
Interface Summary
IJAXWSService The JAX-WS Service is used to abstract endpoint (server side) and references (client side) creation.
IWebServiceDeploymentManager An IWebServiceDeploymentManager is an object that knows how to expose an IWebServiceEndpoint using some protocol.
IWebServiceEndpoint An IWebServiceEndpoint is a container around a concrete endpoint implementation (Axis2 or CXF for example, but not limited to).
IWebservicesContainer<T extends IWebServiceEndpoint> The IWebservicesContainer is a group of webservices endpoints sharing the same WSDL definition.
IWebservicesModule<T extends IWebservicesContainer<? extends IWebServiceEndpoint>> The IWebservicesModule represents all the webservices container included in an archive (ejbjar or webapp).
IWSRequest An IWSRequest represents a request to an IWebServiceEndpoint.
IWSResponse An IWSResponse represents a web service response to an IWebServiceEndpoint.

Class Summary
PortIdentifier The PortIdentifier is the couple wsdl:service / wsdl:port that identifies a port in a WSDL definition.
PortMetaData The PortMetaData class store deploy time / runtime information about the webservice.

Enum Summary
EndpointType Supported endpoint types: can be EJB (Stateless Session Beans) or POJO.
IWebServiceEndpoint.EndpointType Supported endpoint types: can be EJB (Stateless Session Beans) or POJO.

Exception Summary
WSException This Exception signals an error occuring during the web services processing.

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