Getting started with JOnAS 5.0

JOnAS Team

Philippe Coq

Guillaume Sauthier


1. First contact with JOnAS 5.0
1.1. How do I set up a JOnAS environment?
1.2. How can I check if everything is correct?
1.2.1. jonas check
1.3. How can I run a JOnAS server?
1.4. How can I run my first Java EE application?
1.5. Understanding how all of this runs out of the box
1.6. First step in JOnAS administration
2. Learning JOnAS by examples
2.1. Java EE 5.0 example from a 10.000 foot view
2.1.1. Java EE Technologies in Use
2.1.2. EAR Sample Architecture
2.2. Java EE 5.0 example detailed
2.2.1. JOnAS Server Configuration
2.2.2. Data Tier: JPA Entity Beans
2.2.3. Business Tier: EJB3 Beans
2.2.4. Web Tier: Servlets
2.2.5. Application Clients
2.2.6. EAR
A. Download and installation instructions
A.1. Where can I find JOnAS?
A.2. How can I download JOnAS?
A.3. How can I install JOnAS?
A.4. Pre-requisites
B. JOnAS 5.0 distribution description
B.1. JONAS_ROOT Structure
C. Glossary


Welcome new users of JOnAS ! This guide is intended to help you.

Chapter 1, First contact with JOnAS 5.0 shows that a downloaded JOnAS 5.0 is usable as is.

The environment to set is truly minimal. It's child's play to run a Java EE application.

This chapter shows not only how to perform some actions but also explains why everything runs so easily. JOnAS 5.0 is distributed with examples ready to use. Users can learn a lot by studying these examples.

Chapter 2, Learning JOnAS by examples helps users find the answers to common problems and use cases by browsing and explaining JOnAS examples.

Note that this guide will be simple and is not intended to resolve all problems that can be encountered in real life situtations, which can be very complex.

For more experimented users that need to perform more complex tasks, we recommend taking a look at the JOnAS 5.0 Configuration guide

Appendix A, Download and installation instructions summarizes downloading and installing JOnAS.

Appendix B, JOnAS 5.0 distribution description describes what you get when you download and install JOnAS.

First contact with JOnAS 5.0

It is assumed, in this guide, that the first time user has already downloaded and installed JOnAS 5.0. If this is not the case, please refer to Appendix A, Download and installation instructions.

In this chapter an unexperienced user will learn how to run an existing Java EE application with JOnAS. He will understand why it is so easy to achieve such results with nearly zero configuration.

1.1. How do I set up a JOnAS environment?

Once you have installed your JOnAS distribution, you have to set up the JONAS_ROOT environment variable prior to using JOnAS or any of its tools. You will also have to update your PATH variable.

  • Unix platforms

    Open a new terminal and proceed as follows:

    bash> export JONAS_ROOT=<your_install_dir>
    bash> export PATH=${PATH}:${JONAS_ROOT}/bin


  • Windows platforms

    Open a new DOS window and proceed as follows:

    C:> set JONAS_ROOT=C:<your_install_dir>
    C:> set PATH=%PATH%;%JONAS_ROOT%\bin

    To update the path permanently, do the following depending upon your Windows version:

    Windows XP

    Go to the Start Menu, then double click on System. In the System Control Panel select the Advanced tab and push the Environment Variables button. Now, you can look for the PATH to edit. Append the value ;C:\jonas-5.0\bin (assuming that you installed JOnAS in the C:\jonas-5.0 directory). Once you have changed and saved the value, you will be prompted to reboot.

1.2. How can I check if everything is correct?

JOnAS provides the command jonas that checks if your environment is set correctly.

1.2.1. jonas check

Command allowing to check that the JOnAS environment is correctly set . Synopsis

jonas check [-help] Description

Check that the JOnAS server is well installed. Below the result of the jonas check command :

Checking file...
- : registry,jmx,jtm,db,dbm,security,wm,wc,resource,ejb2,ejb3,ws,web,ear,depmonitor

Checking JORAM configuration...

The JOnAS environment seems correct.

1.3. How can I run a JOnAS server?

Now that your environment seems correct, it is possible to launch the JOnAS server simply by typing the following command:

bash> jonas start
-            JOnAS 5 - OSGi on Unix platform                      -
-            JOnAS 5: Java(TM) Open Application Server            -
-                                   -
-            Contact:                          -
JONAS_BASE is set to xxxxx

Welcome to OW2 JOnAS (Running on Felix).

As soon as your server is ready, i.e when you can see on your terminal something that looks like: : JOnAS server 'jonas' RUNNING

you can use your favorite browser and type in the following URL:


Here is the web page you should see:

You have just run for the first time JOnAS.

You are now able to do some interesting things like run a sample Java EE application packaged in a .ear file (the earsample example), run the web administration tool for JOnAS, or you can do some other things that we will explain later on.

1.4. How can I run my first Java EE application?

If you have followed the previous steps you are now ready to run your first Java EE application in JOnAS.

Several example programs are included with the JOnAS distribution. They are located in the $JONAS_ROOT/examples/ directory. They are already compiled and ready to use. See Chapter 2, Learning JOnAS by examples for more details.

First, we need an application to run. We have chosen the $JONAS_ROOT/examples/javaee-earsample example.It is a fairly good example that shows, among other things, how to access an EJB that has been deployed on a JOnAS server from a servlet (thin client).

[Note] Note

javaee-earsample is in fact a more complex example that can be used to show how the previous EJB can be accessed by a heavy client running in the client container. It can be also used to show how to use security to authentificate the user (in the web container) and how to control user accesses to EJB methods (in the EJB container).

By clicking the first line of the above web page Test the Java EE ear example... you are running a sample Java EE application packaged in an .ear file. It is, in fact, a servlet that:

  • gets the reference of a stateless session bean

  • performs some work with the stateless session bean (data initialisation and queries on entities)

  • displays a web page showing all that has been done (the web page lists all found books, authors and their associated Books)

1.5. Understanding how all of this runs out of the box

There are several reasons why the previous earsample application is directly runnable on a freshly installed JOnAS:

  • Tomcat servlet server is embedded in the distribution

  • A web application ctxroot.war is pre-installed in JONAS_ROOT/deploy directory. This explains why a web page is displayed when you type : http://localhost:9000/

  • The javaee5-earsample application is pre-compiled and packaged into a .ear file during the building process of the JOnAS distribution

  • The javaee5-earsample.ear file is pre-installed in JONAS_ROOT/deploy directory. This way, the application will be automaticaly deployed when JOnAS starts.

  • JOnAS is preconfigured: default values are set in configuration files located under $JONAS_ROOT/conf .

    These files are accordingly set in order to:

    • force JOnAS to use all the services needed for correct execution:

      • registry service keeps remote references to the session bean home

      • jtm provides the TransactionManager used in the back stage (for EJB methods and SQL execution)

      • db service provides an HSQL Database for JPA entities

      • dbm service is provided because the beans need access to a data source (relational database) hosted by HSQLDB

      • ejb3 service : there is a session bean to be deployed in an ejb3 container

      • web service: there is a servlet to be deployed in a servlet container

      • ear service for deploying the javaee5-earsample.ear application is the configuration file

    • set a default port (9000) for the connector HTTP (in server.xml file)

    • set a default port (1099) and a default protocol (jrmp) to be used by the registry (in file)

1.6. First step in JOnAS administration

Back on the web page displayed previously, you can see the second line that says:

Go to the JOnAS administration web application.  Use the login/password jonas/jonas

This link allows you to run the JOnAS administration tool jonasAdmin.

After the authentication process is done (login=jonas,password=jonas) you have access to a page in which the left part shows the Management tree.

From this tree it is possible to:

  • get information on the management domain

  • get information about the JOnAS server (protocol, JMX, registry, web container, JVM)

  • get monitoring information (threads, memory)

  • get or set logging information

  • get information on existing web connectors or create new ones

  • get information about JOnAS services

  • make deployment operations (deploy/undeploy/upload/remove) for ear, war, ejbjar and rar files

  • get configuration information, statistics, or perform operations on resources (data sources)

  • get securtity configuration information or perform security operations

  • get configuration information or perform operations on JORAM, our JMS provider.

  • browse all the deployed MBeans in the server

Here is a demonstration of cluster management features in jonasAdmin console.

Learning JOnAS by examples

JOnAS 5.0 provides a complete example that uses several parts of the Java EE 5.0 specification. It may be interesting for a user that wants to start developing a Java EE application and run it in JOnAS 5.0 to look at the sample in order to see the new Java EE 5.0 features.

2.1. Java EE 5.0 example from a 10.000 foot view

The Java EE 5.0 sample is a quick-start Java EE application that shows usage of new Java EE 5.0 features, like JPA, EJB3 (Session and Message Driven Bean), annotations, JAAS security.

JOnAS provides a little database, embedded in the server, namely HSQLDB. This database is helpful for running some examples that use JPA entity beans. For using the database, the db service must be set in the list of services to start, as it is in the JOnAS default configuration.

[Note] Note

The HSQL database is not appropriate for real life applications.

2.1.1. Java EE Technologies in Use

This sections offers an overview of the different Java EE technologies involved in the EAR sample application. JPA 1.0

JPA stands for Java Persistence API, that's a specification extracted from the EJB 3.0 core that addresses persistency problem. Basically, it allows POJOs to be persisted and queried to and from a JDBC database.

Table 2.1. Some JPA EntityManager Providers EJB 3.0

EJB 3.0 is the new Enterprise Java Beans specification targeting ease of development (EoD), a feature that was lacking in the previous version (EJB 2.x). This specification makes heavy use of Java 5.0 annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, ...). One of the main advantages is the introduction of the concept of business method Interceptors.

EJBs are packaged in an EjbJar (.jar).

OW2 EasyBeans is the EJB 3.0 Container used in JOnAS 5.0. JAAS

JAAS is the authentication and authorization mechanism of Java EE that manages Principals and Roles.It is used in this sample to authenticate one of the application's client users. JMS 1.1

JMS is the standard for Messaging system (MOM) in Java. It is used to asynchronously (using JMS Destinations like Queues or Topics) perform calls to the application (usually using MessageDriven Beans).

OW2 JORAM is the JMS provider used in JOnAS 5.0. Servlet 2.5

Servlets and JSPs compose the web front-end of a classical Java EE application. This is what is accessed when an HTTP URL (http://localhost:9000/javaee5-earsample for example) is called.

Servlets/JSPs are packaged in a web application (.war). Application Client

Application Clients are described in the Java EE specification as a way to package code for "heavy-weight" clients (not like web applications, usually known as "light-weight") of the application's business objects (EJBs, JMS Destinations, ...). Application Clients are top level Java EE modules so they benefit from uniform naming (java:comp/env).

Application Clients are packaged in .jar files. Enterprise Application

EARs do not contain any code but are used to package together all the modules composing the application (EjbJar + Web Applications + Resource Adapters + Application Clients).

2.1.2. EAR Sample Architecture

In this section, the sample's architecture will be described, execution flow and interactions will be explained.

Figure 2.1. Java EE 5.0 EAR Sample Architecture

Java EE 5.0 EAR Sample Architecture

This application provides the following features:

  • 2 separated business interfaces, one allowing write access and the other one read only access.

  • It can receive Book creation orders asynchronously from a JMS Queue.

  • A Web interface allowing to see the Books and Authors, with a special section authorized to add new Authors.

The database (DB) is provided by a JOnAS service called db that launches an Hypersonic SQL server instance. A DataSource (binded under the name jdbc_1) is provided by JOnAS to allow applications to connect to this DB.

Upon the data tier are located the business data objects. They are implemented using the JPA Entity model (with annotations).

The model represented in this application is super easy:

  • Author: This is the author of a(some) Book(s).

  • Book: This Entity represents a book written by an Author

  • An Author can write many Books

  • A Book is written by only 1 Author

Two EJB3 @Stateless beans are constructed on top of the business data objects (entities): Reader and Writer.

The Reader bean provides read only methods (findAuthor, findBook, ...) that never change the backed data. On the contrary, the Writer bean provides write methods (addAuthor, ...) and thus has to be secured.

On top of theses 2 "low level" EJBs, other, more business oriented, EJBs are provided: Mailer, Initializer, an MDB.

The Initializer bean is a "hidden" EJB, whose role is to initialize, if needed, a first set of JPA Entitites (some well known Authors, and some of their Books). This bean is used from almost all the clients to ensure that there is something to show to the user.

The Mailer bean can be used by anyone (it's does not use security features) and will only access the Reader bean to fill up a mail message that will be sent to a given mail address.

The MDB (MessageDriven Bean) simply creates a new Book for each new JMS message received from the JMS Queue.

The following business oriented functions are, in turn, used by the end-user clients:

  • Web Application offering a web interface (HTTP/HTML)

  • Java EE 5.0 Application Clients (runs from the command line)

Concerning the web application, it offers 3 pages:

  • An index page showing basic instructions on how to use the web application

  • An open page (meaning not secured) displaying Books and Authors

  • A secured page (needs user authentication) for new Authors addition

There are also multiple standard application clients (AC for short) showing different ways to use the application:

  • Not Secured AC: this client uses the Mailer and Reader bean. Using the Reader it displays the Authors and Books, and using the Mailer bean, it sends a mail with an equivalent content.

  • JMS AC: this client mainly interacts with a dedicated JMS Queue to sends Book creation orders, then it waits some time and uses the Reader bean to see if the new Books were persisted.

  • Secured AC: this clients shows usage of JAAS authentication. It uses the Writer bean, which requires a user with the "earsample" role in order to insert new Authors and Books.

2.2. Java EE 5.0 example detailed

This section will focus on multiple aspects of the EAR sample: some basic server configuration (strictly limited to the elements in use for the sample, a more complete description is available in the configuration guide), simple programming guide showing JPA, EJB, JNDI usage...

2.2.1. JOnAS Server Configuration

The default JOnAS configuration (the one obtained after unpacking the jonas-osgi zip or tar.gz) is ready to run the EAR sample. Nevertheless, this quick section is here to introduce some basic JOnAS configuration actions. Required Services

The javaee-earsample needs the following JOnAS services to be activated for a flawless execution:


Provides the HSQL Database


Provides the DataSource for application's connections to the DB


Provides the transactions support


Provides the JNDI registry (for uniform naming)


Provides the EJB 3.0 Container runtime


Provides the security provider


Provides the Servlet runtime for web applications


Provides the Enterprise ARchive (EAR) container

Here is an extract of the default $JONAS_BASE/conf/    registry,jmx,jtm,db,dbm,security,wm,wc,resource,ejb2,ejb3,ws,web,ear,depmonitor DataSource

The DataSource is provided, at startup, by the dbm service.

###################### JOnAS DBM Database service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the dbm service
jonas.service.dbm.class    org.ow2.jonas.dbm.internal.JOnASDataBaseManagerService

#  Set the jonas DataSources. This enables the JOnAS server to load
#  the data sources, to load related jdbc drivers, and to register the data
#  sources into JNDI.
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of Datasource properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: Oracle1,InstantDB1 (supposing the Datasources properties file names are
#                 and
jonas.service.dbm.datasources    HSQL1

This will trigger the loading of the $JONAS_BASE/conf/ file, which contains the description of the DataSource:

###################### HSQLDB DataSource configuration example         jdbc_1                                         1
datasource.url          jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/db_jonas     2
datasource.classname    org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver                          3
datasource.username     jonas
datasource.password     jonas
datasource.mapper       rdb.hsql


JNDI name of the DataSource (DataSource will be available under that name in the JNDI registry)


JDBC URL of the connection. This is one is specific to HSQL and corresponds to the HSQL port and DB name provided in the default db service configuration.


JDBC driver fully qualified class name (including package name)

2.2.2. Data Tier: JPA Entity Beans

Figure 2.2. Author and Book JPA Model

Author and Book JPA Model

This figure represents the model of the application. it is composed of 2 JPA Entities: Author and Book. Each one has an id attribute and are qualified by a name and a title respectively. Theses entities have a relationship between them: an Author instance knows all the Books he wrote (Author.getBooks()) and a Book knows who wrote it (Book.getAuthor()). Author Bean

A JPA Entity bean is a simple class considered as a POJO (Plain Old Java Object). That means that the class has a public default constructor (no arguments). Moreover, for each attribute/field of the class, a getter and a setter method (getXYZ() and setXYZ(...)) has to be provided.

A JPA Entity bean will be annotated with the @Entity annotation.

The primary key is defined through an @Id annotation. In the earsample use case, this key has to be auto-generated. Finally, the getId() method should look like this:

    public long getId() {

The Author bean is in relation with the bean Book, because an Author can have many Books (a OneToMany relationship).

The relation is also defined through an annotation:

    @OneToMany(mappedBy="author", fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
    public Collection<Book> getBooks() {
        return books;

This relation is of One-To-Many type. The link will be done with the entity bean Book on the author attribute (owner of the relation).

The fetching type is EAGER (it means that when the Author instance is constructed, all the linked books are fetched). Another choice could have been to use LAZY fetching (meaning that the Books will only be fetched when the getBooks() method will be called). In the earsample use case, the entity beans will be accessed from a client in another Java VM (detached mode), so, to reduce latencies caused by network exchanges, it was decided to not use LAZY fetching. Because the Author and Books classes are usable from the remote JVM, they must implements the Serializable interface.

Finally, the cascading mode is set to ALL: when the Author bean is be persisted, all the Books related to the Author bean will be persisted too.

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity;

import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author.QN.ALL_AUTHORS;
import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author.QN.FIND_AUTHOR;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;

 * Author of a book.
 * @author Florent Benoit
@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name=ALL_AUTHORS, query="select o FROM Author o"),
               @NamedQuery(name=FIND_AUTHOR, query="select o FROM Author o WHERE name = :name")})
public class Author implements Serializable {
     * Store Query names.
    public static interface QN {
         * Search all authors.
        String ALL_AUTHORS = "Author.allAuthors";

         * Search a named author.
        String FIND_AUTHOR = "Author.findAuthor";

     * Serial Version UID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

     * Primary key (will be auto generated).
    private long id;

     * Name of the author.
    private String name = null;

     * List of books written by the author.
    private Collection<Book> books;

     * Default constructor.
    public Author() {
        books = new ArrayList<Book>();

     * Constructor with a given author name.
     * @param name - the name of the author
    public Author(final String name) {

     * Relation ship (do not using lazy mode).
     * @return books written by this author
    @OneToMany(mappedBy="author", fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
    public Collection<Book> getBooks() {
        return books;

     * Add a book with a given title.
     * @param title - the title of the book
    public void addBook(final String title) {
        Book livre = new Book();

     * Sets the collection of books written by this author.
     * @param books the list of the books
    public void setBooks(final Collection<Book> books) {
        this.books = books;

     * @return name of the author
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Sets the name of the author.
     * @param name - the name of this author
    public void setName(final String name) { = name;

     * @return an id for this object (incremented automatically)
    public long getId() {

     * Sets the id of this author object.
     * @param id the given id of this author
    public void setId(final long id) { = id;

     * @return String representation of this entity object.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getName());
        sb.append(", name=");
        return sb.toString();
[Note] Note

Two EJB-QL queries have been defined in the bean's class.They will be used to retrieve all the authors and an author with a given name respectively. Book Bean

The Book bean is also a JPA entity bean. There is a relationship with the Author bean, one book being related to only one Author: Many-To-One relationship.

The @JoinColumn annotation defines the column of the primary key to be used for the association between 2 entity beans:

    public Author getAuthor() {
        return author;

Here is the complete Book class:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity;


import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;
import javax.persistence.NamedQueries;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;

 * Define a book.
 * @author Florent Benoit
@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name=Book.QN.ALL_BOOKS, query="select o FROM Book o"),
               @NamedQuery(name=Book.QN.FIND_BOOK, query="select o FROM Book o WHERE name = :name")
public class Book implements Serializable {

     * Defines Query names.
    public static interface QN {
         * Search all books.
        String ALL_BOOKS = "Book.allBooks";

         * Search a book.
        String FIND_BOOK = "Book.findBook";

     * Serial Version UID.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;

     * Primary key.
    private long id;

     * Author's book.
    private Author author;

     * title of the book.
    private String title;

     * Default constructor.
    public Book() {


     * Constructor. Build a new Book with the given title and written by the
     * given author.
     * @param title the given title
     * @param author the given author.
    public Book(final String title, final Author author) {

     * @return the Author of this Book.
    public Author getAuthor() {
        return author;

     * Sets the author of this book.
     * @param author the given author.
    public void setAuthor(final Author author) { = author;

     * @return the title of this book.
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

     * Set the title of the book.
     * @param title - the title of the book
    public void setTitle(final String title) {
        this.title = title;

     * @return an id for this object (incremented automatically)
    public long getId() {

     * Sets the id of this author object.
     * @param id the given id of this author
    public void setId(final long id) { = id;

     * @return String representation of this entity object.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getClass().getName());
        sb.append(", title=");
        return sb.toString();
} Persistence File

It is required to have a persistency file META-INF/persistence.xml to describe useful information. For example, the JNDI name of the DataSource to be used for database persistency.

Example 2.1. JPA Entity: META-INF/persistence.xml

<persistence xmlns="" version="1.0">
<persistence-unit name="entity" transaction-type="JTA">
      <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect" />
      <property name="" value="create-drop"/>

      <property name="" value="HSQL"/>
      <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables"/>
      <property name="toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database"/>

      <property name="openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary" value="hsql"/>
      <property name="openjpa.jdbc.SynchronizeMappings" value="buildSchema(ForeignKeys=true)"/>

2.2.3. Business Tier: EJB3 Beans

This section will decribe the business parts of the application. Session beans provide synchronous RPC interfaces and the MessageDriven bean provides the asynchronous interface. Session Beans

The Session beans have been separated into two logical parts: Writer and Reader beans provide the basic operations (read/write) on the entities, while Mailer and Initializer are using the previous ones to perform more advanced operations. Reader Bean

The Reader Bean is a Stateless Session Bean that provides both a Remote and a Local business interface. It is responsible for all the read-like operations the application can do on the JPA entities. The listAllXYZ and findXYZ methods return the JPA entity beans.

Example 2.2. Stateless Session Bean: Reader Business Interface

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader;

import java.util.List;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;

 * The {@link Reader} business interface is an un-restricted
 * read only view of the entities.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public interface Reader {

     * @return the list of all the persisted {@link Author}s.
    List<Author> listAllAuthors();

     * @return the list of all the persisted {@link Book}s.
    List<Book> listAllBooks();

     * Find a given {@link Author} using it's name as a key.
     * @param name {@link Author}'s name.
     * @return the first {@link Author} that matches the given name.
    Author findAuthor(final String name);

     * Find a given {@link Book} using it's name as a key.
     * @param name {@link Book}'s name.
     * @return the first {@link Book} that matches the given name.
    Book findBook(final String name);

This bean uses an EntityManager (injected through the @PersistenceContext annotation).

     * Entity manager used by this bean.
    private EntityManager entityManager = null;

The EntityManager is also used to perform EJB-QL queries (they have been defined with the @NamedQuery annotation on top of the JPA classes).

     * @returns the list of all the persisted {@link Author}s.
    public List<Author> listAllAuthors() {
        return entityManager.createNamedQuery(ALL_AUTHORS).getResultList();

Here is the code of the Reader EJB:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader;

import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author.QN.ALL_AUTHORS;
import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author.QN.FIND_AUTHOR;
import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book.QN.ALL_BOOKS;
import static org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book.QN.FIND_BOOK;

import java.util.List;

import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.persistence.Query;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;

 *The {@link ReaderBean} EJB is an unrestricted, read-only, Stateless Bean.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public class ReaderBean implements LocalReader, RemoteReader {

     * Entity manager used by this bean.
    private EntityManager entityManager = null;

     * Find a given {@link Author} using it's name as a key.
     * @param name {@link Author}'s name.
     * @return the first {@link Author} that matches the given name.
    public Author findAuthor(final String name) {
        Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(FIND_AUTHOR);
        query.setParameter("name", name);
        List<Author> authors = query.getResultList();
        if (authors != null && authors.size() > 0) {
            return authors.get(0);
        return null;

     * Find a given {@link Book} using it's name as a key.
     * @param name {@link Book}'s name.
     * @return the first {@link Book} that matches the given name.
    public Book findBook(final String name) {
        Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(FIND_BOOK);
        query.setParameter("name", name);
        List<Book> books = query.getResultList();
        if (books != null && books.size() > 0) {
            return books.get(0);
        return null;

     * @return the list of all the persisted {@link Author}s.
    public List<Author> listAllAuthors() {
        return entityManager.createNamedQuery(ALL_AUTHORS).getResultList();

     * @return the list of all the persisted {@link Book}s.
    public List<Book> listAllBooks() {
        return entityManager.createNamedQuery(ALL_BOOKS).getResultList();

} Writer Bean

The Writer Bean is also a Stateless Session Bean, with a Remote and a Local business interface. This bean provides write-like operations (that modify the database content). It is also secured to allow access only to a specific role.

Example 2.3. Stateless Session Bean: Writer business Interface

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;

 * Remote interface for the bean Writer.
 * @author JOnAS team
public interface Writer {

     * Persists a new {@link Author}.
     * @param author {@link Author} to add.
    void addAuthor(final Author author);

     * Persists a new {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to add.
    void addBook(final Book book);

     * Cascade remove an {@link Author}.
     * @param author {@link Author} to be removed.
    void removeAuthor(final Author author);

     * Cascade remove a {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to be removed.
    void removeBook(final Book book);

Through that interface, clients will be able to add new Authors and Books, but will also be able to remove them.

This bean uses (like the Reader) an EntityManager (injected through the @PersistenceContext annotation).

     * Entity manager used by this bean.
    private EntityManager entityManager = null;

The EntityManager will be used to persists and destroy JPA entity instances.

     * Persists a new {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to add.
    public void addBook(final Book book) {

     * Cascade remove a {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to be removed.
    public void removeBook(final Book book) {

Security for the Writer bean is provided in a declarative way: the class is annotated with @DeclareRoles and @RolesAllowed.

  • @DeclareRoles declares an array of role names that will be used later in the bean

  • @RolesAllowed, when placed on the class (instead of a method) specifies the default set of roles that are allowed to call this bean's methods

In this sample, only the earsample role is authorized to actually use the Writer bean.

Here is the code of the Writer EJB:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer;

import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;

 * This is an example of Session Bean, stateless, secured, available
 * with a Local and a Remote interface (with the same methods).
 * @author JOnAS team
public class WriterBean implements LocalWriter, RemoteWriter {

     * Entity manager used by this bean.
    private EntityManager entityManager = null;

     * Persists a new {@link Author}.
     * @param author {@link Author} to add.
    public void addAuthor(final Author author) {

     * Persists a new {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to add.
    public void addBook(final Book book) {

     * Cascade remove an {@link Author}.
     * @param author {@link Author} to be removed.
    public void removeAuthor(final Author author) {

     * Cascade remove a {@link Book}.
     * @param book {@link Book} to be removed.
    public void removeBook(final Book book) {

} Mailer Bean

The Mailer bean provides a business interface supporting status e-mail sending.

Example 2.4. Stateless Session Bean: Mailer Business Interface

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail;

 * The {@link Mailer} business interface is used to send a status
 * mail, with all the {@link org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author}s
 * and {@link org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book}s in the library.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public interface Mailer {

     * Send a mail to the given mail address.
     * @param address target mail address (must be of the form: xyz@abc.z)
    void sendStatusMail(final String address);

This bean only provides a Remote interface. It is binded in the JNDI under the name specified in the mappedName attribute of the @Stateless annotation.

public class MailerBean implements Mailer {

The Mailer needs some other components to help it to execute it's job:

  • A mail Session and a MimePartDataSource that will be used to create and send the e-mail

  • A reference to the Reader bean

The mail Session and the MimePartDataSource are acquired though injection, using the @Resource annotation.

     * Mail Session used to send the Mail.
    private Session mailSession;

     * Template for the message's content.
    private MimePartDataSource mimePartDatasource;

The mappedName attribute of the @Resource specifies the JNDI name to be used when looking up theses components in the JNDI registry.

The reference to the Reader bean is injected with the help of the @EJB annotation. Notice that the annotation did not provide any JNDI or mapped name value.

     * {@link LocalReader} EJB (Local interface).
    private LocalReader reader;

Here is the complete code of the Mailer bean:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessageContext;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimePartDataSource;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.LocalReader;

 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public class MailerBean implements Mailer {

     * Mail Session used to send the Mail.
    private Session mailSession;

     * Template for the message's content.
    private MimePartDataSource mimePartDatasource;

     * {@link LocalReader} EJB (Local interface).
    private LocalReader reader;

     * Send a mail to the given mail address.
     * @param address target mail address (must be of the form: xyz@abc.z)
     * @see org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail.Mailer#sendStatusMail(java.lang.String)
    public void sendStatusMail(final String address) {

        Address mailAddress = null;
        try {
            mailAddress = new InternetAddress(address);
        } catch (AddressException e) {
            System.err.println("Invalid mail address: " + e.getMessage());

        MessageContext context = mimePartDatasource.getMessageContext();
        Message message = context.getMessage();
        try {
            message.setContent(getContent(), "text/plain");
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot set message content:" + e.getMessage());

        Transport transport = null;
        try {
            transport = mailSession.getTransport(mailAddress);
        } catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
            System.err.println("No provider found for @:" + address);
        try {
            transport.sendMessage(message, new Address[] {mailAddress});
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            System.err.println("Cannot send message:" + e.getMessage());

        System.out.println("Mail successfully sent to: " + address);

     * Generate the mail's content.
     * @return the mail message content.
    private String getContent() {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        // Print Header
        sb.append(" OW2 JOnAS EAR Sample Mailer Bean.\n");
        sb.append("Generated the " + new Date() + "\n");

        // Print the Authors
        List<Author> authors = reader.listAllAuthors();
        sb.append("List of all registered Authors (" + authors.size() + ") and their Books:\n");
        for (Author author : authors) {
            sb.append("  * " + author.getName() + " [" + author.getId() + "]\n");
            Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
            for (Book book : books) {
                sb.append("    - " + book.getTitle() + "[" + book.getId() + "]\n");

        // Print the Books
        sb.append("List of all registered Books:\n");
        List<Book> books = reader.listAllBooks();
        for (Book book : books) {
            sb.append("  * " + book.getTitle() + "[" + book.getAuthor().getName() + "]\n");

        // Print the footer
        sb.append("Enjoy your new JOnAS !\n");
        sb.append("       -- JOnAS Team\n");

        return sb.toString();

} Initializer Bean

The Initializer bean is a kind of hidden bean: it does not provide operations that should be usable from the clients.

The purpose of this bean is to ensure that the JPA model is initialized with some default values. Subsequent calls to the JPA model will then always show JPA entities.

Since this session bean uses the Writer bean (required, because it writes values to the database), it needs to declare security.

Because this bean can be used by any client (secured or not), and it uses a secured bean, it will need to have to be executed under a given role. This role name is specified with the @RunAs annotation:

public class InitializerBean implements Initializer {

Here is the complete code of the bean:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.LocalReader;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.LocalWriter;

 * The {@link InitializerBean} EJB is here to initialize only once
 * the Database/Entities. It simply checks if there is some {@link Author}s
 * already persisted; if none are found, we will inject defaults values.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public class InitializerBean implements Initializer {

     * Injected reference to the {@link org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.Writer} EJB.
    private LocalWriter writer;

     * Injected reference to the {@link org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.Reader} EJB.
    private LocalReader reader;

     * Initialize the minimal set of entities needed by the sample.
     * @see org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init.Initializer#initializeEntities()
    public void initializeEntities() {

        if (reader.findAuthor("Honore de Balzac") == null) {
            // Balzac was not persited, add it now.
            Author balzac = new Author("Honore de Balzac");
            Book pereGloriot = new Book("Le Pere Goriot", balzac);
            Book lesChouans = new Book("Les Chouans", balzac);

            // Persists the Author and all of his books

        if (reader.findAuthor("Victor Hugo") == null) {
            // Hugo was not persited, add it now.
            Author hugo = new Author("Victor Hugo");
            hugo.addBook("Les Miserables");
            hugo.addBook("Notre-Dame de Paris");

            // Store

} MessageDriven Bean

The javaee-earsample application provides a MessageDriven bean, aka an EJB that receives JMS messages. A MDB does not have a business interface, therefore, it is not exposed (through JNDI) to application clients or other EJBs. The only way to interact with them is to send messages to the JMS destination they're listening on.

A MDB is defined using the @MessageDriven annotation. The bean is also configured with the help of the @ActivationConfigProperty annotations. In this case, they define the JNDI name of the JMS destination ("SampleQueue") and the destination type (can be javax.jms.Queue or javax.jms.Topic for JMS destinations). MDBs listening to JMS destinations need to implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface.

public class JMSMessageBean implements MessageListener {

This bean is also executed with the @RunAs annotation. This is needed because (like the Initializer) it uses the Writer bean, which is a secured bean.

Here is the code of the MDB:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mdb;

import javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty;
import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.ejb.MessageDriven;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.LocalReader;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.LocalWriter;

 * The {@link JMSMessageBean} is a message driven bean activated when a JMS
 * {@link Message} comes to a given Destination.
 * For each new {@link Message}, this bean will create and persists a new
 * {@link Book} instance.
 * This MDB is annotated with {@link RunAs} because it uses a secured
 * business interface.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public class JMSMessageBean implements MessageListener {

     * Secured business interface.
    private LocalWriter writer;

     * Unsecured {@link LocalReader} business interface.
    private LocalReader reader;

     * Called when a new JMS {@link Message} is received on the destination.
     * This method will use the {@link LocalWriter} Bean interface to add
     * Books to a given Author.
     * @param message {@link Message} containing {@link Book} title.
     * @see javax.jms.MessageListener#onMessage(javax.jms.Message)
    public void onMessage(final Message message) {

        // TODO to be removed
        System.out.println("Received JMS Message: " + message);

        // Extract Message's text value
        String text = null;
        if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
            TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage) message;
            try {
                text = textMessage.getText();
            } catch (JMSException e) {
                System.err.println("Unexpected Exception: " + e.getMessage());
        } else {
            // not a TextMessage, I don't know what to do with it

        Author edition = reader.findAuthor("Editions XY");
        if (edition == null) {
            edition = new Author("Editions XY");

        // Persists a new Book
        Book book = new Book(text, edition);



2.2.4. Web Tier: Servlets

Servlets are the web front end of the application, that's the presentation layer. Servlets are in charge of displaying business objects to the user and giving them handles to act on theses data objects.

Following is a screenshot obtained when pressing the "View Library Content" button on the home page:

The servlet ExampleServlet is used to generate the above web page.

As it is only a presentation front end, it does not manage the data itself. The servlet uses the Reader EJB to retrieve the content of the model.

The reference to the EJB is injected into the servlet in the Java EE 5.0 way: using annotations.

     * Link to the Local Reader bean. The bean will be injected by JOnAS.
    private LocalReader readerBean;

Thousands of times easier than the old J2EE 1.4 way (InitialContext, lookup and narrow) !

Here is the code of the read-only servlet:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.web;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init.Initializer;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.LocalReader;

 * Defines a servlet that is accessing the two entities through a local session
 * bean.
 * @author Florent Benoit
public class ExampleServlet extends HttpServlet {

     * Serializable class uid.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3172627111841538912L;

     * Link to the Local Reader bean. Bean will be injected by JOnAS.
    private LocalReader readerBean;

     * Link to the initializer bean.
    private Initializer initializerBean;

     * Called by the server (via the service method) to allow a servlet to
     * handle a GET request.
     * @param request an HttpServletRequest object that contains the request the
     *        client has made of the servlet
     * @param response an HttpServletResponse object that contains the response
     *        the servlet sends to the client
     * @throws IOException if an input or output error is detected when the
     *         servlet handles the GET request
     * @throws ServletException if the request for the GET could not be handled
    public void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException {

        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        out.println("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">");
        out.println("<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">");
        out.println("  <head>");
        out.println("    <link type=\"text/css\" href=\"ow2_jonas.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" id=\"stylesheet\" />");
        out.println("    <title>Ear Sample of Servlet accessing an EJB</title>");
        out.println("  </head>");
        out.println("<body style=\"background : white; color : black;\">");

        out.println("  <div><a href=\"\"><img src=\"img/logoOW2.png\" alt=\"logo\"/></a></div>");
        out.println("  <div class=\"logos\">");
        out.println("    <img src=\"img/tomcat.gif\" alt=\"Tomcat Logo\"/>");
        out.println("    <img src=\"img/jetty.gif\" alt=\"Jetty Logo\"/>");
        out.println("    <img src=\"img/ow_jonas_logo.gif\" alt=\"JOnAS Logo\"/>");
        out.println("  </div>");

        out.println("  <div class=\"titlepage\">Ear sample of Servlet accessing an EJB</div>");

        out.println("  <div class=\"links\">");
        out.println("    <br />");
        out.println("  </div>");

        out.println("  <div class=\"links\">");
        out.println("  </div>");

        out.println("  <div class=\"links\">");
        out.println("    <form action=\"secured/Admin\" method=\"get\">");
        out.println("      <div><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Modify Library Content\"/></div>");
        out.println("    </form>");
        out.println("  </div>");

        out.println("  <div class=\"footer\">");
        out.println("    <p>");
        out.println("      <a href=\"\">");
        out.println("        <img src=\"img/valid-xhtml11.png\" alt=\"Valid XHTML 1.1!\"");
        out.println("             title=\"Valid XHTML 1.1!\" height=\"31\" width=\"88\" />");
        out.println("      </a>");
        out.println("      <a href=\"\">");
        out.println("        <img style=\"border:0;width:88px;height:31px\" src=\"img/vcss.png\"");
        out.println("             title=\"Valid CSS!\" alt=\"Valid CSS!\" />");
        out.println("      </a>");
        out.println("    </p>");
        out.println("  </div>");


     * Init list of authors/books.
     * @param out the given writer
    private void initAuthorBooks(final PrintWriter out) {
        out.println("Initialize authors and their books...<br/>");

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            displayException(out, "Cannot init list of authors with their books", e);

     * Display authors.
     * @param out the given writer
    private void displayAuthors(final PrintWriter out) {
        out.println("Get authors");
        out.println("<br /><br />");

        // Get list of Authors
        List<Author> authors = null;
        try {
            authors = readerBean.listAllAuthors();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            displayException(out, "Cannot call listAllAuthors on the bean", e);

        // List for each author, the name of books
        if (authors != null) {
            for (Author author : authors) {
                out.println("List of books with author '" + author.getName() + "' :");
                Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
                if (books == null) {
                    out.println("<li>No book !</li>");
                } else {
                    for (Book book : books) {
                        out.println("<li>Title '" + book.getTitle() + "'.</li>");

        } else {
            out.println("No author found !");


     * If there is an exception, print the exception.
     * @param out the given writer
     * @param errMsg the error message
     * @param e the content of the exception
    private void displayException(final PrintWriter out, final String errMsg, final Exception e) {
        out.println("<p>Exception : " + errMsg);


The web application allows the user to change the model's content (ie add new Authors to the list of managed authors). This time, this is a write-like operation, so security is required to restrict unauthorized users from changing the model.

This behaviour is achieved through some additions into the WEB-INF/web.xml:



      <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
      <!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected -->
      <!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected -->
      <!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->

  <!-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication -->
    <realm-name>JOnAS Realm</realm-name>

  <!-- Security roles referenced by this web application -->

By defining a <security-constraint> element, the web developer has decided to protect a given <url-pattern> (matching the servlet's mapping). Protection means that only authenticated users with the earsample <role-name> may access that page.

Then, once the user has authenticated himself (assuming he has the earsample role), he will be able to access the web page, allowing changes to the model:

2.2.5. Application Clients

The Java EE 5 EAR Sample provides multiple application clients (AC) showing how to interact with the application in different ways, and under different security levels:

  • Not Secured AC: this client uses the Mailer and Reader bean, using the Reader, it displays the Authors and Books, and using the Mailer bean, it sends a mail with an equivalent content.

  • JAAS Secured AC: this clients shows usage of JAAS authentication. It uses the Writer bean, which required a user with the "earsample" role, to insert new Authors and Books.

  • JMS AC: this client mainly interacts with a dedicated JMS Queue to sends Book creation orders, then it waits some times and uses the Reader bean to see if the new Books were persisted.

[Note] Note

The JOnAS's ApplicationClient Container does not currently support all Java EE 5 features (annotation based injection, like what is done in servlet/EJBs, application introspection, meaning that some descriptors become useless, ...).

So, some of the following AC descriptions are JOnAS specific.

Future versions of JOnAS will ease the application client programming model even more. Not Secured Application Client

This AC uses 3 beans that are freely available for anonymous usage: Initializer, Reader and Mailer.

The Client can be launched using the following command line:

>$ jclient -nowsgen /path/to/javaee-earsample.ear -jarClient not-secured-application-client.jar : Use the application client '/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/not-secured-application-client.jar' of the Ear 'file:/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/'. : Starting client...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Not Secured Application Client  
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Initialization ... Done.
Get the RemoteReader Bean reference: org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.ReaderBean_org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.RemoteReader/7735352
List of authors, and their books:
 * Honore de Balzac
 -> Le Pere Goriot [id: 1]
 -> Les Chouans [id: 2]
 * Victor Hugo
 -> Les Miserables [id: 3]
 -> Notre-Dame de Paris [id: 4]
List of books:
 * Le Pere Goriot [Honore de Balzac]
 * Les Chouans [Honore de Balzac]
 * Les Miserables [Victor Hugo]
 * Notre-Dame de Paris [Victor Hugo]
Get the Mailer Bean reference: org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail.MailerBean_org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail.Mailer/7735352

The Initializer and Mailer beans have to be looked up from the JNDI using the Stateless.mappedName attribute value (respectively "myInitializer" and "myMailer") from the Bean's class.

[Note] Note

This can be done only because the initializer/mailer bean is exposed through only 1 interface (Remote). If it has to be exposed through multiple interfaces (Remote + Local for example), the JNDI lookup on the mappedName's value is undefined.

The Reader bean is exposed under both Remote and Local interfaces, so the mappedName attribute will not work. In this case, the lookup is performed using a unique JNDI name computed by JOnAS's EJB3 container.

[Warning] Warning

Using the container specific JNDI name or a direct lookup on the JNDI names is a non portable practice and should be avoided.

The standard way is to use lookup on "java:comp/env/..." or use annotation based injection:

RemoteReader reader;

By default, a mail displaying the library content is sent to the ${}@localhost address. This value can be changed by adding another mail address into the command line:

>$ jclient -nowsgen /path/to/javaee-earsample.ear \
           -jarClient not-secured-application-client.jar

Example 2.5. An example of e-mail

 OW2 JOnAS EAR Sample Mailer Bean.
Generated the Wed May 21 16:58:57 CEST 2008

List of all registered Authors (3) and their Books:
  * Honore de Balzac [1]
    - Le Pere Goriot[1]
    - Les Chouans[2]
  * Victor Hugo [2]
    - Les Miserables[3]
    - Notre-Dame de Paris[4]

List of all registered Books:
  * Le Pere Goriot[Honore de Balzac]
  * Les Chouans[Honore de Balzac]
  * Les Miserables[Victor Hugo]
  * Notre-Dame de Paris[Victor Hugo]

Enjoy your new JOnAS !

       -- JOnAS Team

Here is the not secured application client code:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.client;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init.Initializer;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.mail.Mailer;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.RemoteReader;

 * Simple Application Client.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public final class NotSecuredApplicationClient {

     * Empty default constructor for utility class.
    private NotSecuredApplicationClient() {


     * @param args Command line arguments
     * @throws NamingException InitialContext creation failure
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NamingException {

        PrintStream out = System.out;

        // Print Header
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");
        out.println("OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Not Secured Application Client  ");
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");

        // Lookup the Remote Bean interface through JNDI
        Context initialContext = new InitialContext();

        // Init datas if needed
        out.print("Initialization ... ");
        Initializer bean = (Initializer) initialContext.lookup("myInitializerBean");

        // Get the bean
        String jndiName = "org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.ReaderBean"
                          + "_" + RemoteReader.class.getName() + "@Remote";
        RemoteReader readerBean = (RemoteReader) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
        out.println("Get the RemoteReader Bean reference: " + readerBean);

        // List registered authors and their books
        out.println("List of authors, and their books:");
        // retrieve again the authors list (now it has been initialized)
        List<Author> authors = readerBean.listAllAuthors();
        for (Author author : authors) {
            out.println(" * " + author.getName());
            Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
            for (Book book : books) {
                out.println(" -> " + book.getTitle() + " [id: " + book.getId() + "]");

        // Only list registered books
        List<Book> books = readerBean.listAllBooks();
        out.println("List of books:");
        for(Book book : books) {
            out.println(" * " + book.getTitle() + " [" + book.getAuthor().getName() + "]");

        // Use the Mailer bean to send
        // Use the first command line argument as a mail address.
        // Fall back to a reasonable default ${}@localhost
        String address = System.getProperty("") + "@localhost";
        if (args.length > 0) {
            // Got an argument, use it ...
            address = args[0];

        // Get the Mailer Bean reference
        Mailer mailerBean = (Mailer) initialContext.lookup("myMailerBean");
        out.println("Get the Mailer Bean reference: " + mailerBean);

        // Call the Mailer bean to send the expected e-mail.

        // OK, we're done

} JAAS Secured Application Client

This AC is secured using JAAS. It means that the client will be authenticated at startup.

The Client can be launched using the following command line:

>$ jclient -nowsgen /path/to/javaee5-earsample.ear -jarClient jaas-secured-application-client.jar                    : Use the application client '/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/jaas-secured-application-client.jar' of the Ear 'file:/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/'. : Using the login/password specified in the jonas-client.xml file with a specific CallbackHandler : Using JAAS loginContext 'javaee5-earsample' from the file 'jar:file:/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/jaas-secured-application-client.jar!/jaas.config'. : Starting client...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Secured Application Client      
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Initialization ... Done.
Get the RemoteReader Bean reference: org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.ReaderBean_org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.RemoteReader/7735352
List of authors, and their books:
 * Honore de Balzac
 -> Le Pere Goriot [id: 1]
 -> Les Chouans [id: 2]
 * Victor Hugo
 -> Les Miserables [id: 3]
 -> Notre-Dame de Paris [id: 4]
Get the RemoteWriter Bean reference: org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.WriterBean_org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.RemoteWriter/7735352
Created a new Author:
org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author[id=0, name=Emile Zola]
Updated authors' list:
 * Honore de Balzac
 -> Le Pere Goriot [id: 1]
 -> Les Chouans [id: 2]
 * Victor Hugo
 -> Les Miserables [id: 3]
 -> Notre-Dame de Paris [id: 4]
 * Emile Zola
 -> Germinal [id: 45]
 -> La Bete Humaine [id: 46]
Cleaned added Author.

This AC has been configured to use the LoginCallbackHandler. The CallbackHandler will be configured by JOnAS to use the jonas/jonas username and password pair. So, nothing has to be done to provide a password interactively.

Example 2.6. META-INF/application-client.xml

  <display-name>OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Secured Application Client</display-name>

Example 2.7. META-INF/jonas-client.xml

<jonas-client xmlns=""
        xsi:schemaLocation="" >



Example 2.8. jaas.config

javaee5-earsample {
    // Login Module to use for the example javaee5-earsample.

    // First, use a LoginModule for the authentication
    // Use the resource memrlm_1 required

    // Use the login module to propagate security to the JOnAS server  required

The CallbackHandler is configured using the jonas-security element: it will load the specified JAAS configuration file (jaas.config), then load the entry named javaee5-earsample and will create a dedicated LoginModule chain. The ClientContainer will then configure the CallbackHandler to provide a specified username and password when requested by the LoginModules.

As the authentication is done by the ClientContainer at startup, there are no security concerns in the code. The ClientContainer guarantees that if this code is executed, it is run by an authenticated user. If the user could not authenticate, the ClientContainer will exit before running the real client's code.

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.client;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init.Initializer;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.RemoteReader;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.RemoteWriter;

 * Authenticated Application Client.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public final class SecuredApplicationClient {

     * Empty default constructor for utility class.
    private SecuredApplicationClient() {


     * @param args Command line arguments
     * @throws NamingException InitialContext creation failure
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws NamingException {

        PrintStream out = System.out;

        // Print Header
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");
        out.println("OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Secured Application Client      ");
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");

        // Lookup the Remote Bean interface through JNDI
        Context initialContext = new InitialContext();

        // Init. data if needed
        out.print("Initialization ... ");
        Initializer bean = (Initializer) initialContext.lookup("myInitializerBean");

        // Get the not secured bean
        // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        String readerJndiName = "org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.ReaderBean"
                          + "_" + RemoteReader.class.getName() + "@Remote";
        RemoteReader readerBean = (RemoteReader) initialContext.lookup(readerJndiName);
        out.println("Get the RemoteReader Bean reference: " + readerBean);

        // List registered authors and their books
        out.println("List of authors, and their books:");
        // retrieve again the authors list (now it has been initialized)
        List<Author> authors = readerBean.listAllAuthors();
        for (Author author : authors) {
            out.println(" * " + author.getName());
            Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
            for (Book book : books) {
                out.println(" -> " + book.getTitle() + " [id: " + book.getId() + "]");

        // Use the secured Bean (RemoteWriter)
        // ======================================

        // Get the bean
        String writerJndiName = "org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.writer.WriterBean"
                                + "_" + RemoteWriter.class.getName() + "@Remote";
        RemoteWriter writerBean = (RemoteWriter) initialContext.lookup(writerJndiName);
        out.println("Get the RemoteWriter Bean reference: " + writerBean);

        // Add another author, and some books
        Author zola = new Author("Emile Zola");
        Book germinal = new Book("Germinal", zola);
        Book beteHumaine = new Book("La Bete Humaine", zola);

        // Display Author before storage
        out.println("Created a new Author: ");

        // Persists

        // See the new content
        out.println("Updated authors' list:");
        authors = readerBean.listAllAuthors();
        for (Author author : authors) {
            out.println(" * " + author.getName());
            Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
            for (Book book : books) {
                out.println(" -> " + book.getTitle() + " [id: " + book.getId() + "]");

        // Remove Zola (and its books), so that next time the client
        // is executed, we can add them again.
        out.println("Cleaned added Author.");


} JMS Application Client

This AC demonstrates how to connect a client to the application using JMS instead of using RMI EJB objects.

The Client can be launched using the following command line:

>$ jclient -nowsgen /path/to/javaee5-earsample.ear
ClientContainer.warn : There are 3 clients in this ear, choosing the first one : jms-application-client.jar : Use the application client '/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/jms-application-client.jar' of the Ear 'file:/tmp/client-deployer-sauthieg/EARDeployableImpl/javaee5-earsample.ear/'. : Starting client...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Messager Application Client     
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Initialization ... Done.
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.0'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.1'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.2'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.3'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.4'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.5'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.6'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.7'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.8'
Sended creation order for 'Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.9'
Wait for 2500 ms...
Get Reader Bean ... 
 * Honore de Balzac
 -> Le Pere Goriot [id: 1]
 -> Les Chouans [id: 2]
 * Victor Hugo
 -> Les Miserables [id: 3]
 -> Notre-Dame de Paris [id: 4]
 * Editions XY
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.0 [id: 5]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.1 [id: 6]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.2 [id: 7]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.3 [id: 8]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.4 [id: 9]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.5 [id: 10]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.6 [id: 11]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.7 [id: 12]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.8 [id: 13]
 -> Encyclopedia Universalis Vol.9 [id: 14]

The client acts as a message producer: it retrieves (from JNDI) a JMS Queue object (named SampleQueue) and a JMS QueueConnectionFactory. Then, it uses both to send asynchronous messages to the server.

Each message represents a book registration order and contains the name of the Book to create.

On the application's side (in other words, on the server), there is a dedicated MessageDrivenBean (see the Section, “MessageDriven Bean”), that will be invoked for all the JMS messages received by the Queue.

Usage of JMS objects have to be declared in standard and specific deployment descriptors (using resource-ref and/or resource-env-ref, respectively jonas-resource and/or jonas-resource-env)

Example 2.9. META-INF/application-client.xml


  <display-name>OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: JMS Application Client</display-name>

  <!-- The JMS ConnectionFactory to use -->

  <!-- The JMS Queue where Messages will be send -->


Example 2.10. META-INF/jonas-client.xml

<jonas-client xmlns=""
        xsi:schemaLocation="" >



Here is the code of the JMS client:

package org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.client;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.Queue;
import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.QueueSender;
import javax.jms.QueueSession;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;

import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Author;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.entity.Book;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.init.Initializer;
import org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.RemoteReader;

 * This application-client shows usage of JMS destinations to
 * interact with the server-side application.
 * @author Guillaume Sauthier
public final class JMSApplicationClient {

     * Number of Books to be created.
    private static final int ITERATION_NUMBER = 10;

     * Empty default constructor for utility class.
    private JMSApplicationClient() {


     * @param args Command line arguments
     * @throws Exception InitialContext creation failure / JMS Exception
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {

        PrintStream out = System.out;

        // Print Header
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");
        out.println("OW2 JOnAS :: EAR Sample :: Messager Application Client     ");
        out.println("- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -");

        // Lookup the Remote Bean interface through JNDI
        Context initialContext = new InitialContext();

        // Init. data if needed
        out.print("Initialization ... ");
        Initializer bean = (Initializer) initialContext.lookup("myInitializerBean");

        // Get the JMS QueueConnectionFactory
        QueueConnectionFactory factory = null;
        factory = (QueueConnectionFactory) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/QueueConnectionFactory");

        // Get the JMS Queue
        Queue queue = (Queue) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/SampleQueue");

        // Send Book creation Messages
        QueueConnection connection = factory.createQueueConnection();
        QueueSession session = connection.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        QueueSender sender = session.createSender(queue);

        for (int i = 0; i < ITERATION_NUMBER; i++) {
            String title = "Encyclopedia Universalis Vol." + i;
            Message message = session.createTextMessage(title);
            out.println("Sended creation order for '" + title + "'");

        // Close JMS objects

        // Wait for some time ...
        // Remember JMS is for asynchronous messages :)
        final long period = 2500;
        out.println("Wait for " + period + " ms...");

        // Get the Reader EJB to see the results
        String jndiName = "org.ow2.jonas.examples.ear.reader.ReaderBean"
                          + "_" + RemoteReader.class.getName() + "@Remote";
        out.println("Get Reader Bean ... ");
        RemoteReader readerBean = (RemoteReader) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);

        // List Authors and Books
        List<Author> authors = readerBean.listAllAuthors();
        for (Author author : authors) {
            out.println(" * " + author.getName());
            Collection<Book> books = author.getBooks();
            for (Book book : books) {
                out.println(" -> " + book.getTitle() + " [id: " + book.getId() + "]");



2.2.6. EAR

The javaee-earsample.ear file is the enterprise archive wrapping all the Java EE modules into only one deployment unit.

The EAR is all about packaging: there is no code and no resources (eg, classes, ...) directly inside of the .ear.

Here is an overview of the ear structure:

  META-INF/application.xml              1
  ejb3.jar                              2
  javaee5-earsample.war                 3
  jms-application-client.jar            4
  not-secured-application-client.jar    5
  jaas-secured-application-client.jar   6


Optional, inner jars can be discovered with .ear introspection


The jar file containing the EJB3


The Web Application archive


The Application Client using JMS to interact with the application


The Application Client using the Reader EJB without security


The Application Client using the Reader and Writer EJBs after being authenticated with JAAS

Download and installation instructions

A.1. Where can I find JOnAS?

The latest stable binary version can be found on the JOnAS site.

The binary versions and sources are available at this site.

The JOnAS project is developped using SVN. All information for getting or browsing the source code can be found here.

A.2. How can I download JOnAS?

The JOnAS download page offers links to easily download JOnAS.

A.3. How can I install JOnAS?

The JOnAS distribution can be downloaded as a .tar.gz or .zip file.

The installation process simply consists of unzipping the downloaded .tar.gz file.

To install using the .tar.gz file, select a location for JOnAS installation, for example your_install_dir, and point to it.

  • Unix platforms

    bash> tar -zxvf <jonas-file-name>.tar.gz
    [Caution] Caution

    Be aware that if the same version of JOnAS has already been unpacked in the same directory, the new installation will overwrite previous files, and configuration files that have been customized may be lost. In this case, it is recommended that these files be saved before re-starting the installation process.

  • Windows platforms

    Open a new DOS window and proceed as follows:

    If the .zip file format was downloaded, you must use a utility program such as WinZip or IZArc to extract the files from the archive.

A.4. Pre-requisites

To be sure JOnAS can be used, the following products must be installed:

  • a J2SE SDK 1.5 Java virtual machine

    Any J2SE certified java platform may be used to run JOnAS.

    The most commonly used is SUN's (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition), but there are others, such as BEA JRockit, IBM developper kits or other free/open source certified implementations.

  • Ant 1.7 and BCEL

    The binary version of Ant 1.7 must be downloaded from the Apache Ant web site and installed

    bash> tar -jxvf apache-ant-1.7.0-bin.tar.bz2
    bash> unzip

    Set the ANT_HOME environment variable and update the path:

    on Unix platforms:
    bash> export ANT_HOME=<Ant Installation Directory>
    bash> PATH=$PATH;$ANT_HOME/bin
    on Windows:
    C:> set PATH=%ANT_HOME%/bin;%PATH%

    bcel-5.1.tar.gz must be dowloaded from the Apache Jakarta web site. The bcel-5.1.jar must be installed in the $ANT_HOME/lib/ directory.

JOnAS 5.0 distribution description

Here we describe the directory tree you get under your installation directory (JONAS_ROOT environment).

B.1. JONAS_ROOT Structure

The installation directory (JONAS_ROOT) has the following structure:

  • deploy/

    The main location used for deployment.

    At JOnAS startup, all Java EE archives and OSGi bundles are deployed in the following order:

    1. OSGi bundles

    2. rar archives

    3. ejb archives

    4. war archives

    5. ear archives

      [Note] Note

      For each category, file names are chosen in alphabetical order

    This directory is periodically polled in order to deploy new archives. For more information have a look at the depmonitor service configuration

  • bin/

    contains the scripts used to launch JOnAS (Unix and Windows scripts).

  • conf/

    contains the JOnAS configuration files.

  • examples/

    this sub tree containing all the JOnAS examples that are described in Chapter 2, Learning JOnAS by examples

  • the lib/ directory [1]

    Used for extending class loaders. It contains six sub directories:

    Directory Description
    bootstrap/ Jars loaded by the JOnAS bootstrap
    bundles/ All the JOnAS OSGi bundles are here. This is not a drop-in directory !
    common/ Legacy directory where Ant tasks are stored
    endorsed/ Jars overridding JVM libraries
    ext/ For non-bundle extensions
    internal-ee-tld/ Internal use only !

  • logs/

    where the log files are created at run-time (when the JONAS_ROOT is used as a JONAS_BASE)

  • templates/

    this sub tree contains the following subdirectories used by JOnAS during the generation process (eg, JONAS_BASE generation).

    • conf/ is an empty template of the JONAS_BASE structure used by tools able to create a JONAS_BASE environment.

[1] see Understanding class loader hierarchy for a complete description of the classloader mechanism.




Java platform for creating and deploying web services applications


Library allowing the use of different RMI implementations.


(Clustered Method Invocation) is the JOnAS cluster protocol for high availability, load-balancing and fail-over


An Open source and lightweight EJB3 container that can be embedded in JOnAS and other application servers. It is an OW2 project.


Enterprise Information Systems


Enterprise JavaBeans technology is the server-side component architecture for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE). EJB technology enables rapid development of distributed, transactional, secure and portable applications based on Java technology.


A Java-based object-relational mapping and persistence framework.


Inter-operable Internet Object Protocol. It is the CORBA RPC standard protocol on TCP/IP.


The Java Authentication and Authorization Service is a set of APIs that enable services to authenticate and enforces access controls upon users.


Java Authorization Contract for Containers

Jakarta Commons Logging

Wrapper around a variety of logging API implementations.

Java EE

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. A standard for developing portable, robust, scalable and secure server-side Java applications.


Java API for XML Processing. Provides the validating and parsing capabilities for XML documents.


Java API for XML Registries. Defines a standard API for Java platform applications to access and programmatically interact with different kinds of XML-based metadata registries.


Java APIs for XML based RPC.


Java API for XML-based Web Services. A Java programming language API for creating web services.


J2EE Connector Architecture is a standard for facilitating the integration of application servers with heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EISs).


Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. A standard for developing portable, robust, scalable and secure server-side Java applications up to version 1.5 of the Java Platform.


Java Database Connectivity. The JDBC API provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access.


The Java Development Kit is set of Java tools (compiler, jvm, library ...) for developing Java programs.


The Java Data Objects API is a standard interface-based Java model abstraction for persistence.


A pure java open-source, standards-based, web server implementation.


A toolkit for reliable multicast communication.


Java Message Service is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API.


Java Management Extensions. A Java technology that supplies tools for managing and monitoring applications.


Java Naming Directory Interface. A standard API/SPI for the Java EE naming interface.


The Java Open Reliable Asynchronous Messaging is an open source implementation of the JMS API built on top of the ScalAgent distributed agent technology and hosted by OW2.


Java Object Repository Mapping is an OW2 project that provides an adaptable persistence service.


Java Open reliable Transaction Manager is an open source implementation of the JTA APIs hosted by OW2.


Java Persistence API. A Simpler Programming Model for Entity Persistence.


JavaServer Faces is a technology that simplifies building user interfaces for JavaServer applications.


JavaServer Pages is a technology that provides a simplified, fast way to create dynamic web content.


JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library. An extension to the JSP specification that adds a tag library of JSP tags for common tasks, such as, XML data processing, conditional execution, loops and internationalization.


Java Transaction API. Standard Java interfaces between the transaction manager and the parties involved in a distributed transaction system: the resource manager, the application server, and the transactional applications.


Java Runtime Environment.


Java Remote Method Protocol is a Java RMI standard protocol.


The Java Virtual Machine.


Java APIs for WSDL. Provides a standard set of Java APIs for representing, manipulating, reading and writing WSDL (Web Services Description Language) documents, including an extension mechanism for WSDL extensibility.


A Java-based logging utility from the Apache Software Foundation. It is used primarily as a debugging tool.


The OW2 solution for logging.


An Open Source implementation of the Java Management Extensions (JMX) and of the JMX Remote API (JSR 160) specifications.


An open source Java tool that intercepts and logs all database statements that use JDBC.


Remote Method Invocation. This is the java standard specification for RPC technology.


Remote Procedure Call is a technology that allows a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space.


SOAP with Attachments API for Java. Provides a standard way to send XML documents over the Internet from the Java platform.


An open source implementation of the JDO 1.0.1 specification hosted by OW2.


Apache Struts is an open-source framework for developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to adopt the model-view-controller architectural pattern.


Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages.


The Apache Velocity Engine is a free open-source templating engine.