
Blog - posts for September 2009

Sep 25 2009

Discover JOnAS 5.1


Discover OW2 JOnAS 5.1

 As you probably already know, JOnAS 5.1.0 was released earlier this week.

 To ease users bootstrap on JOnAS, we've provided an article describing JOnAS 5.1 novelties. It's a precise overview of all the useful new features we've bundled in that release: developers and architects will find all latest information they need.

 Users can also read the compiled list of news and noteworthy for more details on new features: * (21 Sep 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 * (10 Sep 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 RC4 * (25 Jun 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 RC3 * (07 Apr 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 RC2 * (30 Mar 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 RC1 * (16 Mar 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 M5 * (12 Mar 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 M4 * (12 Feb 2009) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 M3 * (12 Dec 2008) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 M2 * (09 Oct 2008) OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0 M1

Sep 17 2009

JOnAS 5.1.0 RC4 released

Dear JOnAS enthusiasts,

We're pleased to announce the availability of JOnAS 5.1 Release Candidate 4.

This version has been under work during all the summer to provide you the best (and most stable at this time) release of JOnAS 5.1: a large number of project dependencies (Tomcat, EasyBeans, Joram, ...) have been upgraded to include the latest bug fixes, a lot of issues (40+) have been resolved and a particular attention was paid to the new administration web console's user experience. These last months were completely dedicated to the stabilization of our Java EE platform, testing it extensively with multiple OSs and different JVMs in order to guarantee as much as possible a steady release.

This is the last RC on the road to a final release. The team expects to cut the 5.1.0 final version within a couple of weeks.

Two profiles for JOnAS 5.1 RC4 are available for download: * JOnAS Micro-profile which is a small bootstrap for JOnAS that will download services on demand (An internet connection is required): Zip / Tar.Gz * JOnAS Full-profile which is a full-blown Java EE Application Server : Installer / Zip / Tar.Gz

As usual, the JOnAS team is welcoming all kind of contributions: bug reports, patches, comments, discussion on mailing lists, ... even congratulations ;)

Enjoy. Guillaume, on behalf of the JOnAS Team

New Features

* A new Izpack installer is provided (online or offline) Easily customize your configuration Generate a JONAS_BASE configuration in one click * The JOnAS Administration web console is now Flash based More Web 2.0 More modular The old, JSP based console is still available (See http://localhost:9000/jonasAdmin/ * IPv6 addresses can be used in the Carol & CMI configuration files (See Bug #31407 & Bug #313996).
Example of IPv6 address: [1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f:8001] ([] are REQUIRED)
  • JDBC Connection Leaks detector is available (turned on by default) Output a warning when a Thread doesn't release all used resources AND automatically closes Connections when the application don't do it * On Demand Web Tier The Web Container is only started at the first access on the HTTP port The Web Applications are also only started when the first request is processed (if the 'WEB-INF/jonas-web.xml' contains an flag element) By Default the web application is loaded and available after the deployment


    * Documentation has been completed (ClassLoaders, JaxWs, new features). * JAX-WS Tutorial has been improved (Application Client introduced). * Supports management of the STANDBY mode
    Master servers can now manage slave instances in standby within the jonasAdmin console * Avoid deploying an archive if the file copy is not finished. * Improved services dependencies (deploying the 'jaxws' service will deploy all required services even theses not present in the services list). * New banner for the 'jonas' shell script: short and easily modifiable.
>$ jonas start OW2 JOnAS 5.1.0-RC4 [ <span class="wikiexternallink"><a class="wikimodel-freestanding" href=""><span class="wikigeneratedlinkcontent"></span></a></span> / ] .....
  • Better output for the 'jonas admin' command Show only the root exception cause message (more clear) Added 'verbose' (or '-v') to print the full stack trace For developers: * Speedup JOnAS build time by avoiding JSP compilations

    Components upgrade

    * OW2 EasyBeans (1.1.0) Release Notes * OW2 Utils (1.0.19) * OW2 Carol (3.0.7) * OW2 CMI (2.2.2) * OW2 JORAM (5.2.5) * Apache Tomcat (6.0.20) * Apache Scout (1.1.1) * Apache jUDDI (2.0rc7) * Apache Felix (1.8.1) Apache Felix Shell (1.2.0) Apache Felix OBR (1.4.0) Apache Felix Dependency Manager (2.0.1) * Apache CXF (2.0.12) * Apache Commons Digester (2.0) * Apache Commons Discovery (0.4) * Apache Commons Logging (1.1.1) * Apache Commons BeanUtils (1.8.0) * Apache Xerces (2.9.1) * Apache Xalan (2.7.1) * Sun JAXB (2.1.12) * MortBay Jetty (6.1.19)

    Bug Fixes

    OW2 JOnAS

    * Corrected multi-threading issue with CXF * Corrected an issue when accessing to a non clustered RMI object by using CMI * Corrected issue in development mode where an updated application was redeployed before being undeployed * 'ProbeJGroups' scripts have been corrected to include new libraries locations * 'joram_raconfig' scripts have been corrected to use the new JORAM RAR location * Bug #314232 - NPE with some JDKs that are not packaged with a recent enough XML parser * Bug #313995 - ClassNotFoundException when an EJB is called twice (recursively) * Bug #314064 - When starting a server in a domain with the 'standby' option, it can't be discovered by the master. * Bug #314197 - web versioning doesn't work for context root '/' * Bug #314004 - JGroups version is missing in * Bug #314170 - Web security doesn't work with versioned applications * Bug #314171 - Improve jonas command output * Bug #313005 - JOnAS-Admin/EasyBeans: monitoring statistics of EJB3 is not completely implemented (admin pb) * Bug #313686- Error using struts2 tiles2 plugins - Need to press F5 once to work * Bug #311090 - jonas shell script command fails to Compute JONAS_ROOT in case it has not been set * Bug #314104 - JOnAS restart problem with deployment plan that includes OSGi bundles * Bug #314126 - Directory-Based EAR deployment don't deploy unarchived childrens * Bug #314159 - Rework URL/File handling during deployment * Bug #314061 - Cannot add User Valves * Bug #314150 - $JONAS_BASE/repositories/url-internal is not defined as a deployment plan repository * Bug #314081 - Trim in deployment plan missing ? * Bug #314127 - Ignore by default files ending with in the deploy directory * Bug #314108 - Can't undeploy web projects when using directory based deployment on Linux * Bug #309027 - ClientContainer execute not-secured.jar instead of secured.jar application client * Bug #314113 - Schema for webapp 2.4 not up-to-date * Bug #314065 - JOnAS server name should be in * Bug #314100 - JSP compilation is broken with Jetty * Bug #310353 - JOnAS with Jetty web container doesn't work * Bug #313563 - JavaEE 5 annotations not taken into account in JSF managed beans * Bug #313768 - No o+x permission on JOnAS_ROOT/bin * Bug #313971 - ClassNotFoundException for org.ow2.carol.jndi.spi.URLInitialContextFactory in a Work * Bug #314071 - EL package contained in Tomcat bundle, but not exported * Bug #314093 - Problem when accessing reference to a webservice port component * Bug #313987 - java -jar $JONAS_ROOT/lib/client.jar -? . don't work * Bug #313967 - Unable to start client container in a particular config of JOnAS * Bug #313667 - NPE exception during the deployment of the jaxws sample tutorial if the jaxws service is not set * Bug #314044 - Cannot start JOnAS with IIOP protocol * Bug #313996 - Cannot start CMI on windows, when IPv6 preference is activated. * Bug #309074 - & scripts doesn't run at all * Bug #314025 - Error of versionning service with JRockit 1.5 and 1.6

    OW2 Utils & Bundles


    • UTIL-20 - Deployment plans and repository lists are sensitive to linebreaks and spaces in test data
    • UTIL-53 - No trimming in XML deployment plan
    • UTIL-54 - FileUtils.updateAttributesInManifest() do not work with unpacked archives
    • UTIL-56 - EARDeployableImpl do not work correctly when completely unpacked
    • UTIL-57 - Directory URL for an archive may change during archive lifetime


    • UTIL-55 - FileUtils should provide convenience close() and flush() methods
    • UTIL-59 - IArchive.getURL() should return a canonicalized URL when possible


    Known Bugs

    * Bug #314234 - RMI/IIOP using IBM JDK 5 is broken in some cases (bind/unbind failures, JMX remote connection impossible)



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