
Class Summary
AxisService Implements commons methods declared within the abstract class.
JAxisServiceFactory Axis specific JServiceFactory.
JAxisServlet JOnAS AxisServlet version.
JCall JCall is the JOnAS J2EE layer on top of axis Call implementation.
JOnASEJBProvider Expose the service-endpoint interface of the Ejb.
JonasHandler This handler is called before all application specific handlers It allows to process some jonas specific stuff like setting the bean environment for example.
JService JService is the JOnAS J2EE layer on top of axis Service implementation.
JServiceProxy JServiceProxy
JServletEngineConfigurationFactory This is the JOnAS implementation of EngineConfigurationFactory for Servlet.
NoopProvider Noop Provider
QSUpdateServiceWSDLHandler Update the wsdlFile specified in wsdd with the good URLs for endpoints.
URLMapper The URLMapper is given an HTTPServletRequest and knows from the invoked URL which service should be used.
WSDDJOnASEJBProvider JOnAS EJB Provider.
WSDDNoopProvider JOnAS Noop Provider.

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