
00026 package org.objectweb.jonas.webapp.jonasadmin.service.container;
00028 import java.io.IOException;
00029 import java.net.URL;
00030 import java.util.ArrayList;
00032 import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
00033 import javax.management.ObjectName;
00034 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
00035 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
00036 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
00038 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
00039 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
00040 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
00041 import org.objectweb.jonas.container.EJBServiceImpl;
00042 import org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.J2eeObjectName;
00043 import org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.JonasManagementRepr;
00044 import org.objectweb.jonas.webapp.jonasadmin.JonasAdminJmx;
00045 import org.objectweb.jonas.webapp.jonasadmin.JonasBaseAction;
00046 import org.objectweb.jonas.webapp.jonasadmin.WhereAreYou;
00047 import org.objectweb.jonas.webapp.jonasadmin.common.ModuleItem;
00054 public class EditEarAction extends JonasBaseAction {
00056 // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
00064     private static String NONAME = "";
00066     public ActionForward executeAction(ActionMapping pMapping, ActionForm pForm
00067         , HttpServletRequest pRequest, HttpServletResponse pResponse)
00068         throws IOException, ServletException {
00070         // Selected ear
00071         String sObjectName = pRequest.getParameter("select");
00073         ObjectName oObjectName = null;
00074         String domainName = null;
00075         String serverName = null;
00076         String appName = null;
00078         // Form used
00079         EarForm oForm = null;
00080         if (sObjectName != null) {
00081             String sPath = null;
00082             try {
00083                 // Recreate ObjectName
00084                 oObjectName = ObjectName.getInstance(sObjectName);
00085                 domainName = oObjectName.getDomain();
00086                 serverName = oObjectName.getKeyProperty("J2EEServer");
00087                 appName = oObjectName.getKeyProperty("name");
00088                 // Build a new form
00089                 oForm = new EarForm();
00090                 oForm.reset(pMapping, pRequest);
00091                 m_Session.setAttribute("earForm", oForm);
00092                 URL earUrl = (java.net.URL) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "earUrl");
00093                 sPath = earUrl.toString();
00094                 //oForm.setPath(sPath);
00095                 oForm.setFilename(JonasAdminJmx.extractFilename(sPath));
00096                 //oForm.setObjectName(sObjectName);
00097                 //oForm.setModuleName(appName);
00098             } catch (Throwable t) {
00099                 addGlobalError(t);
00100                 saveErrors(pRequest, m_Errors);
00101                 return (pMapping.findForward("Global Error"));
00102             }
00103         } else {
00104             // Used last form in session
00105             oForm = (EarForm) m_Session.getAttribute("earForm");
00106         }
00108         // Force the node selected in tree
00109         m_WhereAreYou.selectNameNode(getTreeBranchName(DEPTH_SERVER) + WhereAreYou.NODE_SEPARATOR
00110             + "services" + WhereAreYou.NODE_SEPARATOR + "ear" + WhereAreYou.NODE_SEPARATOR
00111             + oForm.getFilename(), true);
00113         // Populate
00114         try {
00115             if (oObjectName != null) {
00116                 oForm.setEarPath((URL) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "earUrl"));
00117                 oForm.setXmlDeploymentDescriptor(getStringAttribute(oObjectName, "deploymentDescriptor"));
00119                 // Use wars management attribute to construct the EarForm.wars ModuleItem list
00120                 // This allows using OBJECT_NAME in JSP link parameter 'on' (see earWars.jsp)
00121                 URL[] warPaths = (URL[]) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "wars");
00122                 String[] webModuleObjectNames = (String[]) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "webModules");
00123                 String[] arrayPathContext = getPathContexts(webModuleObjectNames);
00124                 ArrayList wars = new ArrayList();
00125                 for (int i = 0; i < warPaths.length; i++) {
00126                     URL warPath = warPaths[i];
00127                     String path = warPath.getPath();
00128                     // Looking for a possible association between the URL and the WebModule ObjectNames
00129                     // This will correctly work if the file names used to pack the wars are not dummy names
00130                     // but significant names allowing to distinguish the wars in case we have more than one
00131                     // in a ear.
00132                     int index = getWebModuleIndex(warPath, arrayPathContext);
00133                     ModuleItem it = null;
00134                     if (index > -1) {
00135                         // Could found an association between the URL and an MBean ObjectName
00136                         // There is a risc that the association is not correct
00137                         it = new ModuleItem(arrayPathContext[index], webModuleObjectNames[index], path);
00138                     } else {
00139                         // Could not found an association between the URL and an MBean ObjectName
00140                         it = new ModuleItem(NONAME, NONAME, path);
00141                     }
00142                     wars.add(it);
00143                 }
00144                 oForm.setWars(wars);
00146                 // Use ejbJars management attribute to construct the EarForm.ejbjars ModuleItem list
00147                 // This allows using OBJECT_NAME in JSP link parameter 'select' (see earJars.jsp)
00148                 URL[] jarPaths = (URL[]) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "ejbJars");
00149                 ArrayList ejbJars = new ArrayList();
00150                 for (int i = 0; i < jarPaths.length; i++) {
00151                     URL jarPath = jarPaths[i];
00152                     String path = jarPath.getPath();
00153                     String name = EJBServiceImpl.buildEJBModuleName(jarPath);
00154                     ObjectName moduleObjectName = J2eeObjectName.getEJBModule(domainName, serverName, appName, name);
00155                     String objectName = moduleObjectName.toString();
00156                     ModuleItem it = new ModuleItem(name, objectName, path);
00157                     ejbJars.add(it);
00158                 }
00159                 oForm.setEjbjars(ejbJars);
00161                 // Keep URL list in EarForm for the moment, as did not made changes yet in order to replace
00162                 // file paths with OBJECT_NAME in the case of ResourceAdapterModules
00163                 oForm.setListRars((URL[]) JonasManagementRepr.getAttribute(oObjectName, "rars"));
00165             }
00166         } catch (Throwable t) {
00167             addGlobalError(t);
00168             saveErrors(pRequest, m_Errors);
00169             return (pMapping.findForward("Global Error"));
00170         }
00171         // Forward to the jsp.
00172         return (pMapping.findForward("Ear"));
00173     }
00185     private String[] getPathContexts(String[] webModuleObjectNames) {
00186         int nbNames = webModuleObjectNames.length;
00187         String[] ret = new String[nbNames];
00188         for (int i = 0; i < nbNames; i++) {
00189             ObjectName oObjectName = null;
00190             try {
00191                 oObjectName = ObjectName.getInstance(webModuleObjectNames[i]);
00192             } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
00193                 ret[i] = null;
00194             }
00195             String nameKeyProp = oObjectName.getKeyProperty("name");
00196             ret[i] = WebAppItem.extractPathContext(nameKeyProp);
00197         }
00198         return ret;
00199     }
00210     private int getWebModuleIndex(URL warPath, String[] arrayPathContext) {
00211         int index = -1;
00212         StringBuffer sbWarPath = new StringBuffer(warPath.toString());
00213         for (int i = 0; i < arrayPathContext.length; i++) {
00214             String sWarPath = warPath.toString();
00215             String pathContext = arrayPathContext[i];
00216             if (pathContext != null) {
00217                 int indexPath = sbWarPath.indexOf(pathContext);
00218                 if (indexPath > -1) {
00219                     index = i;
00220                     break;
00221                 }
00222             }
00223         }
00224         return index;
00225     }
00226 }

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