2.4.17. security service configuration

Here is the part of jonas.properties related to security service:

###################### JOnAS SECURITY service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the security service
jonas.service.security.class  org.ow2.jonas.security.internal.JonasSecurityServiceImpl

# Realm used for CsiV2 authentication
jonas.service.security.csiv2.realm    memrlm_1

# Realm used for Web Service authentication
jonas.service.security.ws.realm    memrlm_1

# Registration of realm resources into JNDI
# Disable by default so configuration is not available with clients
jonas.service.security.realm.jndi.registration    false

# Enable security context check on Remote Login Module
jonas.security.context.check    false

# Path to the keystore file
jonas.security.context.check.keystoreFile /tmp/keystore

# Pass used for the keystore file
jonas.security.context.check.keystorePass keystorepass

# Alias (stored in the keystore)
jonas.security.context.check.alias FB

In fact properties jonas.service.security.csiv2.realm and jonas.service.security.ws.realm are only useful for users that use security on top of rmi/iiop or on top of web services . in these case with memrlm_1 it is possible to make a link to the memomyrealm named memrlm_1 in the $JONAS_BASE/conf/jonas-realm.xml file and retrieve users name and roles.

Don't forget that for using security the global property jonas.security.propagation to true and that an important property related to security is jonas.security.manager see Section, “Global properties”

All other security configuration related to JOnAS is done in the file jonas-realm.xml and security configuration related to web containers, certificate, etc., is done in the appropriate files. Refer to the subsection Section 2.5, “Configuring Security” for a complete description of security configuration.