Package org.objectweb.jonas_ejb.container.jorm

Interface Summary
Coder This interface specifies two methods to translate a PName into a PK or the opposite action.
GenClassListener This interface is a listener over the actions which modify a GenClass.
PObject This interface permits to fetch the PName of a jorm persistent object.
PObjectHome This interface permits to obtain an instance with its PName.

Class Summary
Collection This class is a basic implementation of the java.util.Collection based on the generic class implementation (GenClassImpl).
CollectionElement This class is a specialization of the GenClassElement with an index to distinguish the dupicated element.
GenClassElement This class is a basic implementation of the PIndexedElem interface used by the GenClassImpl class.
GenClassImpl This class is a basic implementation of the PGenClassAccessor interface usefull for the multivalued relation.
JEntityContext This class extends the JEntityContext of the JOnAS container in order to take in consideration the fact that the container manages PName instances and not primary keys.
JormFactory This class is an extension of the JEntityFactory class.
MapperManager This class manages Jorm mappers.
MedorFactory This class does the initialisation of Medor and permits to access to the query.
Set This class is a basic implementation of the java.util.Set based on the generic class implementation (GenClassImpl) and the Collection implementation.