
Interface Summary
ReconfigDispatcherMBean This MBean type has an empty management interface, it only servers for extending NotificationBroadcaster.
ReconfigManagerMBean MBean interface for the ReconfigManager allowing JOnAS persistent reconfiguration.
Reconfigurator This interface is designed for a reconfigurator for xml or properties file.
Reconfigured Define an interface for ReconfiguredProp or ReconfiguredXml

Class Summary
AbsReconfigurator This class allows for persistent reconfiguration of a JOnAS service or of a JOnAS resource This is an abstract class.
AttributeAddNotification Implements a notification class allowing to notify that an MBean attribute was mofified via the addAttribureName method.
AttributeRemoveNotification TO DO
JonasMBeanTools Utility MBean classes.
ListenerJavaBean This class associates the listner with its filter and handback.
ReconfigDispatcher This MBean implementation has to be extended by MBeans associated to reconfigurable JOnAS services and to reconfigurable resources managed by JOnAS (DataSources and MailFactories).
ReconfigManager This MBean allows persistent reconfiguration of a JOnAS server, alltogether with its embedded services, and possibly used resources like Data Sources ans Mail Factories.
ReconfiguratorProp This class allows for persistent reconfiguration of a JOnAS service or of a JOnAS resource being configured by a .properties file.
ReconfiguratorXml This class allows for persistent reconfiguration of a JOnAS service or of a JOnAS resource being configured by a .xml file.
ReconfiguredXml Define an object which implements Reconfigured interface which handle xml file

Exception Summary