
Class Summary
Axis2EjbMessageReceiver Substitue axis2's MessageReceiver
Axis2EJBWebserviceEndpoint The EJBCXFWebserviceEndpoint is the EJB based endpoint implementation on CXF.
Axis2EndpointController Rewrite EndpointController to use our own dispather class
Axis2EndpointLifecycleManager Axis2EndpointLifecycleManager is try to make axis2's serverinstance is null for EJB, and then use our own instance
Axis2EndpointLifecycleManagerFactory Substitue the EndpointLifecycleManagerFactory to create Axis2EndpointLifecycleManager
Axis2ServiceDispatcher Dispatchers that get instace from ejb's pool
EasybeansAxis2Invoker EasyBeans invoker that will take an instance from the pool, call the method and then put it back in the pool.

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