
00026 package org.objectweb.jonas.dbm;
00028 // JOnAS imports
00029 import org.objectweb.jonas.management.ReconfiguredProp;
00030 import org.objectweb.jonas.management.j2eemanagement.J2EEManagedObject;
00040 public class JDBCDataSource extends J2EEManagedObject {
00045     private String jdbcDriver = null;
00050     private ConnectionManager cm = null;
00055     private Pool pool = null;
00060     private String datasourceName = null;
00065     private long sequenceNumber = 0;
00071     public JDBCDataSource(String objectName, ConnectionManager cm) {
00072         super(objectName);
00073         this.cm = cm;
00074         this.pool = cm.getPool();
00075         this.datasourceName = cm.getDatasourceName();
00076     }
00078     // JDBC DataSource Configuration
00083     public String getJdbcDriver() {
00084         return jdbcDriver;
00085     }
00090     public void setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriverObjectName) {
00091         jdbcDriver = jdbcDriverObjectName;
00092     }
00099     public String getName() {
00100         return datasourceName;
00101     }
00106     public String getJndiName() {
00107         return cm.getDSName();
00108     }
00113     public String getDescription() {
00114         return cm.getDataSourceDescription();
00115     }
00120     public String getUrl() {
00121         return cm.getUrl();
00122     }
00127     public String getUserName() {
00128         return cm.getUserName();
00129     }
00134     public String getUserPassword() {
00135         return cm.getPassword();
00136     }
00141     public String getMapperName() {
00142         return cm.getMapperName();
00143     }
00145     // JDBC Connection Pool Configuration
00150     public Integer getJdbcConnCheckLevel() {
00151         return new Integer(pool.getCheckLevel());
00152     }
00157     public void setJdbcConnCheckLevel(Integer level) {
00158         pool.setCheckLevel(level.intValue());
00159         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.CONNCHECKLEVEL;
00160         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, level.toString());
00161         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00162         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00163     }
00168     public Integer getJdbcConnMaxAge() {
00169         return new Integer(pool.getMaxAge());
00170     }
00174     public void setJdbcConnMaxAge(Integer mn) {
00175         pool.setMaxAge(mn.intValue());
00176         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.CONNMAXAGE;
00177         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, mn.toString());
00178         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00179         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00180     }
00185     public Integer getJdbcMaxConnPool() {
00186         return new Integer(pool.getPoolMax());
00187     }
00191     public void setJdbcMaxConnPool(Integer max) {
00192         pool.setPoolMax(max.intValue());
00193         // Update the configuration file
00194         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.MAXCONPOOL;
00195         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, max.toString());
00196         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00197         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00198     }
00203     public Integer getJdbcMaxOpenTime() {
00204         return new Integer(pool.getMaxOpenTime());
00205     }
00209     public void setJdbcMaxOpenTime(Integer mn) {
00210         pool.setMaxOpenTime(mn.intValue());
00211         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.MAXOPENTIME;
00212         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, mn.toString());
00213         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00214         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00215     }
00220     public Integer getJdbcMaxWaiters() {
00221         return new Integer(pool.getMaxWaiters());
00222     }
00226     public void setJdbcMaxWaiters(Integer max) {
00227         pool.setMaxWaiters(max.intValue());
00228         // Update the configuration file
00229         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.MAXWAITERS;
00230         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, max.toString());
00231         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00232         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00233     }
00238     public Integer getJdbcMaxWaitTime() {
00239         return new Integer(pool.getMaxWaitTime());
00240     }
00245     public void setJdbcMaxWaitTime(Integer max) {
00246         pool.setMaxWaitTime(max.intValue());
00247         // Update the configuration file
00248         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.MAXWAITTIME;
00249         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, max.toString());
00250         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00251         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00252     }
00257     public Integer getJdbcMinConnPool() {
00258         return new Integer(pool.getPoolMin());
00259     }
00264     public void setJdbcMinConnPool(Integer min) {
00265         pool.setPoolMin(min.intValue());
00266         // Update the configuration file
00267         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.MINCONPOOL;
00268         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, min.toString());
00269         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00270         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00271     }
00276     public Integer getJdbcSamplingPeriod() {
00277         return new Integer(pool.getSamplingPeriod());
00278     }
00283     public void setJdbcSamplingPeriod(Integer i) {
00284         pool.setSamplingPeriod(i.intValue());
00285         // Update the configuration file
00286         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.SAMPLINGPERIOD;
00287         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, i.toString());
00288         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00289         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00290     }
00295     public String getJdbcTestStatement() {
00296         return pool.getTestStatement();
00297     }
00301     public void setJdbcTestStatement(String test) {
00302         pool.setTestStatement(test);
00303         String propName = DataBaseServiceImpl.CONNTESTSTMT;
00304         ReconfiguredProp prop = new ReconfiguredProp(propName, test);
00305         // Send a reconfiguration notification to the listener MBean
00306         sendReconfigNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName, prop);
00307     }
00309     // JDBC Connection Pool Statistics
00314     public Integer getConnectionFailures() {
00315         return new Integer(pool.getConnectionFailures());
00316     }
00320     public Integer getConnectionLeaks() {
00321         return new Integer(pool.getConnectionLeaks());
00322     }
00326     public Integer getCurrentBusy() {
00327         return new Integer(pool.getCurrentBusy());
00328     }
00332     public Integer getBusyMax() {
00333         return new Integer(pool.getBusyMaxRecent());
00334     }
00338     public Integer getBusyMin() {
00339         return new Integer(pool.getBusyMinRecent());
00340     }
00344     public Integer getCurrentInTx() {
00345         return new Integer(pool.getCurrentInTx());
00346     }
00350     public Integer getCurrentOpened() {
00351         return new Integer(pool.getCurrentOpened());
00352     }
00356     public Integer getCurrentWaiters() {
00357         return new Integer(pool.getCurrentWaiters());
00358     }
00362     public Integer getOpenedCount() {
00363         return new Integer(pool.getOpenedCount());
00364     }
00368     public Integer getRejectedFull() {
00369         return new Integer(pool.getRejectedFull());
00370     }
00374     public Integer getRejectedOpen() {
00375         return new Integer(pool.getRejectedOpen());
00376     }
00380     public Integer getRejectedOther() {
00381         return new Integer(pool.getRejectedOther());
00382     }
00386     public Integer getRejectedTimeout() {
00387         return new Integer(pool.getRejectedTimeout());
00388     }
00392     public Integer getServedOpen() {
00393         return new Integer(pool.getServedOpen());
00394     }
00398     public Integer getWaiterCount() {
00399         return new Integer(pool.getWaiterCount());
00400     }
00404     public Integer getWaitersHigh() {
00405         return new Integer(pool.getWaitersHigh());
00406     }
00410     public Integer getWaitersHighRecent() {
00411         return new Integer(pool.getWaitersHighRecent());
00412     }
00416     public Long getWaitingHigh() {
00417         return new Long(pool.getWaitingHigh());
00418     }
00422     public Long getWaitingHighRecent() {
00423         return new Long(pool.getWaitingHighRecent());
00424     }
00428     public Long getWaitingTime() {
00429         return new Long(pool.getWaitingTime());
00430     }
00435     protected long getSequenceNumber() {
00436         return ++sequenceNumber;
00437     }
00442     public void saveConfig() {
00443         sendSaveNotification(getSequenceNumber(), datasourceName);
00444     }
00445 }

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