
Interface Summary
JResourceDSMBean Define the methods for the MBean
JResourceLDAPMBean Define the methods for the MBean
JResourceMBean Define the methods for the all the JResource MBean
JResourceMemoryMBean Define the methods for the MBean
JResourceRemote This interface defines a method to allow authentication on server side even for Client container or remote applications

Class Summary
JResource This class implements JOnAS realm factory objects.
JResourceDS This class extends the JResource class for the Datasource implementation.
JResourceDSFactory This class provides an implementation of a JResource Datasource factory for managing users
JResourceFactory This class provides an implementation of the abstract JResource factory for managing users
JResourceLDAP This class extends the JResource class for the LDAP implementation.
JResourceLDAPFactory This class provides an implementation of a JResource JNDI factory for managing users
JResourceMemory This class extends the JResource class for the Memory implementation.
JResourceMemoryFactory This class provides an implementation of a JResource Memory factory for managing users
JResourceRemoteImpl This class allow to make authentication on server side even for Client container or remote applications

Exception Summary
JResourceException The class MailServiceException that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch.