- Finalize Maven2 build [Major] [Guillaume, Florent]
- Provides assemblies (tomcat, jetty, lite, source)
- Keep TCK 5.0 in synch
- Integrate JOnAS tests in M2 build [Minor] [Guillaume]
- Maven2 Plug-ins [Minor] [Any]
- Generators: WsGen, GenClientStub, GenIC
- Servers: JOnAS, EasyBeans
- Limit JOTM coupling [Major] [Guillaume, Ph. Durieux]
- Use where possible the Java SE 5 features (generics, ...) [Minor] [All]
- Provides new samples (for JEE 5 new features to demonstrate) [Major] [Guillaume, Florent]
- Secure JMX Connector [Major] [Adriana]
- Remove Adm Remote object [Major] [Adriana]
- Change CLI of JOnAS (Use JMX Connector instead of RMI)
- New Deployers: [Major] [Florent, All]
- Web, Ejb2.1, WS, Connector, Client?
- Introduction of XML Plans for sorting
- Deployer Repository (Simple, OBR, ...) [Major] [Florent, Guillaume]
- Switch MEJB to EJB 3.0 [Minor] [Guillaume]
- Renaming of packages (in sync with modules) [Major] [Guillaume, Philippe]
- Extract SVC classes of the EJB Container [Minor] [Ph. Durieux]
- Support of new deployment stuff [Major] [Florent, Adriana]
- Support of EasyBeans MBeans [Major] [Florent, Adriana]
- Support of Jetty 6.0 [Major] [Florent, Adriana]
- Handle Java EE 5 Deployment descriptors (or their absence) [Major] [Florent, ]
- Integration Apache CXF/Metro/Axis2 as Jax-WS 2.0 WebServices stack [Major] [Guillaume]
- Support JAX-WS 2.0 (JSR 109 1.2) [Major] [Guillaume]
- Support JAXB 2.0 [Major] [Guillaume]
- Support JSF [Major] [Florent]
- Deployment [Major] [Florent]
- JSR 88: Ishmael to be updated (Ishmael lite ?)
- JOTM: Provides M2 build (JTA 1.1) [Minor] [Guillaume]
- Artifact Jonathan/Jeremie needed in repository
- Separation API/Impl [Minor]
- JORAM [Minor] [Guillaume]
- Provides M2 deployment build.xml (like carol)
- Make first try of modules, all using "dynamic imports" [Major] [Guillaume]
- Use Felix launcher [Major] [Guillaume]
- Services should use iPOJO [Major] [All]
- Annotations for iPOJO to be developed (see with Clement Escoffier) [Minor] [Guillaume]
- Project
- Demos
- Services
- Documentation
- Downloads
- Community
- Developers