00027 package org.objectweb.jonas.service;
00029 import java.util.ArrayList;
00030 import java.util.Enumeration;
00031 import java.util.Hashtable;
00032 import java.util.List;
00033 import java.util.Map;
00035 import javax.naming.Context;
00036 import javax.naming.NamingException;
00038 import org.objectweb.jonas.common.JProp;
00039 import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
00040 import org.objectweb.jonas.naming.CompNamingContext;
00042 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
00043 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
00065 public class ServiceManager {
00070     static final String SERVICES_PROP_NAME = JProp.JONASPREFIX + ".services";
00075     static final String PREFIX_SERVICE_PROP_NAME = JProp.JONASPREFIX + ".service";
00080     private static Logger logger = null;
00085     private static ServiceManager unique = null;
00090     private JProp props = null;
00095     private static List services = null;
00100     private Map servicesByName = null;
00105     private Map contextsByService = null;
00111     private ServiceManager() throws Exception {
00112         logger = Log.getLogger(Log.JONAS_SERVER_PREFIX);
00113         // read properties from the different files
00114         props = JProp.getInstance();
00115         // read all services from properties
00116         readServices();
00117     }
00125     public static ServiceManager getInstance() throws Exception {
00126         if (unique == null) {
00127             unique = new ServiceManager();
00128         }
00129         return unique;
00130     }
00138     public Service getService(String name) throws ServiceException {
00139         if (servicesByName == null) {
00140             throw new ServiceException("No service has been initialized yet");
00141         }
00142         Service s = (Service) servicesByName.get(name);
00143         if (s == null) {
00144             throw new ServiceException("Unknown service '" + name + "'");
00145         }
00146         return s;
00147     }
00154     public Service getEjbService() throws ServiceException {
00155         return getService("ejb");
00156     }
00163     public Service getEarService() throws ServiceException {
00164         return getService("ear");
00165     }
00172     public Service getRarService() throws ServiceException {
00173         return getService("resource");
00174     }
00181     public Service getWebContainerService() throws ServiceException {
00182         return getService("web");
00183     }
00190     public Service getWebServicesService() throws ServiceException {
00191         return getService("ws");
00192     }
00199     public Service getMailService() throws ServiceException {
00200         return getService("mail");
00201     }
00208     public Service getDataBaseService() throws ServiceException {
00209         return getService("dbm");
00210     }
00217     public Service getTransactionService() throws ServiceException {
00218         return getService("jtm");
00219     }
00226     public Service getJmsService() throws ServiceException {
00227         return getService("jms");
00228     }
00235     public Service getSecurityService() throws ServiceException {
00236         return getService("security");
00237     }
00244     public Service getJmxService() throws ServiceException {
00245         return getService("jmx");
00246     }
00253     public Service getRegistryService() throws ServiceException {
00254         return getService("registry");
00255     }
00262     public Service getResourceService() throws ServiceException {
00263         return getService("resource");
00264     }
00270     public void startRegistry() throws ServiceException {
00271         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
00272         Service reg = getRegistryService();
00273         try {
00274             reg.init((Context) contextsByService.get(reg));
00275             reg.start();
00276             logger.log(BasicLevel.INFO, "registry service started");
00277         } catch (ServiceException e) {
00278             throw new ServiceException("Cannot init/start registry" + e);
00279         }
00280     }
00286     public void startJmx() throws ServiceException {
00287         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
00288         Service jmxService = getJmxService();
00289         try {
00290             jmxService.init((Context) contextsByService.get(jmxService));
00291             jmxService.start();
00292             logger.log(BasicLevel.INFO, "jmx service started");
00293         } catch (ServiceException e) {
00294             throw e;
00295         }
00296     }
00302     public void startServices() throws ServiceException {
00303         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
00304         Service[] services = getServices();
00305         Context serviceContext = null;
00306         // registry = service 0, already started.
00307         // jmx = service 1, already started
00308         for (int i = 2; i < services.length; i++) {
00309             Service service = services[i];
00310             try {
00311                 serviceContext = (Context) contextsByService.get(service);
00312                 service.init(serviceContext);
00313                 service.start();
00314                 logger.log(BasicLevel.INFO, service.getName() + " service started");
00315             } catch (ServiceException e) {
00316                 throw new ServiceException("Cannot init/start service '" + service.getName() + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);
00317             }
00318         }
00319     }
00326     public Service[] getServices() throws ServiceException {
00327         Service[] ss = new Service[services.size()];
00328         for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) {
00329             ss[i] = (Service) services.get(i);
00330         }
00331         return ss;
00332     }
00338     public String[] getServiceNames() {
00339         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
00340         String [] serviceNames;
00341         serviceNames = props.getValueAsArray(SERVICES_PROP_NAME);
00342         if (serviceNames == null) {
00343             return null;
00344         }
00345         if (serviceNames[0].equals("registry") && serviceNames[1].equals("jmx")) {
00346             return serviceNames;
00347         }
00348         ArrayList services = new ArrayList();
00349         services.add(0, "registry");
00350         services.add(1, "jmx");
00351         int nbServices = 2;
00352         for (int i = 0; i < serviceNames.length; i++) {
00353             if (!serviceNames[i].equals("registry") && !serviceNames[i].equals("jmx")) {
00354                 services.add(serviceNames[i]);
00355                 nbServices++;
00356             }
00357         }
00358         serviceNames = new String[nbServices];
00359         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Created new array of String of size " + services.size());
00360         for (int i = 0; i < nbServices; i++) {
00361             serviceNames[i] = (String) services.get(i);
00362         }
00363         return serviceNames;
00364     }
00371     protected void readServices() throws ServiceException {
00372         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "");
00373         services = new ArrayList();
00374         contextsByService = new Hashtable();
00375         servicesByName = new Hashtable();
00376         String [] serviceNames;
00377         serviceNames = getServiceNames();
00378         if (serviceNames == null) {
00379             throw new ServiceException("Property '" + SERVICES_PROP_NAME + "' is missing in '"
00380                                        + JProp.JONASPREFIX + "' properties file");
00381         }
00382         for (int i = 0; i < serviceNames.length; i++) {
00383             String serviceName = serviceNames[i];
00384             Service serviceObj = createServiceFrom(serviceName);
00385             if (serviceObj != null) {
00386                 try {
00387                     Context ctx = createServiceContextFor(serviceName);
00388                     services.add(serviceObj);
00389                     contextsByService.put(serviceObj, ctx);
00390                     servicesByName.put(serviceName, serviceObj);
00391                 } catch (NamingException e) {
00392                     throw new ServiceException("cannot create the context name of the service '"
00393                                                + serviceName + "'",
00394                                                e);
00395                 }
00396             }
00397         }
00398     }
00407     protected Service createServiceFrom(String serviceName) throws ServiceException {
00408         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, serviceName);
00409         String prefixPropName = PREFIX_SERVICE_PROP_NAME + "." + serviceName;
00410         String serviceClassName = props.getValue(prefixPropName + ".class");
00411         if (serviceClassName == null) {
00412             throw new ServiceException("Property '" + prefixPropName + ".class' missing in '"
00413                                        + JProp.JONASPREFIX + "' properties file");
00414         }
00415         try {
00416             ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
00417             if (classLoader == null) {
00418                 classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
00419             }
00420             Class serviceClass = classLoader.loadClass(serviceClassName);
00421             Service service = (Service) serviceClass.newInstance();
00422             service.setName(serviceName);
00423             logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "class used: " + serviceClassName);
00424             return (service);
00425         } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) {
00426             logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "WARNING : The service '" + serviceName
00427                        + "' is disabled because a class for this service is missing."
00428                        + " Check your services in file and your environment variables. Missing class : '"
00429                        + ncdfe.getMessage() + "'", ncdfe);
00430             // Return null so the service won't be added.
00431             return null;
00432         } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
00433             logger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "WARNING : The service '" + serviceName
00434                        + "' is disabled because a class for this service is missing."
00435                        + " Check your services in file and your environment variables. Missing class : '"
00436                        + cnfe.getMessage() + "'", cnfe);
00437             // Return null so the service won't be added.
00438             return null;
00439         } catch (Exception e) {
00440             throw new ServiceException("Error when creating the service '" + serviceName + "'", e);
00441         }
00442     }
00452     protected Context createServiceContextFor(String serviceName) throws NamingException {
00453         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, serviceName);
00454         String prefixPropName = PREFIX_SERVICE_PROP_NAME + "." + serviceName;
00455         CompNamingContext ctx = new CompNamingContext(serviceName);
00456         for (Enumeration e = props.getEnv().propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
00457             String propName = (String) e.nextElement();
00458             if (propName.startsWith(prefixPropName + ".")) {
00459                 ctx.rebind(propName, props.getValue(propName));
00460             }
00461         }
00462         // set Jonas name properties to all ctx
00463         ctx.rebind(JProp.JONAS_NAME, props.getValue(JProp.JONAS_NAME));
00464         ctx.rebind(JProp.DOMAIN_NAME, props.getValue(JProp.DOMAIN_NAME));
00465         // Test JMX Remote
00466         // Get specific JMX props
00467         if (serviceName.equals("jmx")) {
00468             String prop = props.getValue("");
00469             if (prop != null) {
00470                 ctx.rebind("", prop);
00471             }
00472             prop = props.getValue("jmxconnector.port");
00473             if (prop != null) {
00474                 ctx.rebind("jmxconnector.port", prop);
00475             }
00476         }
00477         return ctx;
00478     }
00487     public void stopServices() throws ServiceException  {
00488         String msgError = new String();
00489         String sepError = "";
00490         Service[] services = getServices();
00491         for (int i = services.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
00492             Service service = services[i];
00493             if (service.isStarted()) {
00494                 try {
00495                     service.stop();
00496                     logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, service.getName() + " service stopped");
00497                 } catch (ServiceException e) {
00498                     msgError = msgError.concat(sepError + "Cannot stop the service '"
00499                                                + service.getName() + "': " + e);
00500                     sepError = "\n";
00501                 }
00502             }
00503         }
00504         if (msgError.length() != 0) {
00505             throw new ServiceException(msgError);
00506         }
00507     }
00508 }

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