Database Access

Any database with a JDBC driver can be used with JOnAS. Sample properties files are provided for Oracle, InstantDB, Interbase and PostgreSQL. If you want to setup a new database you can modify one of those configuration files to suit your database driver requirements. Here is a minimal example for use with MySQL and the MM-MySQL JDBC driver:
#  DataSource configuration
#         	mysql_ds
datasource.url          	jdbc:mysql://localhost/mytestdb
datasource.mapper		rdb.mysql 

#  ConnectionManager configuration

#  JDBC connection checking level.
#     0 = no special checking
#     1 = check physical connection is still open before reusing it
#     2 = try every connection before reusing it
jdbc.connchecklevel	1

#  Max age for jdbc connections
#     nb of minutes a connection can be kept in the pool
jdbc.connmaxage		30

#  Test statement
jdbc.connteststmt	select 1

Note that mysql_ds is the name that you will have to use in your beans deployment descriptors to reference this datasource. Also if you called this file, you must define a line like jonas.service.dbm.datasources mysql in your file.