00027 package org.objectweb.jonas.resource;
00029 import;
00030 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
00031 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
00032 import java.util.Date;
00033 import java.util.Iterator;
00034 import java.util.List;
00035 import java.util.Vector;
00037 import;
00038 import;
00039 import;
00040 import javax.naming.BinaryRefAddr;
00041 import javax.naming.Context;
00042 import javax.naming.Reference;
00043 import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
00044 import javax.resource.Referenceable;
00045 import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager;
00046 import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory;
00047 import javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter;
00048 import javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterAssociation;
00050 import org.apache.commons.modeler.ManagedBean;
00051 import org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry;
00052 import org.objectweb.jonas.common.JNDIUtils;
00053 import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
00054 import org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.J2eeObjectName;
00055 import org.objectweb.jonas.naming.CompNamingContext;
00056 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.api.ActivationConfigPropertyDesc;
00057 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.ConfigPropertyDesc;
00058 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.ConnectorDesc;
00059 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.JdbcConnParamsDesc;
00060 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.JonasConfigPropertyDesc;
00061 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.JonasConnectorDesc;
00062 import org.objectweb.jonas_rar.deployment.api.PoolParamsDesc;
00063 import org.objectweb.transaction.jta.TransactionManager;
00064 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
00065 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
00074 public class ResourceUtility {
00079     private static Logger logger = null;
00083     private static Logger setterLogger = null;
00087     private static Logger manageLogger = null;
00092     private Registry oRegistry = null;
00097     private MBeanServer mbeanServer = null;
00099     // Properties for inits
00104     public static final String JCD = "JCD";
00108     public static final String JAS = "JAS";
00112     public static final String JAO = "JAO";
00118     public ResourceUtility() {
00119     }
00130     public ResourceUtility(MBeanServer mbeanServer, Registry oRegistry,
00131                            Logger log, Logger sLog, Logger mLog) {
00132         this.mbeanServer = mbeanServer;
00133         this.oRegistry = oRegistry;
00134         logger = log;
00135         setterLogger = sLog;
00136         manageLogger = mLog;
00137     }
00146     public ConfigPropertyDesc [] buildConfigProperty(List raCfg,
00147                                                      List jRaCfg1,
00148                                                      List jRaCfg2) {
00149         Vector cfVec = null;
00150         ConfigPropertyDesc[] configs = null;
00152         // Global config parameters for the Resource adapter
00153         if (raCfg != null) {
00154             for (Iterator i = raCfg.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00155                 if (cfVec == null) {
00156                     cfVec = new Vector();
00157                 }
00158                 cfVec.add(new ConfigPropertyDesc((ConfigPropertyDesc);
00159             }
00160         } else {  //Special case for configuring ActivationSpecs
00161             ActivationConfigPropertyDesc acp = null;
00162             ConfigPropertyDesc cp = null;
00163             if (jRaCfg1 != null) {
00164                 for (Iterator i = jRaCfg1.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00165                     if (cfVec == null) {
00166                         cfVec = new Vector();
00167                     }
00168                     acp = (ActivationConfigPropertyDesc);
00169                     cp = new ConfigPropertyDesc();
00170                     cp.setConfigPropertyName(acp.getActivationConfigPropertyName());
00171                     cp.setConfigPropertyValue(acp.getActivationConfigPropertyValue());
00172                     cfVec.add(cp);
00173                 }
00174             }
00176             if (cfVec == null) {
00177                 if (jRaCfg2 != null) {
00178                     for (Iterator i = jRaCfg2.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00179                         if (cfVec == null) {
00180                             cfVec = new Vector();
00181                         }
00182                         acp = (ActivationConfigPropertyDesc);
00183                         cp = new ConfigPropertyDesc();
00184                         cp.setConfigPropertyName(acp.getActivationConfigPropertyName());
00185                         cp.setConfigPropertyValue(acp.getActivationConfigPropertyValue());
00186                         cfVec.add(cp);
00187                     }
00188                     configs = new ConfigPropertyDesc[cfVec.size()];
00189                     cfVec.copyInto(configs);
00190                 }
00191             } else {
00192                 if (jRaCfg2 != null) {
00193                     boolean found = false;
00194                     for (Iterator i = jRaCfg2.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00195                         found = false;
00196                         acp = (ActivationConfigPropertyDesc);
00197                         String name = acp.getActivationConfigPropertyName();
00198                         String val = acp.getActivationConfigPropertyValue();
00199                         if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
00200                             for (int j = 0; j < cfVec.size(); j++) {
00201                                 cp = (ConfigPropertyDesc) cfVec.get(j);
00202                                 if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(cp.getConfigPropertyName())) {
00203                                     cp.setConfigPropertyValue(val);
00204                                     cfVec.set(j, cp);
00205                                     found = true;
00206                                     break;
00207                                 }
00208                             }
00209                             // This is the case where a new activation-config property is in
00210                             // the jonas specific dd
00211                             if (!found) {
00212                                 cp = new ConfigPropertyDesc();
00213                                 cp.setConfigPropertyName(name);
00214                                 cp.setConfigPropertyValue(val);
00215                                 cfVec.add(cp);
00216                             }
00217                         }
00218                     }
00219                 }
00220                 configs = new ConfigPropertyDesc[cfVec.size()];
00221                 cfVec.copyInto(configs);
00222             }
00224             return configs;
00225         }
00227         if (cfVec == null) {
00228             return null;
00229         }
00231         configs = new ConfigPropertyDesc[cfVec.size()];
00232         cfVec.copyInto(configs);
00234         JonasConfigPropertyDesc jcpNext = null;
00235         if (jRaCfg2 != null) {
00236             for (Iterator i = jRaCfg2.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00237                 jcpNext = (JonasConfigPropertyDesc);
00238                 String name = jcpNext.getJonasConfigPropertyName();
00239                 String val = jcpNext.getJonasConfigPropertyValue();
00240                 if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
00241                     for (int j = 0; j < configs.length; j++) {
00242                         if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(configs[j].getConfigPropertyName())) {
00243                             configs[j].setConfigPropertyValue(val);
00244                             break;
00245                         }
00246                     }
00247                 }
00248             }
00249         }
00251         if (jRaCfg1 != null) {
00252             for (Iterator i = jRaCfg1.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00253                 jcpNext = (JonasConfigPropertyDesc);
00254                 String name = jcpNext.getJonasConfigPropertyName();
00255                 String val = jcpNext.getJonasConfigPropertyValue();
00256                 if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
00257                     for (int j = 0; j < configs.length; j++) {
00258                         if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(configs[j].getConfigPropertyName())) {
00259                             configs[j].setConfigPropertyValue(val);
00260                             break;
00261                         }
00262                     }
00263                 }
00264             }
00265         }
00266         return configs;
00267     }
00274     private boolean checkLogEnabled(String inp) {
00275         if (inp.equals("1") || inp.equalsIgnoreCase("on")
00276             || inp.equalsIgnoreCase("t") || inp.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
00277             || inp.equalsIgnoreCase("y") || inp.equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
00278             return true;
00279         }
00280          return false;
00281     }
00292     public ConnectionManager createConnectionManager(String trans,
00293                                                      TransactionManager tm,
00294                                                      Logger logger,
00295                                                      Logger poolLogger)
00296            throws Exception {
00298         ConnectionManagerImpl cm = new ConnectionManagerImpl(trans);
00300         Context c = new CompNamingContext("");
00301         c.rebind(ConnectionManagerImpl.TRANSACTION_MANAGER, tm);
00302         c.rebind(ConnectionManagerImpl.RESOURCE_MANAGER_EVENT_LISTENER, tm);
00304         // Set the MonologFactory into context of initialisation
00305         c.rebind(ConnectionManagerImpl.LOGGER, logger);
00306         c.rebind(ConnectionManagerImpl.POOL_LOGGER, poolLogger);
00308         // Initialize the ConnectionManager with the configured Context
00309         cm.init(c);
00310         return cm;
00311     }
00331     public Object processMCF(ConnectorDesc conn, JonasConnectorDesc jonasConn, ConnectionManager cm,
00332                               ClassLoader curLoader, String rarName, String mcfc,
00333                               String jndiName, String logEnabled, String logTopic,
00334                               ConfigPropertyDesc [] cfgRaJonas, ResourceAdapter resAdp,
00335                               int idOff) throws Exception {
00337         if (mcfc == null) {
00338             logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "ResourceService.createRA:"
00339                        + " managedconnectionfactoryclass property not found");
00340             throw new Exception("configuration file incorrect");
00341         }
00343         if (jndiName == null || jndiName.length() == 0) {
00344             logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "ResourceService.createRA: jndi-name not set in jonas-ra.xml");
00345             throw new Exception("configuration file incorrect");
00346         }
00348         // Instantiate into the currect loader
00349         Class mcfClass = curLoader.loadClass(mcfc);
00350         ManagedConnectionFactory mcf =
00351             (ManagedConnectionFactory) mcfClass.newInstance();
00353         if (resAdp != null) {
00354             try {
00355                 ((ResourceAdapterAssociation) mcf).setResourceAdapter(resAdp);
00356             } catch (ClassCastException ce) {
00357                 // Not able to associate ResourceAdapter to MCF
00358             } catch (Exception ex) {
00359                 logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "ResourceService: Error setting ResourceAdapter class to ManagedConnectionFactory ("
00360                            + mcfc + ") for " + jndiName);
00361                 throw ex;
00362             }
00363         }
00365         logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "jndiName=" + jndiName);
00367         // Check if logging desired and the value of the desired topic
00368         if (logEnabled != null) {
00369             logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "log-enabled=" + logEnabled);
00370             if (checkLogEnabled(logEnabled)) {
00371                 if (logTopic != null && logTopic.length() > 0) {
00372                     logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "log-topic=" + logTopic);
00373                     mcf.setLogWriter(Log.getLogWriter(logTopic));
00374                 } else {
00375                     logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "default log-topic=" + Log.JONAS_JCA_PREFIX);
00376                     mcf.setLogWriter(Log.getLogWriter(Log.JONAS_JCA_PREFIX));   // "org.objectweb.jonas.jca"
00377                 }
00378             }
00379         }
00381         processSetters(mcfClass, mcf, rarName, cfgRaJonas);
00383         PrintWriter pw = mcf.getLogWriter();
00384         if (pw != null) {
00385             //Create a date format
00386             SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss z");
00387             String date = sdf.format(new Date());
00388             pw.println("MCF: output starting at " + date);
00389             pw.flush();
00390         }
00392         // Set hashCode for ManagedConnectionFactory
00393         mcf.hashCode();
00395         return mcf;
00396     }
00415     public void registerMBean(Referenceable cf, String jndiName, String rarName,
00416                               ConnectorDesc conn, JonasConnectorDesc jonasConn,
00417                               String factType, int factOffset,
00418                               JCAResource jcaResourceMBean, String jcaResourceName,
00419                               String jDomain, String jServer, Context ictx) throws Exception {
00421         try {
00422             Reference ref =
00423                 new Reference(cf.getClass().getName(),
00424                               ResourceObjectJNDIHandler.class.getName(),
00425                               null);
00427             ref.add(new StringRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.JNDI_NAME, jndiName));
00428             ref.add(new StringRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.RAR_OBJNAME, rarName));
00429             ref.add(new StringRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.FACTORY_TYPE, factType));
00430             ref.add(new StringRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.FACTORY_OFFSET, "" + factOffset));
00431             //Put the connector objects
00432             byte[] bytes = JNDIUtils.getBytesFromObject(conn);
00433             if (bytes != null) {
00434                 ref.add(new BinaryRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.RA_XML, bytes));
00435             }
00437             bytes = JNDIUtils.getBytesFromObject(jonasConn);
00438             if (bytes != null) {
00439                 ref.add(new BinaryRefAddr(ResourceServiceImpl.JONAS_RA_XML, bytes));
00440             }
00442             cf.setReference(ref);
00443             ictx.rebind(jndiName, cf);
00445         } catch (Exception e) {
00446             logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "ResourceService: Cannot register ResourceAdapter in naming with the name " + jndiName);
00447             logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "ResourceService: Exception caught : " + e);
00448         }
00450         // --------------------------
00451         // Register MBeans cf. JSR 77
00452         // --------------------------
00453         if (mbeanServer != null) {
00455             // Available ConnectionFactories and ManagedConnectionFactories
00456             // ------------------------------------------------------------
00457             // ConnectionFactory MBean
00458             // -----------------------
00459             String jcaConnectionFactoryName = jndiName;
00460             ObjectName onJCAConnectionFactory =
00461                 J2eeObjectName.getJCAConnectionFactory(jDomain,
00462                                                        jcaResourceName,
00463                                                        jServer,
00464                                                        jcaConnectionFactoryName);
00465             JCAConnectionFactory jcaConnectionFactoryMBean = new JCAConnectionFactory(onJCAConnectionFactory.toString());
00466             ManagedBean oManaged = oRegistry.findManagedBean("JCAConnectionFactory");
00467             ModelMBean oMBean = oManaged.createMBean(jcaConnectionFactoryMBean);
00468             if (manageLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
00469                 manageLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "JCAConnectionFactory created");
00470             }
00471             mbeanServer.registerMBean(oMBean, onJCAConnectionFactory);
00473             // Update the list of connection factories in the JCAResource MBean with the JCAConnectionFactory
00474             // MBean's OBJECT_NAME
00475             jcaResourceMBean.setConnectionFactory(onJCAConnectionFactory.toString());
00477             // ManagedConnectionFactory MBean
00478             // ------------------------------
00479             String jcaManagedConnectionFactoryName = getJcaMcfName(jcaConnectionFactoryName);
00480             ObjectName onJCAManagedConnectionFactory =
00481                 J2eeObjectName.getJCAManagedConnectionFactory(jDomain,
00482                                                        jServer,
00483                                                        jcaManagedConnectionFactoryName);
00484             JCAManagedConnectionFactory jcaManagedConnectionFactoryMBean =
00485                 new JCAManagedConnectionFactory(onJCAManagedConnectionFactory.toString());
00486             oManaged = oRegistry.findManagedBean("JCAManagedConnectionFactory");
00487             oMBean = oManaged.createMBean(jcaManagedConnectionFactoryMBean);
00488             if (manageLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
00489                 manageLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "JCAManagedConnectionFactory created");
00490             }
00491             mbeanServer.registerMBean(oMBean, onJCAManagedConnectionFactory);
00493             // Update the JCA ConnectionFactory with the JCA ManagedConnectionFactory
00494             jcaConnectionFactoryMBean.setManagedConnectionFactory(onJCAManagedConnectionFactory.toString());
00495             if (manageLogger.isLoggable(BasicLevel.DEBUG)) {
00496                 manageLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "JCAConnectionFactory updated");
00497             }
00498         } // end JMX registration
00499     }
00510     public void processSetters(Class clsClass, Object clsObj, String rarFileName,
00511                                ConfigPropertyDesc [] cProp) throws Exception {
00513         int curParam = 0;
00514         while (cProp != null && curParam < cProp.length) {
00515             String fieldName = cProp[curParam].getConfigPropertyName();
00516             String methodName = "set" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
00517                                 + fieldName.substring(1);
00518             String fieldType = cProp[curParam].getConfigPropertyType();
00519             Method[] m = clsClass.getMethods();
00521             int i = 0;
00522             while (i < m.length
00523                    && (!m[i].getName().equals(methodName)
00524                        || m[i].getParameterTypes().length != 1
00525                        || (fieldType != null
00526                            && !(m[i].getParameterTypes())[0].getName().equals(fieldType)))
00527                    ) {
00528                 i++;
00529             }
00530             if (i < m.length) {
00531                 Class [] paramtype = m[i].getParameterTypes();
00532                 Object[] param = new Object[1];
00534                 String curValue = cProp[curParam].getConfigPropertyValue();
00536                 setterLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Processing Field Name: " + fieldName
00537                                  + " Type: " + fieldType + " Value: " + curValue);
00539                 if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Integer.TYPE)
00540                     || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Integer.class)) {
00541                     param[0]  = new Integer(curValue);
00543                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Boolean.TYPE)
00544                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Boolean.class)) {
00545                     param[0]  = new Boolean(curValue);
00547                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Double.TYPE)
00548                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Double.class)) {
00549                     param[0]  = new Double(curValue);
00551                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Byte.TYPE)
00552                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Byte.class)) {
00553                     param[0]  = new Byte(curValue);
00555                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Short.TYPE)
00556                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Short.class)) {
00557                     param[0]  = new Short(curValue);
00559                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Long.TYPE)
00560                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Long.class)) {
00561                     param[0]  = new Long(curValue);
00563                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Float.TYPE)
00564                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Float.class)) {
00565                     param[0]  = new Float(curValue);
00567                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Character.TYPE)
00568                            || paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.Character.class)) {
00569                     param[0]  = new Character(curValue.charAt(0));
00571                 } else if (paramtype[0].equals(java.lang.String.class)) {
00572                     param[0]  = curValue;
00573                     setterLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Calling String method with " + curValue);
00575                 } else {
00576                     logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Type unsupported for setter method:"
00577                                 + methodName);
00578                     throw new Exception("incorrect type for setter method ");
00579                 }
00580                 // invocation of the corresponding setter method on
00581                 // class object instance
00582                 try {
00583                     m[i].invoke(clsObj, param);
00584                 } catch (Exception e) {
00585                     logger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "method "
00586                                 + methodName
00587                                 + " not found for " + rarFileName + "check its configuration ");
00588                 }
00589                 curParam++;
00590             } else {
00591                 logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Method not found: " + methodName);
00592                 throw new Exception("incorrect method name: " + methodName);
00593             }
00594         }
00595     }
00605     public ConnectionManagerPoolParams configurePoolParams (PoolParamsDesc pParams,
00606                                                             JdbcConnParamsDesc jConnParams,
00607                                                             ConnectionManagerPoolParams pool)
00608                throws Exception {
00610         ConnectionManagerPoolParams cmpp = null;
00611         if (pool == null) {
00612             cmpp = new ConnectionManagerPoolParams();
00613         } else {
00614             cmpp = new ConnectionManagerPoolParams(pool);
00615         }
00616         String tmpPool = null;
00617         try {
00618             if (pParams != null) {
00619                 if (pParams.getPoolInit() != null) {
00620                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolInit();
00621                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00622                         cmpp.setPoolInit(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00623                     }
00624                 }
00625                 if (pParams.getPoolMin() != null) {
00626                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMin();
00627                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00628                         cmpp.setPoolMin(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00629                     }
00630                 }
00631                 if (pParams.getPoolMax() != null) {
00632                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMax();
00633                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00634                         cmpp.setPoolMax(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00635                     }
00636                 }
00637                 if (pParams.getPoolMaxAge() != null) {
00638                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMaxAge();
00639                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00640                         cmpp.setPoolMaxAge(Long.parseLong(tmpPool));
00641                     }
00642                 }
00643                 if (pParams.getPoolMaxAgeMinutes() != null) {
00644                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMaxAgeMinutes();
00645                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00646                         cmpp.setPoolMaxAgeMinutes(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00647                     }
00648                 }
00649                 if (pParams.getPoolMaxOpentime() != null) {
00650                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMaxOpentime();
00651                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00652                         cmpp.setPoolMaxOpentime(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00653                     }
00654                 }
00655                 if (pParams.getPoolMaxWaiters() != null) {
00656                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMaxWaiters();
00657                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00658                         cmpp.setPoolMaxWaiters(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00659                     }
00660                 }
00661                 if (pParams.getPoolMaxWaittime() != null) {
00662                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolMaxWaittime();
00663                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00664                         cmpp.setPoolMaxWaittime(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00665                     }
00666                 }
00667                 if (pParams.getPoolSamplingPeriod() != null) {
00668                     tmpPool = pParams.getPoolSamplingPeriod();
00669                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00670                         cmpp.setPoolSamplingPeriod(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00671                     }
00672                 }
00673                 if (pParams.getPstmtMax() != null) {
00674                     tmpPool = pParams.getPstmtMax();
00675                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00676                         cmpp.setPstmtMax(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00677                     }
00678                 }
00679             }
00680            if (jConnParams != null) {
00681                 if (jConnParams.getJdbcCheckLevel() != null) {
00682                     tmpPool = jConnParams.getJdbcCheckLevel();
00683                     if (tmpPool != null && tmpPool.length() > 0) {
00684                         cmpp.setJdbcConnLevel(Integer.parseInt(tmpPool));
00685                     }
00686                 }
00687                 if (jConnParams.getJdbcTestStatement() != null) {
00688                     cmpp.setJdbcConnTestStmt(jConnParams.getJdbcTestStatement());
00689                 }
00690             }
00691         } catch (Exception ex) {
00692             ex.printStackTrace();
00693             logger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Invalid Pool parameter from jonas-ra.xml:  Ensure that numeric values are used. " + tmpPool);
00694             throw new Exception("incorrect pool parameter ");
00695         }
00696         return cmpp;
00697     }
00708     public Object getJonasXML(JonasConnectorDesc jonasConn,
00709                               String id, int idOffset, String oType) {
00710         Object obj = null;
00711         if (oType == JCD) {
00712             obj = jonasConn.getJonasConnectionDefinitionList().get(idOffset);
00713         } else if (oType == JAS) {
00714             obj = jonasConn.getJonasActivationspecList().get(idOffset);
00715         } else if (oType == JAO) {
00716             obj = jonasConn.getJonasAdminobjectList().get(idOffset);
00717         }
00718         return obj;
00719     }
00726     public String getJcaMcfName(String jndiName) {
00727         return jndiName;
00728     }
00729 }

Generated on Tue Feb 15 15:05:21 2005 for JOnAS by  doxygen