2.4.10. jaxrpc service configuration

The jaxrpc service provides a JAX-RPC 1.1 support for applications using J2EE 1.4 style webservices. J2EE 1.4 style webservices are POJO or Stateless EJB 2.x exposed as webservices using old school deployment descriptors (WEB-INF/webservices.xml or META-INF/webservices.xml)

It is based on the Axis 1.x implementation.

Here is the part of jonas.properties concerning the jaxrpc service:

###################### JOnAS JAX-RPC service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the jaxrpc service.
jonas.service.jaxrpc.class    org.ow2.jonas.ws.axis.AxisService

#  Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the jaxrpc service (with or without validation).
jonas.service.jaxrpc.parsingwithvalidation    true

# Set the Generator to use with wsgen
jonas.service.jaxrpc.wsgen.generator.factory     org.ow2.jonas.generators.wsgen.generator.ews.EWSGeneratorFactory

# Set the prefix that will be used to compute URL endpoints for web services
# Example of prefix: http://www.mydomain.com:8888

# Set automatic WsGen mode on/off
# If set to 'true', WsGen will automatically be applied to all deployed archives (EjbJars, Webapps, Applications)
jonas.service.jaxrpc.auto-wsgen.engaged true

It is possible to :