

This development was funded by 4CaaSt european project

In order to provide a Java PaaS, JOnAS evolves to be able to isolate and customize the users of the platform.

To respond to new Cloud features in JavaEE7, and more precisely that of the multitenancy, JOnAS proposes to generate and deploy an application instance by tenant in the application server.

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These new features are available from the version 5.3 M7 of JOnAS.

Application packaging

  • Each instance of an application is described in a cloud metadata file
  • Thanks to Packaging service, it is possible to generate a PaaS artefact, ie an archive of the application with its cloud metadata. This archive is named addon into JOnAS
        » See How to use Packaging service

Tenant isolation

  • Available for any application archive (EAR, WAR, Addon)
  • Customized URL per tenant
  • Tenant data customization and isolation (Database, MBeans, JNDI, Logs, ...)
  • Isolated administration access per tenant
       » See Multitenancy guide