2.4.8. ejb3 service configuration

The ejb3 service provides EJB 3 container support. This service is provided by the EasyBeans container.

The declaration of the ejb3 service is done in the jonas.properties file.

###################### JOnAS EJB 3 container service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the EJB 3 service.
jonas.service.ejb3.class    org.ow2.jonas.ejb.easybeans.EasyBeansService

#  List (comma separated) of JPA providers: hibernate,eclipselink
jonas.service.ejb3.jpa.providers hibernate

The jonas.service.ejb3.jpa.providers property allows to define a list of JPA providers that could be used by EasyBeans. For the moment, Hibernate and EclipseLink JPA providers are available.

EasyBeans has its own configuration file that is located in JONAS_BASE/conf folder. The name of the configuration file is easybeans-jonas.xml.

By default, EasyBeans is using only services provided by JOnAS. Thus, no additional components are required for starting EasyBeans.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<easybeans xmlns="http://org.ow2.easybeans.server">

    <!-- No infinite loop (managed by JOnAS): wait="false"
         Enable MBeans: mbeans="true"
         Disable the naming: naming="false"
         Use JOnAS JACC provider: jacc="false"
         Using JOnAS monitoring: scanning="false"
         Using JOnAS JMX Connector: connector="false"
         Disable Deployer and J2EEServer MBeans: deployer="false" & j2eeserver="false"
        j2eeserver="false" />

    <!-- Define components that will be started at runtime -->
        <!-- All components are launched by JOnAS -->

        <!-- RMI component will be used to access some of JNDI properties -->
        <!-- But as there are no protocols, no registry is launched. -->
        <rmi />

        <!-- Start smartclient server with a link to the rmi component-->
        <!--smart-server port="2503" rmi="#rmi" /-->

The <config> element describes EasyBeans configuration properties that may be different for each application server. The settings provided in this file are the JOnAS settings and they shouldn't be modified in almost any cases.

The <component> element defines the EasyBeans components that will be started at the startup. Here EasyBeans is integrated in JOnAS, it will thus use JOnAS services like transaction, security, naming, registry.

The smart client component provides a mechanism for downloading classes missing on the client side, from the server side. This allows to have a very small library on the client side and it downloads classes on demand. When this component is enabled, the listening port can be configured. More documentation on the Smart component can be found in EasyBeans documentation.