Chapter 1. Creating a New JOnAS Service

1.1. Target audience and rationale
1.2. Introducing a new service
1.2.1. Defining the service interface and implementation
1.2.2. Building the OSGi bundle
1.2.3. Preparing Service Installation
1.2.4. Modifying the file
1.3. Using the new service
1.4. Advanced understanding
1.4.1. JOnAS built-in services
1.4.2. The ServiceException

1.1. Target audience and rationale

This chapter is intended for advanced JOnAS users who require that some "external" services run along with the JOnAS server. A service is something that may be initialized, started, and stopped. JOnAS itself already defines a set of services, some of which are cornerstones of the JONAS Server. The JOnAS pre-defined services are listed in Configuring JOnAS services .

Java EE application developers may need to access other services, for example another Web container or a Versant container, for their components. Thus, it is important that such services be able to run along with the application server. To achieve this, it is possible to define them as JOnAS services.

This chapter describes how to define a new JOnAS service and how to specify which service should be started with the JOnAS server.

1.2. Introducing a new service

The customary way to define a new JOnAS service is to encapsulate it in a class whose interface is known by JOnAS. More precisely, such a class provides a way to start and stop the service. Then, the file must be modified to make JOnAS aware of this service.

1.2.1. Defining the service interface and implementation

A JOnAS service is represented by a class that implements its service interface and extends the class org.ow2.jonas.lib.service.AbsServiceImpl, and thus must implement at least the following methods:

  • public void doStart() throws ServiceException;

  • public void doStop() throws ServiceException;

These methods will be called by JOnAS for starting and stopping the service.

The service interface should look like the following:


 * Defines the "business" interface of the service (no life-cycle methods).
public interface IMyService {
    void doSomething();

The service class should look like the following:



import org.ow2.jonas.lib.service.AbsServiceImpl;
import org.ow2.jonas.service.ServiceException;


public class DefaultMyService extends AbsServiceImpl implements IMyService {

    /** A configurable property. */
    private String property;

    protected void doStart() throws ServiceException {
        // Do something on start-up
        // All the configuration and service dependencies has been injected at this time

    protected void doStop() throws ServiceException {
        // Do something on shutdown
        // Service dependencies are still available

    public void doSomething() {
        // Business code ...

    public void setProperty(String property) { = property;

1.2.2. Building the OSGi bundle

A JOnAS service must be packaged in an OSGi bundle in order to be deployed on the JOnAS OSGi platform. It implies to create a standard packaging structure. An OSGi bundle is like a classic JAR file plus a specific MANIFEST file. To ease the service creation, configuration and management of dynamic dependencies to other JOnAS services, it is recommanded to use iPOJO to build your services. This guide will present the iPOJO solution.

The JAR structure of the bundle must contain the following parts:

com/company/jonas/myservice contains the service interface(s)
com/company/jonas/myservice/internal contains the service implementation classe(s)
metadata.xml iPOJO metadata file

The OSGi MANIFEST should contain the following attributes:

Import-Package: org.ow2.jonas.lib.service, org.ow2.jonas.service, ...
Bundle-Version: 5.1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: MyService

If the project is built with Maven, it is possible to generate this file during the project compilation thanks to the maven-bundle-plugin. This plugin is based on the BND tool which can also be used separately. Building with maven

Even if it's not mandatory to use maven to build OSGi bundles, the JOnAS team use it extensively because of the large number of integrated OSGi™ build tools. Maven project structure

The maven project that will contains the new service's code is structured just like any well known maven project:

          <myservice>.bnd (optional)
  • src/main/java/ contains all the Java source code that have been written for the new service (interface + implementation + any other new classes)

  • src/main/resources/ contains the iPOJO component description file named metadata.xml, plus an optional Bnd descriptor that will be used to describe the bundle's content (for advanced usages)

  • src/test/ contains all the unit tests that may have been written to unit test the service implementation (optional altough recommanded)

  • pom.xml is the maven project's module descriptor Maven project descriptor (pom.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


  <name>JOnAS Service</name>


    <!-- Imports the AbsService and required interfaces in our module -->

      <!-- Creates the bundle -->

      <!-- Manipulate the bundle (iPOJO) -->


Here we go into more details about the different sections of this file.

  • groupId, artifactId and version elements are identifying uniquely the bundle in the maven repository

  • packaging defines the type of the artifact produces by this module. In this case, an OSGi™ bundle.


The properties section defines re-usables key/value pairs. Here, it is used to store the JOnAS version that will be used to compile the module against. It also defines the ipojo version to be used.

[Important] Important

Notice that there is a relationship between JOnAS and iPOJO version:

  • JOnAS 5.1.x uses iPOJO 1.4.0

  • JOnAS 5.2.x uses iPOJO 1.6.x

    <!-- Imports the AbsService and required interfaces in our module -->

The dependencies section of the POM declares library dependencies of the module. In this case, the new service requires jonas-commons because it extends the AbsServiceImpl class (that is in the jonas-commons module). The scope element is used to limit the transitive maven dependency resolution mechanism.

      <!-- Creates the bundle -->
        <extensions>true</extensions> <!-- Do not forget the extensions element ! -->

The build/plugins section contains the definition (and configuration) of all the plugin(s) that will be invoked during the build.

This snippet show the configuration to be used for the maven-bundle-plugin (in charge of the manifest and bundle generation): it simply states that it must read a .bnd file (located in src/main/resources/META-INF/***.bnd) named after the project's artifactId value. If this file is not present, default values will be used.

      <!-- Manipulate the bundle (iPOJO) -->

This important section hooks iPOJO in the build process. It will reads the src/main/resources/metadata.xml file as input. Then, it manipulate the bundle (modify the classes, update the manifest) and save it on disk. iPOJO component descriptor (metadata.xml)

iPOJO is a Service Component Runtime aiming to simplify OSGi application development. You have to create the iPOJO component which will define your JOnAS service. This component must declare the provided and required services, the start/stop callback methods and the service properties.

The iPOJO metadata file should look like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ipojo xmlns:xsi=""
       xsi:schemaLocation="org.apache.felix.ipojo" >

  <component classname=""
    <provides specifications="" />

    <!-- Required dependencies -->
    <requires optional="false"
      <callback type="bind" method="setServerProperties" />

    <!-- LifeCycle Callbacks -->
    <callback transition="validate" method="start" />
    <callback transition="invalidate" method="stop" />

    <!-- Configuration properties -->
    <properties propagation="true">
      <property name="property" method="setProperty" />


iPOJO component description

  • The component classname represents the service implementation class

  • The provides element list all OSGi services provided by the component, here only the service interface

  • In this example, the component requires the ServerProperties service which will be injected to the component instance during activation

  • Two callbacks are defined, one for the component validation during service startup and one for the component invalidation for the service shutdown

  • Property names must match service properties defined in the file. The property value will be injected to the component instance via setters Build execution

Simply type mvn clean install to launch the build, that will delete the target/ directory (that contains only generated/compiled stuff) and then compile and package everything, including generating the bundle with its manifest and manipulating it with iPOJO.

                  >$ mvn clean install

                [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JOnAS Service 1.0.0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.2:resources (default-resources) @ myservice ---
[INFO] Copying 1 resource
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3:compile (default-compile) @ myservice ---
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /home/sauthieg/sandboxes/playground/myservice/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.2:testResources (default-testResources) @ myservice ---
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/sauthieg/sandboxes/playground/myservice/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ myservice ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.5:test (default-test) @ myservice ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.1.0:bundle (default-bundle) @ myservice ---
[INFO] --- maven-ipojo-plugin:1.4.0:ipojo-bundle (default) @ myservice ---
[INFO] Start bundle manipulation
[INFO] Metadata file : /home/sauthieg/sandboxes/playground/myservice/target/classes/metadata.xml
[INFO] Input Bundle File : /home/sauthieg/sandboxes/playground/myservice/target/myservice-1.0.0.jar
[INFO] Bundle manipulation - SUCCESS
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3:install (default-install) @ myservice ---
[INFO] Installing /home/sauthieg/sandboxes/playground/myservice/target/myservice-1.0.0.jar to /home/sauthieg/.m2/repository/com/company/jonas/myservice/1.0.0/myservice-1.0.0.jar
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.1.0:install (default-install) @ myservice ---
[INFO] Installing com/company/jonas/myservice/1.0.0/myservice-1.0.0.jar
[INFO] Writing OBR metadata
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8.088s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Jul 06 10:37:43 GMT+01:00 2010
[INFO] Final Memory: 9M/315M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


1.2.3. Preparing Service Installation Bundle Repository

The generated bundle has to be placed in a maven repository that is available to the JOnAS instance that will host the service.

2 simples solutions:

  • Bundle was locally produced using maven, so it's already available in the local developer's repository (usually in ~/.m2/repository/). This repository has to be declared to the JOnAS instance.

    The easiest way to declare a repository is to edit the $JONAS_BASE/conf/initial-repositories.xml and make sure that a similar entry is present:

      <repository id="maven2-local-repository">
  • Bundle is not already present in a maven repository. It's necessary to place it in the appropriate location (according to its maven coordinates: groupId, artifactId, version, ...):

    [Note] Note

    groupId is expressed with '.' as separator in POMs, but '.' are to be replaced with '/' in the location

    The path follows the Maven repository structure. By default, each JOnAS service is located in the $JONAS_ROOT/repositories/maven2-internal directory. This directory can be seen as a Maven local repository where JOnAS looks for OSGi™ bundles Service Deployment Plan

After the setup of the maven repository hosting the new service bundle, a deployment plan (XML file) referencing this resource has to be created. This deployment plan must be placed in the $JONAS_ROOT/repositories/url-internal directory . The file name must be the same than the service name: myservice.xml in the example.

[Important] Important

Deployment plan filename HAS TO BE equals to the service name used in the

Here is an example of deployment plan that will trigger the installation of a bundle available as a maven artifact.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deployment-plan xmlns=""

  <deployment id=""


As the service name and the deployment plan name are equal, JOnAS will automatically try to deploy this deployment plan during the service startup. This will trigger the deployment of the OSGi™ bundle.

More information about deployment plans here.

1.2.4. Modifying the file

The service is defined and its initialization parameters specified in the file. First, choose a name for the service (e.g. "myservice"), then do the following:

  • add this name to the property; this property defines the set of services (comma-separated) that will be started with JOnAS.

  • add a jonas.service.myservice.class property specifying the service implementation class.

  • add jonas.service.myservice.XXX properties which specify the service configuration. These properties will be set to the implementation class before the service startup.

This is illustrated as follows:                  .......,myservice 
jonas.service.myservice.class    value

1.3. Using the new service

When started, the new JOnAS service will espose an OSGi service as defined in the iPOJO component declaration which will be accessible through the OSGi registry. The specification of this service is defined by the Java interface and could be concretely looked up by specifying the interface. There are many ways to get the OSGi service reference:

  1. Getting the OSGi service using the BundleContext:

    BundleContext bundleContext = …
    ServiceReference serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(IMyService.class.getName());
    IMyService myService = (IMyService) bundleContext.getService(serviceReference);
  2. Getting the OSGi service using iPOJO. iPOJO components can declare service requirements which will be dynamically injected to the component instance.

  3. Using another Service Component Runtime (Declarative Service, Dependency Manager, ...)

1.4. Advanced understanding

Refer to the JOnAS sources for more details about the classes mentioned in this section.

1.4.1. JOnAS built-in services

The existing JOnAS services are the following:

Service name Service class
registry CarolRegistryService
jmx JOnASJMXService
wc JOnASWorkCleanerService
wm JOnASWorkManagerService
ejb2 JOnASEJBService
ejb3 EasyBeansService
versioning VersioningServiceImpl
web Tomcat6Service / Jetty6Service
jaxrpc AxisService
wsdl-publisher DefaultWSDLPublisherManager
jaxws CXFService / Axis2Service
ear JOnASEARService
dbm JOnASDataBaseManagerService
jtm JOTMTransactionService
mail JOnASMailService
resource JOnASResourceService
security JonasSecurityServiceImpl
discovery JgroupsDiscoveryServiceImpl / MulticastDiscoveryServiceImpl
cmi CmiServiceImpl
ha HaServiceImpl
depmonitor DeployableMonitorService
resourcemonitor JOnASResourceMonitorService
smartclient SmartclientServiceImpl

1.4.2. The ServiceException

The org.ow2.jonas.service.ServiceException exception is defined for Services. Its type is java.lang.RuntimeException and it can encapsulate any java.lang.Throwable .