
00024 package org.objectweb.jonas.server;
00026 // Java imports
00027 import java.io.File;
00028 import java.io.FileInputStream;
00029 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
00030 import java.io.IOException;
00031 import java.io.InputStream;
00032 import java.io.OutputStream;
00033 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
00034 import java.net.URL;
00035 import java.net.URLClassLoader;
00036 import java.util.ArrayList;
00037 import java.util.Arrays;
00039 import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType;
00040 import javax.management.MBeanException;
00041 import javax.management.Notification;
00042 import javax.management.NotificationFilter;
00043 import javax.management.NotificationListener;
00045 import org.apache.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean;
00047 import org.objectweb.common.Cmd;
00049 import org.objectweb.jonas_ear.deployment.api.EarDeploymentDesc;
00050 import org.objectweb.jonas_ear.deployment.api.EarDeploymentDescException;
00051 import org.objectweb.jonas_ear.deployment.lib.wrapper.EarManagerWrapper;
00053 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.genic.wrapper.GenicServiceWrapper;
00055 import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.genclientstub.wrapper.ClientGenStubWrapper;
00057 import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.api.WebContainerDeploymentDescException;
00058 import org.objectweb.jonas_web.deployment.lib.wrapper.WebManagerWrapper;
00060 import org.objectweb.jonas_ws.wsgen.wrapper.WsGenWrapper;
00062 import org.objectweb.jonas.common.Log;
00063 import org.objectweb.jonas.container.EJBService;
00064 import org.objectweb.jonas.ear.EarService;
00065 import org.objectweb.jonas.ear.EarServiceException;
00066 import org.objectweb.jonas.resource.ResourceService;
00067 import org.objectweb.jonas.service.ServiceException;
00068 import org.objectweb.jonas.service.ServiceManager;
00069 import org.objectweb.jonas.web.JWebContainerService;
00071 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.BasicLevel;
00072 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
00082 public class J2EEServerMBean extends BaseModelMBean {
00087     private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
00092     private static Logger mgtLogger = Log.getLogger(Log.JONAS_MANAGEMENT_PREFIX);
00098     public J2EEServerMBean() throws MBeanException {
00099         super();
00100     }
00102     // ------------------------------------------------------------- Public
00103     // methods
00110     public String[] getDeployedObjects() {
00111         ArrayList al = (ArrayList) ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).getDeployedObjects();
00112         return (String[]) al.toArray(new String[al.size()]);
00113     }
00119     public String[] getResources() {
00120         ArrayList al = (ArrayList) ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).getResources();
00121         return (String[]) al.toArray(new String[al.size()]);
00122     }
00128     public String[] getJavaVMs() {
00129         ArrayList al = (ArrayList) ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).getJavaVMs();
00130         return (String[]) al.toArray(new String[al.size()]);
00131     }
00137     public void sendNotification(Notification pNotification) {
00138         ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).sendNotification(pNotification);
00139     }
00148     public void addNotificationListener(NotificationListener pListner, NotificationFilter pFilter,
00149             java.lang.Object pHandback) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException {
00150         ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).addNotificationListener(pListner, pFilter, pHandback);
00151     }
00159     public String deployJar(String fileName) throws Exception {
00160         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).deployJar(fileName);
00161     }
00168     public void deployWar(String fileName) throws Exception {
00169         ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).deployWar(fileName);
00170     }
00179     public String deployEar(String fileName) throws Exception {
00180         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).deployEar(fileName);
00181     }
00190     public String deployRar(String fileName) throws Exception {
00191         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).deployRar(fileName);
00192     }
00200     public Boolean isEarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
00201         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).isEarDeployed(fileName);
00202     }
00210     public Boolean isRarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
00211         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).isRarDeployed(fileName);
00212     }
00220     public Boolean isJarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
00221         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).isJarDeployed(fileName);
00222     }
00230     public Boolean isWarDeployed(String fileName) throws Exception {
00231         return ((J2EEServer) (this.resource)).isWarDeployed(fileName);
00232     }
00248     public String deployFile(Integer typeparam, java.lang.Byte[] bfile, String filename, String[] genicArgs) {
00249         String directory = "";
00250         int type = typeparam.intValue();
00252         ServiceManager serviceManager = null;
00253         try {
00254             serviceManager = ServiceManager.getInstance();
00255         } catch (Exception e) {
00256             // TODO
00257             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot get the instance of the Service Manager : '" + e.getMessage()
00258                     + "'.");
00259         }
00261         boolean isJar = false;
00262         if (type == ModuleType.EJB.getValue()) {
00263                 directory = ((EJBService) serviceManager.getEjbService()).getEjbjarsDirectory();
00264                 isJar = true;
00265         } else if (type == ModuleType.EAR.getValue()) {
00266                 directory = ((EarService) serviceManager.getEarService()).getAppsDirectory();
00267         } else if (type == ModuleType.WAR.getValue()) {
00268                 directory = ((JWebContainerService) serviceManager.getWebContainerService()).getWebappsDirectory();
00269         } else if (type == ModuleType.RAR.getValue()) {
00270                 directory = ((ResourceService) serviceManager.getResourceService()).getRarsDirectory();
00271         } else if (type == ModuleType.CAR.getValue()) {
00272             // do nothing
00273         }
00275         File file = new File(directory + filename);
00276         try {
00277             FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
00278             byte[] bfileused = new byte[bfile.length];
00279             for (int i = 0; i < bfile.length; i++) {
00280                 bfileused[i] = bfile[i].byteValue();
00281             }
00282             out.write(bfileused);
00283             out.close();
00284             if (type == ModuleType.EJB.getValue()) {
00285                     try {
00286                         callGenic(genicArgs, directory + filename);
00287                     } catch (ServiceException e) {
00288                         mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.WARN, "deploy File error " + filename + e.getClass().getName() + " "
00289                                 + e.getMessage());
00290                     }
00291             } else if (type == ModuleType.EAR.getValue()) {
00292                 unpackAndCompileEar(file, genicArgs);
00293             } else if (type == ModuleType.WAR.getValue()) {
00294                  checkWebAppDeploymentDesc(file);
00295             } else {
00296                 mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Deployment not yet implemented for type '" + type + ".");
00297             }
00298         } catch (IOException ioe) {
00299             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot dump to outputstream the file '" + file + "' : '"
00300                     + ioe.getMessage() + "'.", ioe);
00301             // TODO
00302         }
00304         // Ugly but don't work without it ...
00305         try {
00306             Thread.sleep(1000);
00307         } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
00308             e1.printStackTrace();
00309         }
00311         if (!filename.endsWith(".rar")) {
00312             String modifiedArchive = null;
00313             ClientGenStubWrapper clientWrapper = new ClientGenStubWrapper();
00314             try {
00315                 modifiedArchive = clientWrapper.callClientGenStubExecute(file.getPath());
00316             } catch (Exception e) {
00317                 mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot launch ClientGenStub on the file '" + file + "' : '"
00318                         + e.getCause().getMessage() + "'.", e);
00319             }
00321             boolean modified = false;
00322             try {
00323                 modified = clientWrapper.callClientGenStubIsInputModifed();
00324             } catch (Exception e) {
00325                 mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot launch ClientGenStub.isInputModified '" + file + "' : '"
00326                         + e.getCause().getMessage() + "'.", e);
00327                 // assume file has been modified
00328                 modified = true;
00329             }
00331             if (modified) {
00332                 // assume also that we can call WsGen after
00333                 File newFile = new File(modifiedArchive);
00334                 try {
00335                     copy(newFile, file);
00336                 } catch (Exception e) {
00337                     mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Error when copying file '" + newFile + "'. : " + e.getMessage());
00338                 }
00340                 // Ugly but don't work without it ...
00341                 try {
00342                     Thread.sleep(1000);
00343                 } catch (InterruptedException e1) {
00344                     e1.printStackTrace();
00345                 }
00347                 WsGenWrapper ww = new WsGenWrapper();
00348                 try {
00349                     modifiedArchive = ww.callWsGenExecute(file.getPath());
00350                 } catch (Exception e) {
00351                     mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot launch WsGen on the file '" + file + "' : '"
00352                             + e.getCause().getMessage() + "'.", e);
00353                 }
00355                 try {
00356                     modified = ww.callWsGenIsInputModifed();
00357                 } catch (Exception e) {
00358                     mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot launch WsGen on the file '" + file + "' : '"
00359                             + e.getCause().getMessage() + "'.", e);
00360                 }
00362                 if (modified) {
00363                     // assume also that we can call WsGen after
00364                     File newFile2 = new File(modifiedArchive);
00365                         // Check for modifiedArchive suffix
00366                         if (modifiedArchive.endsWith(".ear")) {
00367                                 // check if input file is a jar
00368                                 if (isJar) {
00369                                         // this case is special: we got a JAR in input and generate a EAR in output
00370                                         // the output goes to apps directory
00371                                         String modifiedDirectory = ((EarService) serviceManager.getEarService()).getAppsDirectory();
00372                                         file = new File(modifiedDirectory + newFile2.getName());
00373                                 }
00374                         }
00375                     try {
00376                         copy(newFile2, file);
00377                     } catch (Exception e) {
00378                         mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Error when copying file '" + newFile2 + "'. : " + e.getMessage());
00379                     }
00380                     return file.getPath();
00381                 }
00383                 return modifiedArchive;
00384             } else {
00385                 // don't call wsgen as it will fail with DTD too
00386                 return file.getPath();
00387             }
00388         } else {
00389             return file.getPath();
00390         }
00391     }
00399     void copy(File src, File dst) throws IOException {
00400         InputStream is = new FileInputStream(src);
00401         OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
00403         // bytes to transfer
00404         byte[] buf = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
00405         int len;
00406         while ((len = is.read(buf)) > 0) {
00407             os.write(buf, 0, len);
00408         }
00409         is.close();
00410         os.close();
00411     }
00418     private void callGenic(String[] genicArgs, String jarPath) {
00419         String[] args;
00420         if (genicArgs != null) {
00421             args = new String[genicArgs.length + 1];
00422             for (int i = 0; i < genicArgs.length; i++) {
00423                 args[i] = genicArgs[i];
00424             }
00425             args[genicArgs.length] = jarPath;
00426         } else {
00427             args = new String[1];
00428             args[0] = jarPath;
00429         }
00430         mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.DEBUG, "Calling GenIC with arguments :" + Arrays.asList(args));
00431         GenicServiceWrapper.callGenic(args);
00432     }
00440     private void unpackAndCompileEar(File file, String[] genicArgs) throws ServiceException {
00441         URL[] earUrl = new URL[1];
00443         try {
00444             earUrl[0] = file.toURL();
00445         } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
00446             // TODO
00447             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "The url for the file '" + file + "' cannot be built : '" + e.getMessage()
00448                     + "'.");
00449         }
00451         //Create classLoader
00452         //parent classloader is the current classloader
00453         ClassLoader currentLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
00454         URLClassLoader loaderCls = new URLClassLoader(earUrl, currentLoader);
00456         EarDeploymentDesc desc = null;
00457         try {
00458             desc = EarManagerWrapper.getDeploymentDesc(earUrl[0].getFile(), loaderCls);
00459         } catch (EarDeploymentDescException e) {
00460             // TODO
00461             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "Cannot get deployment descriptor for the Ear file '" + file + "' : '"
00462                     + e.getMessage() + "'.");
00463         }
00465         String[] ejbTags = desc.getEjbTags();
00466         if (ejbTags.length != 0) {
00467             //  need to call GENIC
00468             /*
00469              * Example of a jar command: jar -uf ../output/ejbjars/sb.jar -C
00470              * /tmp/genic1547.tmp a/b/C1.class -C /tmp/genic1547.tmp
00471              * a/b/C2.class .....
00472              */
00473             String javaHomeBin = System.getProperty("java.home", "");
00474             if (!("".equals(javaHomeBin))) {
00475                 javaHomeBin = javaHomeBin + File.separator + ".." + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator;
00476             }
00478             Cmd cmd = null;
00479             cmd = new Cmd(javaHomeBin + "jar");
00480             cmd.addArgument("-xf");
00481             cmd.addArgument(file.getAbsolutePath());
00483             for (int i = 0; i < ejbTags.length; i++) {
00484                 cmd.addArgument(ejbTags[i]);
00485             }
00487             boolean exitCmd = cmd.run();
00488             // Analyse the result of the jar command
00489             if (!exitCmd) {
00490                 throw new EarServiceException("Failed when extracting the the ejb jar " + "in the given jar file '"
00491                         + file + "'.");
00492             }
00494             for (int i = 0; i < ejbTags.length; i++) {
00495                 try {
00496                     callGenic(genicArgs, ejbTags[i]);
00497                 } catch (ServiceException e) {
00498                     throw (e);
00499                 }
00500             }
00501             // add modified jar into ear
00502             cmd = new Cmd(javaHomeBin + "jar");
00503             cmd.addArgument("-uf");
00504             cmd.addArgument(file.getAbsolutePath());
00506             for (int i = 0; i < ejbTags.length; i++) {
00507                 cmd.addArgument(ejbTags[i]);
00508             }
00509             exitCmd = cmd.run();
00510             // Analyse the result of the jar command
00511             if (!exitCmd) {
00512                 throw new EarServiceException("Failed when extracting the the ejb jar " + "in the given jar file '"
00513                         + file + "'.");
00514             }
00516             for (int i = 0; i < ejbTags.length; i++) {
00517                 File del = new File(ejbTags[i]);
00518                 del.delete();
00519             }
00520         }
00521     }
00527     private void checkWebAppDeploymentDesc(File file) {
00528         URL warUrl = null;
00530         try {
00531             warUrl = file.toURL();
00532         } catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
00533             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, "The url for the file '" + file + "' cannot be built : '"
00534                     + mue.getMessage() + "'.");
00535             throw new RuntimeException(mue);
00536         }
00538         URLClassLoader warCl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {warUrl});
00540         try {
00541             WebManagerWrapper.getDeploymentDesc(warUrl, warCl, null);
00542         } catch (WebContainerDeploymentDescException e) {
00543             String err = "Cannot read the deployment descriptors '" + warUrl.getFile() + "'";
00544             mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.ERROR, err + ": " + e);
00545             e.printStackTrace(System.err);
00546             throw new RuntimeException(err, e);
00547         }
00549     }
00555     //
00556     //    public static void addResource(String pObjectName) {
00557     //        try {
00558     //            Server oServer = Server.getInstance();
00559     //            J2EEServer oJ2EEServer = oServer.getJ2EEServer();
00560     //            oJ2EEServer.addResource(pObjectName);
00561     //        } catch (Exception e) {
00562     //            mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.WARN
00563     //                , "Add resource error (object=" + pObjectName + ") : "
00564     //                + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
00565     //        }
00566     //    }
00573     //    public static String removeResource(String pObjectName) {
00574     //        String sRet = null;
00575     //        try {
00576     //            Server oServer = Server.getInstance();
00577     //            J2EEServer oJ2EEServer = oServer.getJ2EEServer();
00578     //            sRet = oJ2EEServer.removeResource(pObjectName);
00579     //        } catch (Exception e) {
00580     //            mgtLogger.log(BasicLevel.WARN
00581     //                , "Remove resource object error (object=" + pObjectName + ") : "
00582     //                + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
00583     //        }
00584     //        return sRet;
00585     //    }
00586 }

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