Jonas Admin OSGi Console

Jonas Admin OSGi Console


Leon XiePKUleonxj at


This project developed a reliable and high-performance management flex-based tool for JOnAS. It facilitates the JOnAs management tool to manage the OSGi platform felix. The project meet the requirement for managing OSGi platform, and follow the implementation and management specification of OSGi. 


According to the managing requirement of OSGi, we implement the management for the Bundles of fundamental components.     It includes: 

  • Listing the Bundles deployed on OSGi. For each Bundle, id, state,location and symbol name are presented.
  • Deploying the Bundles by adding their URL.
  • Providing start, stop, update, refresh and uninstall functions for the deployed Bundles.
  • Checking if the bundle has been deployed according to its name.
  • Enabling the using of commands in OSGi Console, by encapsulating the shell provided by felix.

To manage OBR repository, we provide:

  • Adding, refreshing and removing OBR Repository.
  • To the Bundles of the installed repository, providing the functions of presenting information, deploying in OBR, and starting.

To manage the service, we provide:

  • Listing the service deployed on felix platform. For each service, bundle id and the implement class of the service are presented.
  • Presenting the detail information of the deployed service and its corresponding bundle.