
- Web Container
- Support of @RunAs annotations on web components (Servlet)
- JAX-WS 2.0
- Apache Axis2 1.3 has been integrated as a JAX-WS 2.x Provider. It currently supports:
- POJO and EJB exposition as WebServices
- @HandlerChain resolution
- Apache CXF 2.0.9 improvements
- @WebServiceRef are supported for all potential clients (EJBs, Web applications using Tomcat and Application clients)
- Annotated POJO (@WebServices running in web container) supported
- Retrieving endpoint's WSDL from URL is now supported (URL must ends with ?WSDL, as usual)
- SAAJ 1.3
- Use SAAJ 1.3 RI from Sun
- Apache Axis2 1.3 has been integrated as a JAX-WS 2.x Provider. It currently supports:
- Deployment Plans
- Resource resolving optimized when the resource URL is local
- EasyBeans 1.1.0-M3-JONAS
- Improved support for EJB 2.1 Session Beans: ejbCreate() method is now supoprted
- Clustering
- Update to JGroups 2.6.7.GA
- New cluster example for javaee 5 (sampleCluster3)
- Logging
- Do not fail (and stop JOnAS' startup sequence) when the log configuration is invalid (trace.properties)
- New clustering guide
- OW2 JOnAS' ClassLoaders documentation has been improved to explain delegation and OSGi rules
Bug fixes.
- Deployment plans: fix issue during deployment of URL resources
- Allow to start a JOnAS server on Windows if the JONAS_ROOT directory path contains whitespaces
Best Regards,
JOnAS Team