Package org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.lib

Class Summary
BeanNaming This class is made for hiding Naming convention in all JOnAS framework.
CollectionEnum This class implements the java.util.Enumeration and the interfaces.
EJBInvocation Class used for preInvoke.
EjbqlAbstractVisitor Base class with visitor utility class and default implementation of visit methods Created on Sep 12, 2002
EjbqlLimiterRange Limiter range representation that may be a literal integer or a parameter
EjbqlLimitVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates the limiter ranges corresponding to the LIMIT clause
EjbqlOrderByVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates a list of org.objectweb.medor.query.api.OrderField to a given ORDER BY clause.
EjbqlQueryFilterVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates the filter corresponding to the WHERE clause.
EjbqlQueryTreeHolder Class to hold the query tree of a given EJBQL request.
EjbqlSelectVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates the selection projection for corresponding to a given WHERE clause.
EjbqlVariableVisitor Implementation of a visitor that creates a map of pairs [name,QueryTreeField] for all defined identifiers of the query.
FloatPkFieldMapping Conversion java.lang.Float <-> java.lang.String.
JavaType This class implements methods which permit to get informations about Java Types: the JDBC Types associated the ResultSet.getXXX() methods associated the PreparedStatement.setXXX() methods associated
(The Java Type may be or not a primitive type)
JormType This class contains several methods to manipulate a PType.
MarshallTool Contains static methods to marshall/unmarshall objects to/from a byte[]
RdbMappingBuilder Class to hold meta-information for Jorm
SqlDateFieldMapping Conversion java.util.Date <-> java.sql.Date.
SqlTimeFieldMapping Conversion java.util.Date <-> java.sql.Time.
SqlTimestampFieldMapping Conversion java.util.Date <-> java.sql.Timestamp.

Exception Summary
InvalidBeanException This class represents the exception throwned when an Entreprise Java Bean is invalid.