
00025 package org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.api;
00027 import java.util.HashMap;
00028 import java.util.Iterator;
00030 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.EjbRelation;
00031 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.EjbRelationshipRole;
00032 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasEjbRelation;
00033 import org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.deployment.xml.JonasEjbRelationshipRole;
00034 import org.objectweb.jonas_lib.deployment.api.DeploymentDescException;
00035 import org.objectweb.util.monolog.api.Logger;
00045 public class EjbRelationDesc {
00047     private Logger logger = null;
00048     private String name;        // name of the relation
00049     private String name1;        // name of the relation role 1
00050     private String name2;        // name of the relation role 2
00051     private EjbRelationshipRoleDesc relationshipRoleDesc1;
00052     private EjbRelationshipRoleDesc relationshipRoleDesc2;
00053     private String jdbcTableName = null;
00056     // Zeus objects for the associated mapping information (needed in fillMappingInfo);
00057     private EjbRelationshipRole role1;
00058     private EjbRelationshipRole role2;
00059     JonasEjbRelation jRel = null;
00060     JonasEjbRelationshipRole jRsRole1 = null;
00061     JonasEjbRelationshipRole jRsRole2 = null;
00070     public EjbRelationDesc(EjbRelation er, Logger logger) throws DeploymentDescException {
00072         this.logger = logger;
00074         role1 = er.getEjbRelationshipRole();
00075         role2 = er.getEjbRelationshipRole2();
00077         String cmr1 = "";
00078         if (role1.getCmrField() != null) {
00079             cmr1 = role1.getCmrField().getCmrFieldName();
00080         }
00081         String cmr2 = "";
00082         if (role2.getCmrField() != null) {
00083             cmr2 = role2.getCmrField().getCmrFieldName();
00084         }
00086         // first role. A name is mandatory.
00087         // If not set: choose the cmr name of the opposite role, if it exists.
00088         name1 = role1.getEjbRelationshipRoleName();
00089         if (name1 == null || name1.length() == 0) {
00090             if (role2.getCmrField() != null) {
00091                 name1 = cmr2;
00092             } else {
00093                 name1 = "role1"; // a default value
00094             }
00095             // We have changed the name, keep the new one.
00096             role1.setEjbRelationshipRoleName(name1);
00097         }
00099         // second role. A name is mandatory.
00100         // If not set: choose the cmr name of the opposite role, if it exists.
00101         name2 = role2.getEjbRelationshipRoleName();
00102         if (name2 == null || name2.length() == 0) {
00103             if (role1.getCmrField() != null) {
00104                 name2 = cmr1;
00105             } else {
00106                 name2 = "role2"; // a default value
00107             }
00108             // We have changed the name, keep the new one.
00109             role2.setEjbRelationshipRoleName(name2);
00110         }
00112         // the two roles must have different names
00113         if (name1.equals(name2)) {
00114             throw new DeploymentDescException("Relation " + name + " have 2 roles with same name: " + name1);
00115         }
00117         // name of the relation. If not set, choose a combination of the 2 cmr names.
00118         String ern = er.getEjbRelationName();
00119         if (ern == null || ern.length() == 0) {
00120             name = cmr2 + "-" + cmr1;
00121         } else {
00122             name = ern;
00123         }
00124     }
00131     public void setJonasInfo(JonasEjbRelation jer) throws DeploymentDescException {
00132         // search the associated JonasEjbRelationshipRole of EjbRelationshipRole.
00133         // They may not exist.
00134         jRel = jer;
00135         HashMap table = new HashMap();
00136         if (jRel != null) {
00137             for (Iterator i = jRel.getJonasEjbRelationshipRoleList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
00138                 JonasEjbRelationshipRole jersr = (JonasEjbRelationshipRole) i.next();
00139                 String rname = jersr.getEjbRelationshipRoleName();
00140                 if (!rname.equals(name1) && !rname.equals(name2)) {
00141                     throw new DeploymentDescException("Invalid relationship-role-name \"" + rname + "\" for relation \"" + name + "\" in jonas-ejb-jar.xml");
00142                 }
00143                 table.put(rname, jersr);
00144             }
00145         }
00146         jRsRole1 = (JonasEjbRelationshipRole) table.get(name1);
00147         jRsRole2 = (JonasEjbRelationshipRole) table.get(name2);
00149         relationshipRoleDesc1 = new EjbRelationshipRoleDesc(this, name1, role1, jRsRole1, role2, true, logger);
00150         relationshipRoleDesc2 = new EjbRelationshipRoleDesc(this, name2, role2, jRsRole2, role1, false, logger);
00152         // Add the opposite CMR field for the relation XXu
00153         // in order to implement the coherence.
00154         boolean r1hf = relationshipRoleDesc1.hasCmrField();
00155         boolean r2hf = relationshipRoleDesc2.hasCmrField();
00156         EjbRelationshipRoleDesc nocmr = null;
00157         EjbRelationshipRoleDesc cmr = null;
00158         if (r1hf && !r2hf) {
00159             nocmr = relationshipRoleDesc2;
00160             cmr = relationshipRoleDesc1;
00161         } else if (!r1hf && r2hf) {
00162             nocmr = relationshipRoleDesc1;
00163             cmr = relationshipRoleDesc2;
00164         }
00165         if (nocmr != null) {
00166             // The relation is OXu, the role 'role' does not have cmr field
00167             String cmrName = name;
00168             // calculate a cmr field name with the relation name. The bad
00169             // character are replaced by the character '_'.
00170             for (int i = 0; i < cmrName.length(); i++) {
00171                 char c = cmrName.charAt(i);
00172                 if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
00173                     cmrName = cmrName.replace(c, '_');
00174                 }
00175             }
00176             cmrName = "jonasCMR" + cmrName;
00177             // Add the cmr, no type is specified because the added cmr field
00178             // is mono valued.
00179             nocmr.setCmrFieldName(cmrName);
00180             nocmr.setIsJOnASCmrField();
00181             if (nocmr.isTargetMultiple()) {
00182                 if (cmr.isTargetMultiple()) {
00183                     nocmr.setCmrFieldType(cmr.cmrFieldType.getName());
00184                 } else {
00185                     nocmr.setCmrFieldType("java.util.Collection");
00186                 }
00187             }
00188         }
00189     }
00195     protected void fillMappingInfo() throws DeploymentDescException {
00196         if (jRel != null) {
00197             if (jRel.getJdbcTableName() != null) {
00198                 if (jRel.getJdbcTableName().length() != 0) {
00199                     jdbcTableName = jRel.getJdbcTableName();
00200                 }
00201             }
00202             relationshipRoleDesc1.fillMappingInfo();
00203             relationshipRoleDesc2.fillMappingInfo();
00204         }
00205     }
00211     protected void fillMappingInfoWithDefault() {
00212         if (!hasJdbcTable()) {
00213             if (getRelationshipRole1().isTargetMultiple()
00214                 && getRelationshipRole2().isTargetMultiple()) {
00215                 // Many-Many: join table needed for the relation
00216                 jdbcTableName = getRelationshipRole1().getSourceBean().getAbstractSchemaName().toUpperCase()
00217                     + "_" + getRelationshipRole2().getSourceBean().getAbstractSchemaName().toUpperCase();
00218             }
00219         }
00220         if (!getRelationshipRole1().isSourceMultiple()
00221             && !getRelationshipRole2().isSourceMultiple()) {
00222             // One-One
00223             if (!getRelationshipRole1().hasJdbcMapping()
00224                 && !getRelationshipRole2().hasJdbcMapping()) {
00225                 if (!getRelationshipRole1().isJOnASCmrField()
00226                     && !getRelationshipRole2().isJOnASCmrField()) {
00227                     // One <-> One: foreign keys in the source bean of the first RsRole defined
00228                     getRelationshipRole1().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00229                 } else {
00230                     if (!getRelationshipRole1().isJOnASCmrField()) {
00231                         // One -> One: foreign keys in the source bean of RsRole1
00232                         getRelationshipRole1().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00233                     } else {
00234                         // One <- One: foreign keys in the target bean of RsRole1
00235                         getRelationshipRole2().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00236                     }
00237                 }
00238             }
00239         } else if (getRelationshipRole1().isSourceMultiple()
00240                    && getRelationshipRole2().isSourceMultiple()) {
00241             // Many-Many
00242             getRelationshipRole1().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00243             getRelationshipRole2().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00244         } else {
00245             // One-Many or Many-One
00246             if (getRelationshipRole1().isSourceMultiple()) {
00247                 // Many-One
00248                 getRelationshipRole1().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00249             } else {
00250                 // One-Many
00251                 getRelationshipRole2().fillMappingInfoWithDefault();
00252             }
00253         }
00254     }
00260     public String getName() {
00261         return name;
00262     }
00268     public EjbRelationshipRoleDesc getRelationshipRole1() {
00269         return relationshipRoleDesc1;
00270     }
00276     public EjbRelationshipRoleDesc getRelationshipRole2() {
00277         return relationshipRoleDesc2;
00278     }
00284     public boolean hasJdbcTable() {
00285         return (jdbcTableName != null);
00286     }
00292     public String getJdbcTableName() {
00293         return jdbcTableName;
00294     }
00300     public String toString() {
00301         StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
00302         ret.append("\ngetName()=" + getName());
00303         if (hasJdbcTable()) {
00304             ret.append("\ngetJdbcTableName() = " + getJdbcTableName());
00305         }
00306         ret.append("\ngetRelationshipRole1() = " + getRelationshipRole1());
00307         ret.append("\ngetRelationshipRole2() = " + getRelationshipRole2());
00308         return ret.toString();
00309     }
00310 }

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