1.5. Start persistence

  1. Start JOnAS (use -Deasybeans.useSimplePool=true if there is a possibility to undeploy "audit-jpa-nosql"-"jpa" bundle)

  2. check out git@gitorious.ow2.org:ow2-jonas/audit-jpa-nosql.git

  3. compile project (using Maven)

    mvn clean install
  4. Go on audit-jpa-nosql/deployment/goToZip/target/distrib

    • There is a Zookeeper Server started on the same machine that JOnAS will be start

      ant -DzkServer=on
    • There is not any Zookeeper Server started on the same machine that JOnAS will be start

      • To open persistence.xml and modify the following property

        <property name="datanucleus.ConnectionURL" value="hbase:ip:port" />

        ip : The namenode’s server address

        port : The namenode’s server port

        (write on $HADOOP_HOME/conf/core-site.xml)

      • Start

    • To restore the persistence.xml used by JOnAS (works with Zookeeper)

      ant -Drestore=on